Alliance of the Rule: Questions and Answers page 3

ANDY: I have a question. Uhm it sounds like Ptoh and the Alliance of the Rule are kind of doing the same thing. I mean, I know that Ptoh is supposed to ?

THERRY: No, the Alliance of the Rule is a contract, a set of laws.

ANDY: Yeah.

THERRY: A set of limits.

ANDY: Yeah.

THERRY: It tells you what you cannot do and what you must not do and what you're allowed to do.

ANDY: Okay.

THERRY: Now, one of the things in terms of what you are allowed to do, you can do any damned thing you want so long as you're willing to pay the price.

ANDY: Yeah.

THERRY: And it's like paying taxes, you either pay me now or pay me later, but you are going to pay me.

ANDY: But then, inside here it says, they had to form an Alliance with Ptoh, the keeper of the Book of Seeds.

THERRY: Okay, now you're talking about the Graces, the three parts of life, the three faces of life.

ANDY: Yeah but that?

THERRY: This is where Isis grants the Illusion of Life...

ANDY: Yeah...

THERRY: Anubis cuts or ends the Illusion of Life and thus gives you the Death Process but Ptoh is the governor of the span, what happens between your birth and your Death Process.

ANDY: But that sounds...okay, well can you clarify what the difference is between Ptoh and the Alliance of the Rule because it sounds like it's somehow like, you know, there's like this checkout system. "Okay, we have the Alliance of the Rule, next we have Ptoh who's gonna..." But it sounds like it's closely linked to the Alliance of the Rule and all the conditions you have to agree to if it's dealing with...

THERRY: Okay. Ptoh is a pattern.

ANDY: Yeah.

THERRY: It's universal for all. The Alliance of the Rule is very specific to each.

ANDY: Oh okay, alright. And what is the Book of Seeds?

THERRY: The Book of Seeds is the possibilities of all that can happen.

ANDY: In a person's life or the Universe?

THERRY: In the Universe.

ANDY: Okay.

KEN: This might be stupid, but I like that section of the bubble in Singularity. Is there some way at a future date you can go do your little magic and figure out more how that's working? I mean, I know it's a bit long but?

THERRY: I'm quite sure there're Other World Teachers floating around who have more knowledge of it than I do.

KEN: Well, it'd be nice to bring down into the Lexicon or...

THERRY: Well, that's not...that's easier said than done.

CINDY: They're on vacation.


KEN: Are you that guy they made move the van?

THERRY: You have to understand that I have two "o"s not just one.

GENE: "O"s?

CINDY: Hose?




CINDY: Oh, okay.

THERRY: For the sake of those who didn't get it, "good" as opposed to "God."

ANDY: Okay.

THERRY: I have two "o"s.

CINDY: That's a cute one.

KEN: Well, trying to equate it back to "What, If and But" since it kinda looks like there maybe a little bit of a framework...even those that were...after the disruption and change, those who became discontent, they're still within the whole Universal Nest. I mean they're not really isolated.

THERRY: Correct.

KEN: They're just in their own Illusion.

THERRY: They're just in their own level.

KEN : Yeah so, like I said, it almost sounds like elementals again or like Tommy said.

THERRY: Right, I guess that would be another name for them.

KEN: They don't get to affect...

THERRY: Or you can't even say discarnate because they were never uh?

KEN: Right. So they can't affect down here, physical reality, Soul of Man things because they never passed the Gate so they have no entrance or exit.

THERRY: Correct.

KEN: So?

THERRY: But they can't get out of their wars.

KEN: Right.

THERRY: And when the pain gets big enough, everybody changes.

CINDY: Therry, the Alliance of the Rule, is it a basic contract where it modifies each time you reincarnate because of the fact that you have made changes?


CINDY: I mean, can I get a lot of codicils?

THERRY: Yes, but that's the Affinity Factor that keeps the Tally of all those changes.

CINDY: Okay.

KAY: So did we get??

THERRY: Exactly how it works, I haven't got the slightest idea.

KAY: When we had mentioned the set of conditions we agreed to as we you know, as part of the Alliance of the Rule. I have: agreed to become pawns, Karma, Free Will and Predestiny, anything else?

THERRY: Cycles of life and death as opposed to eternal.

KAY: Oh, okay.

THERRY: Being judged by Karma as opposed to being Karma-free. Anyway, there's a whole lot of stuff about that in the Lexicon some place.

HARRIS: It's all the laws that govern your illusion and reality as well, right?


HARRIS: You can't see above your own reality, you can only see below.

THERRY: That's correct.

HARRIS: You can't jump over a tall building with a single bound.

KAY: [Laugh]

THERRY: Not if you're human. If you're a bird, you can.

KEN: You said those entities that were discontent outside Singularity, they did not have Karma and yet you said?

THERRY: No, they were in the Hell of Their Own Thoughts. They don't have anything but pits of anger, hatred and resentment and all the negative that?

