Alliance Of The Rule:
Limitations Karmically Imposed Upon Man
(Laws which give Karma its power)

The Alliance of the Rule is the special collection of conditions to which the pilgrim agreed to be bound by in order to pass through the DoubleGate (a special portal) which led into any given level of The Earth-Experience. However, it is important to remember that while the over-all pattern (the pattern which binds the Pilgrim's Soul to the Law which governs the specific level of experience) remains the same for every traveler who enters any given level of experience, the specific conditions for each traveler (the conditions which allowed the pilgrim to enter that given level of experience) would, indeed, be different. This is the Claim-to-uniqueness at work.

When entities interacted with the Trap of The Grand Maya, the Magi of Lemuria discovered, that by law, all who interacted within the Trap of Maya had to submit to the powers of the DoubleGate. The Magi discovered that for each level, and for each sublevel of experience, they had to pass a sentry to get in, and a sentinel to get out. But, because of the ever present power of the Law of Freewill upon each's destiny within the trap called Maya, each individual had to pay a price to enter; they had to form an alliance with Ptoh, the Keeper of the Book Of Seeds; they had to place themselves under the powers of The Continuum of Karma.

In today's world, we call the incoming side of the DoubleGate (the side leading into the Earth's physical level of experience) Ariel; and, the outgoing side of the DoubleGate (the side leading out of the Earth's physical level of experience) is called Gabriel.

Each time a Pilgrim approached a level of experience, Recursive Dialusion forced The-Law-of-Continuums upon the traveler. This process occurred regardless of which side of the DoubleGate was approached. This is so because of the ever-presence of the power of the law which governs the Walk-of-Freewill and the Walk-of-Predestiny for each traveler once he had arrived within the trap called Maya. Even more important to understand is that not only did each traveler have to pay the price of the Alliance of the Rule to enter, the traveler also had to make the proper trade-off before he was allowed to leave.

It must be remembered that when the pilgrim entered his respective level of experience, the law which governs the Golden Ankh (specifically, that part of law which operates the force of the Broken Cross) recorded the incoming Karmic Chord. As the traveler played his games, his experiences changed his Karmic Chord to reflect his earthly experiences. This process (the process of having his original Karmic Chord changed by his experiences on that level) is the tie that binds the pilgrim upon his respective level unto forever. That individual would not be allowed to leave his respective level of experience so long as his present Karmic Chord was unlike his original; that was the nature of the trap of the game.

While it was true that some individuals chose a totally new game (this is how new discoveries are made on this level of Earth), most chose to enter a game that was already in progress. Usually, the game was chosen because of the attraction that still existed toward other individuals who were also caught in the game. In such a case, the game was chosen because there was Karma to equalize with some of the people in the game.

But, there are some circumstances where an individual has no choice, regardless of what he does. His Karma forces him into a game just because of the over-all situation within the game, and because of the time span of the era of the game. Usually, in this case, the Karma is connected to a misdeed which can take place only in a very specific situation, rather than with an individual within that game.

An example of this might be the necessity of being born Jewish in Nazi Germany during World War Two. For such an individual, the force or the damage which prejudice brings might be the attraction of the game. The attraction of the game might even be the excessive love of country above love of justice. Such an individual would spend much time in the Resistance Movement committing may unjust deeds; rationalizing them by thinking that he is only in the service of France, and that his victims' rights do not matter.

One can use the greatness of his heart to forgive the harm, or the imagined harm done to him by another; in so doing, he is released from the cycle of pain; But, Karma forgives nothing!

To the mystic, growth was simply a matter of choosing to travel from the game you found yourself in, to a less destructive game. The less destructive game had the least attraction to Earth, and therefore pulled its player to Earth much less. Those who played more destructive games descended deeper and deeper into The Maya until they became eternally trapped--they became the working props and pawns of the level of awareness they found themselves in. This process of becoming a working prop, a pawn for the level of awareness is, in and of itself, a point along the continuum of becoming an Oblivionite.

What makes it difficult to understand is that there were two types of travelers--the Mystical Travelers (the special teachers) and the Pilgrims (the residents of the Earth Experiences). For both, the Pilgrims and the Mystical Travelers, The Alliance Of The Rule was the collection of conditions each agreed upon to pass the DoubleGate and enter the Earth experience. It was the price for the privilege of entering this circus sideshow we call The Earth Experience.

A part of the special conditions which the Pilgrim agreed to in order to descend is, in itself, the seed of Man's actual descent into The Maya--the Pilgrim had to take the form of an unholy mortal. It was not the same for the Mystical Traveler. While it is true that the Mystical Traveler also had to appear to become mortal, and in the very sense of the word he did. An important difference of the Mystical Traveler's special conditions was that he would have to be among but not of the residents of his respective levels of the Earth Experiences. In fact, the Mystical Traveler had to, in some way, become a pawn of the Universal subset of law which governed the level of experience within which he found himself.

In other words, the Mystical Traveler often found himself to be a resident within the in between time (see Death), acting as an OtherWorld Teacher. As an OtherWorld Teacher, the Mystical Traveler often played the role of either an Angel, a Harpy, or a Demon for the dying who could not willingly give up the games which belonged to an ending life. A great part of their task as an OtherWorld Teacher was to accompany a pilgrim soul as it left one life's experience and entered into another. A good way of understanding the role they played would be to see them as a guide. However, one of the saddest roles they had to play was to force, by law of Karma, a pilgrim soul into a reincarnation which duplicated the life that the pilgrim soul had just left.

It would be a shame to die without first making a contribution of value to the species within which we were born. In truth, our First Duty should lie in the ability to benefit our Planet... Our Second Duty should lie in the ability to benefit others of our kind, not in our ability to bring forth religion upon the Earth.

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