Anubis: Questions and Answers Page 2

FRAN: Is this Hall of Waiting like when you go in the doctor's office and you wait forever?


RUTHIE: I have a question based on another experience. That time when Kay and I were at the hospital and the man died and Kay and I were part of that experience and the Force that came over that I didn't...or at least it was very powerful from my understanding and the man had definitely died. They kept trying to bring his body back. And he was hovering in the room and I talked to him and then he just continued on. Uhm was that Force his Asphyx or was that the Force of Anubis?

THERRY: That Force, him hovering in the room?

RUTHIE: He was hovering in the room but it was the power, it was like we were just being...

THERRY: First of all, that part that was hovering in the room was his Asphyx. The Force that was...

RUTHIE: 'Cause he was about to...he left the body but he was out of it. He left it but he hadn't taken off.

THERRY: Right, the Force that was drawing everything is Anubis.


DEAN: So is that the Beta body? The Asphyx, does that equate to the Beta body?

DIRK: I thought that Death was not a Force, that it was a process and that the only aspect of Death that was a Force was the Asphyx. And now you're saying the Force that's in control of this whole thing is Anubis.

THERRY: Well, Anubis is the Force that ends the Illusion of Life.

DIRK: I thought that was the Asphyx...was the Force.

THERRY: No, the Asphyx is you.

DEAN: Right.

THERRY: Your Life Essence.

DIRK: The Asphyx is my Life Essence.

THERRY: It's that spark of Mind Force that animates the shell that you're presently inhabiting.

DIRK: So why don't we call that Spark of Mind Force, why are we now calling it the Asphyx?

THERRY: 'Cause it's been called the Asphyx for hundreds and thousands of years, why should we suddenly change?

DIRK: I haven't heard you refer to anybody's Mind Force as the Asphyx.

THERRY: That doesn't change anything.

DIRK: Okay.

DEAN: Isn't it the Mind Force and the Life Force combined that is the Asphyx?


DEAN: It's just strictly the Mind Force?

SANDY: Life essence.

THERRY: Well, yes and no. There's a difficulty there because when you have an out-of-body experience such as the one you were talking about...uhh the vehicle that you're in, the vehicle that Mind Force resides in, is part of Life Force. But the Asphyx itself is strictly Mind Force.

JORGE: Is the Soul of an individual the Asphyx?


SANDY: Oh-h-h-h!

DIRK: It seems to me we use the same word to mean a lot of different things.

KEVIN: What different words mean the same thing?

DIRK: Well, I've heard that the Soul is a record of what Man has done with his individuality.

THERRY: That's correct.

DIRK: So it's also the Asphyx?


JORGE: Because of the individuality. It's the individual piece of Mind Force, is that right?


JORGE: Is the Asphyx the individual piece of Mind Force that makes up an entity and therefore the entity's soul?


ANDREW: I agree with Dirk. I thought the Soul was nothing but a record, an administrative function of what the entity does with its piece of Life Force.

THERRY: No, the The uhh the Soul is the embodiment of the interplay between Predestiny and Free Will as a certain angel has gone through a Life Cycle in the Soul of Man.

ANDREW: Now you're saying that's equivalent to the Asphyx?

THERRY: The Asphyx is Mind Force. The other part is the Mind Force/Life Force Pairing.

ANDREW: So they're not equivalent?

THERRY: They're not equivalent. Now, when we have our out of body experiences, it is the same process as the Death Process, with the exception that the Chord is not cut.

ANDREW: I thought in this reading you have that Anubis was the Death Process or the Force of Death that commands the Asphyx to cut through the Blood Mendella to release the Ba.

THERRY: Correct.

ANDREW: So are you're saying that...

THERRY: Anubis is the only Force as part of its process that opens the Blood Mendella and releases the person from their...releases the spark of Mind Force from the cage of Life Force.

DIRK: Ani does that not, the Asphyx.

DEAN: Right.

ANDREW: But in the writing you have the Asphyx.

THERRY: The Asphyx is what gets released

ANDREW: That's not what it says in the writing. It says Anubis directs the Asphyx which is the Force that cuts the Blood Mendella and allows the person to go through it.