KEN: But you said, they do have cause and effect so how are they?

THERRY: No, not yet.

PRISCILLA: Once they choose.

THERRY: They are isolated within their own little bubble. They have nothing.

KEN: That energy doesn't emanate outside their own sphere?


PRISCILLA: Once they chose to uhm change, that's when they agree to the Alliance of the Rule and that's when Karma steps in?

THERRY: That's correct. That's when the Affinity Factor and the Tally Man takes them under their wings, so to speak. They say, "We will teach you, but you have to do the work."

KEN: I know where to answer to this one came in, but the ones inside Singularity, why can't they forgive the other ones and let them come back in?

TOMMY: It's not up to them.

THERRY: Because nobody can forgive anybody. Nobody can do anything for anybody else. They all have to do it for themselves, by themselves. When they become discontented, it was they and they alone who evoked the forces and they're the ones that are stuck with it.

KEN: I'm trying to tie this back to a previous?

THERRY: Remember, the grand law, "You can use the greatness of your heart to forgive the harm and the imagined harm that is done to you by others. In doing so, the only one that is forgiven is you. But Karma forgives nothing." KEN: Right, I knew you were going to say that, but Karma doesn't exist for at state for those people.

THERRY: It doesn't change the fact?

KEN: I know, I know...

THERRY: if Karma doesn't exist for them, nothing exists for them but the awareness of their own war.

KEN: Going back to Presence and Absence, you said it was...once the disturbance took place in Singularity it happened as a matter of law or for whatever reason. So those entities, did they have the Free Will to be discontent or were they just automatically discontent on the outside?

THERRY: You're asking the wrong person.

KEN: Okay, 'cuz that would tie in nice with the Presence/Absence - tie that in?

THERRY: Yeah, I have way in the back of knowledge and it's only knowledge, it's not wisdom, I have a label for the level for those they're in and it is...I lost it!


KEN: Well, here we are for another hundred thousand years! And what will free you all is?Yeah!

PRISCILLA: It was there a second ago!

THERRY: I guess they didn't want it revealed.

ANDY: Oh okay. Ahhh, one of those moments.

THERRY: Remember, I'm not free. I have a set of rules I must abide by.

ANDY: Your Alliance of the Rule?

CINDY: He doesn't have one.

THERRY: The proponents of the Brothers of the Chain. I can only bring forth a very limited or limited wisdom. I can't bring down everything. I'm not allowed.

ANDY: Okay.

KEN: He's your supervisor, right?

CINDY: Well, maybe next time.

ANDY: Can we talk to your supervisor, please?

THERRY: Well, you'd have to go to the altar for that.

ANDY: O-kay!

THERRY: I have a funny feeling that I don't think he's going to be very attentive.

ANDY: Oh. But things change though. 'Cuz I know sometimes you've opened up about certain things and other times clamped down.

KEN: He likes you.

ANDY: What?

KEN: He likes you.

CINDY: That's 'cuz you don't like him.

KEN: So basically even though there's a lot of pain and separation and time, everything kinda works out in the end eventually. I mean, that's the...

THERRY: There's a promise to that but you're talking about time that is so grand that's it's ludicrous to even think of it.

KEN: Hmmm, can I ask you?

THERRY: From our point of view, you might as well say, for eternity.

KEN: Well, that's cheerful!

HARRIS: One of the things that's puzzled me at times, kind of like the idea of Linear Time, it can never have a beginning becuz what would come before it is: Who and how did the first karmic occurrence happen? What was the impetus for it? In other words, you had no Karma yet, there was no Karma and someone had to be the first to cause something like?

THERRY: That depends. You could be talking about what occurred in Singularity or in the bubble within Singularity. Or you could be talking about what's happening in the Great Void.

HARRIS: I'm talking about the Plane of Common Reality.

THERRY: When you enter the Astral Plane of Common Reality, you entered loaded down with Predestiny.

HARRIS: So all it takes is two to tango and there you go?

THERRY: Doesn't even take two. You can have quite a nice little war going on inside your own head.

HARRIS: No, I can't. Yes, I can. No, I can't. Yes, I can.


HARRIS: We'll talk about this later.

KEN: No we won't!


PRISCILLA: So, uhm, all of us as humans or in the Soul of Man, were once Angels in the Singularity?


PRISCILLA: So, one day we will return?

THERRY: And we've not lost the spark, it's just got a little soiled.


THERRY: 'Cuz we're still in the Universal Nest, but we're in a special little bubble that?

PRISCILLA: So that's the place that we were all aspiring to go home to, is Singularity?



CINDY: Are we looked at as renegades or??


THERRY: No, those are human terms.

CINDY: Those are human...okay.

GENE: Little brains.


THERRY: Is that it? Paul, take the roll call.

PAUL: Ken? Kay, I mean, Cathy? [Laughter]

THERRY: Don't forget to read next week's entry.