THERRY: No, the Death Process is...Part of the Death Process is where Anubis opens the Blood Mendella and cuts the Chord. What gets released is the Asphyx.

ANDREW: Okay then I think that needs to be changed 'cause...We can address it later but I think it...

DEAN: If it doesn't read that way, we need to change it.

THERRY: Now we encounter Anubis every day in different ways. Every time we have a birth of something new that replaces something old, that which is old went through a Death Process. Even the seed must die if the blade of grass is to live. But the important part about the In Between Time is that it's only task is to help you release yourself from the attachments of this life.

DEAN: Okay, I have a question. Once you get released from this life and you wind up in Hades and you're in your waiting period to I have premise right so far? Is there another option where you really don't reincarnate and you're in Hades and you go some place else other than reincarnate?

THERRY: Well, that would be a reincarnation too, just in a different place.

DEAN: So you can go to a higher level as opposed to descending again, right?

THERRY: Well that depends on your Karma.

DEAN: But everything passes through Hades basically.


DEAN: All entities.

THERRY: That's the Weigh Station.

DEAN: So, so add on to that, how...where does Castle Keep come into this mix?

THERRY: Castle Keep houses everything.

DEAN: Okay, so then that permeates everything, overlaps everything, it gets involved with everything.

THERRY: It doesn't matter what you want to talk about, it happens in Castle Keep.

DEAN: Okay. All dimensions, everything in other words.

THERRY: Everything, everything.

DEAN: It's the superstructure of everything basically.


DEAN: So, do you, do there...there's a way to actually encounter that directly?

THERRY: Yes, if it's in your Alliance of the Rule.

DEAN: I think I have, I'm not sure. I believe I have but I can't say for sure.

THERRY: It's quite possible.

DEAN: It was different than Hades.


RUTHIE: I have a question going back to what you said recently about Death. We experience it on a daily basis all around us. And this may be slightly off subject but when, for instance, you are...if a person is near a large forest that has just been, I call it just been butchered down, you can feel the trees have all been killed and frequently the feeling of what they've gone through is apparent and they're crying, they're suffering. Do those trees then immediately reincarnate into new trees, seedlings? They just haven't experienced it...

THERRY: They go through the same set of laws that we do.

RUTHIE: All of Life Force?

THERRY: All of Life has one set of laws. You're talking about the disturbance in the force. As part of the Research Center we want to get in touch with the Force. We want to become Luke Skywalker? [Chuckle]

DEAN: [Chuckle]

RUTHIE: Well, we have Hal!

DEAN: But he's not skywalking yet!

HAL: Most definitely not.

ANDREW: Just to get some terms right...

THERRY: Unfortunately, some of the labels there will make a mockery of what we're trying to do but it is accurate.

RUTHIE: Such as?

THERRY: We want to become Jedis.

HAL: Does that mean...sorry...

THERRY: You want to be in touch with the Force and have it guide you.

HAL: Does that mean...sorry...

JORGE: You don't want to go to Texas! [Soft persuasive voice]


HAL: Therry, does that mean that we could study Martial Arts?


HAL: Does that mean we could like study Martial Arts or something?

THERRY: We study Martial Arts, yes, but not for combat.

JORGE: I have experienced the Force of Martial Arts, Chi is the Chinese word or Ki in Japanese.


KEVIN: Martial Arts is the Mind?


DIRK: If you had to choose between the following statements as true, "Death is a Force" or "Death is a Process" which would be true?

THERRY: That would be a difficult choice...

DIRK: Because emphatically...

THERRY: ...because both are true.

DIRK: emphatically you told me that Death is not a Force.

THERRY: Death is a process but...

DEAN: That could have some Force.

THERRY: Yeah but the thing that drives it is a Force.

HAL: I thought that Death was an Emotion?


JORGE: There is an Emotion called Death.


DEAN: That's different.

JORGE: So part of the Affinity Factor has a Force in it that prescribes Death, is that true?


DIRK: That prescribes?

JORGE: That is to some degree, in some way, predestined, in some cases to an exact way or in other cases, to a more loose way. Is that the Force that we're talking about? The Force that's in the Affinity Factor governing Death?

THERRY: It could be.

JORGE: What else could it be?

THERRY: I don't know how to answer that because it's so ethereal or e-thereal whatever you want to call it. It's difficult to know where one begins and the other leaves off between the two statements that you've mentioned. If...Death is a process because it is a process where the Life Force is shutting down and no longer is able to support and continue the Spell of Life but that doesn't happen on its own. There has to be cause for that effect. So that cause would be Anubis. The effect, of course, is a process because you're dealing with the cage of matter that Mind Force is in.

DEAN: Can I ask a question? Or are you...

RUTHIE: No, go ahead.

DEAN: Is the Asphyx controlling the Ba or releasing the Ba or is the Ba the Asphyx?

THERRY: Neither.

DIRK: The Mind Force in this new understanding is the Asphyx which it never used to be.

THERRY: Yeah, it always was.

DIRK: No it wasn't! [Chuckle] It used to be that the Asphyx was some aspect or some Force that Anubis released and it was the Asphyx that cut the Chord and opened the Blood Mendella to let the Mind Force flee from the Ka.

DEAN: I don't recall that. I've always understood the Asphyx was being released.

DIRK: Okay.

ANDREW: When you refer to the individual's Asphyx...

DEAN: Sorry...I just got confused. I thought the Asphyx was the Ba.

THERRY: No, uhh, don't think in those terms.

DEAN: Okay. If the Asphyx is being released...

THERRY: Don't think in those terms.

DEAN: Is the Asphyx being released?

THERRY: Yes, it is being released from the cage of matter.

DEAN: From the Ka?

THERRY: Well, not really because ...

DEAN: Is this happening on a different level?

THERRY: doesn't dispense with Life Force totally. Once you are released from the cage that we reside in here, you still have Life Force, so you're still in a cage.

DEAN: So the Ba is a cage, yes?

THERRY: Uhh the

DEAN: ...once you cross over.

THERRY: No, it's a combination of both.

DEAN: Okay. I mean the Ka does become the Ba.

THERRY: See, Mind Force must have a vehicle. The vehicle regardless of its level is part of Life Force.

DEAN: Uh-hmmm. Well...

THERRY: As you go more into out of body experiences and stuff like that, you'll come to understand that more.

KEVIN: Do, there's two questions before mine.

RUTHIE: In earlier conversations we've talked about how strong emotions can hold an individual back.

THERRY: That's correct.

RUTHIE: And I know that at times people would say that does that mean that Martin Luther King was not allowed to go on to his next experience because millions of people were mourning for him. Or is it...regardless it's still based on what that individual's Predestiny is, correct?

THERRY: Correct.

RUTHIE: And how is it, what is the process by...I mean, you can say that strong emotions hold somebody back but how does that take place?

THERRY: Well, let's put that in the proper light. The In Between Time is a time for you to release yourself from the attachments of this life so if you're attached to somebody or a group of people and they go wailing because you've kicked the bucket, the only thing that has been accomplished is that you have not released yourself from the attachments.

RUTHIE: It's you having these attachments to the people that are mourning you?


RUTHIE: Because a great leader like King, we don't know if he was attached. They were obviously attached to him.

THERRY: Well, you call him a great leader, there are others that would call him a demon.

RUTHIE: Okay, well that's another discussion. Uhm or Gandhi, they get killed, they get murdered, just like that.

THERRY: You're still missing the point here. The In Between Time is a time for you to release yourself from the attachments - all attachments.

RUTHIE: But you are...

THERRY: If you cannot release yourself because your own emotions are tied with those who are mourning, then you don't go forward.

RUTHIE: And you've always stated, in the past at least, that it's better if you're still on this side, to not have strong emotions for the person who's leaving...

THERRY: That is correct.

RUTHIE:...because you can hinder them.

THERRY: That is correct.

DIRK: I don't understand how you hinder them.

DEAN: What?

DIRK: I don't understand how you hinder them! If it's their opportunity to decide whether they still want to be attached to Earth, what does it have to do if one person is mourning them or a million persons is mourning them?

THERRY: Well, there's two people going on there. There's the people who are mourning him and there's the emotions that the disincarnate would have towards those people. If they feel that his job is not done, if he feels that there's still a lot more that he's gotta do, he's not ready to go, then he's not releasing himself from attachments.

DIRK: Yeah but what does that have to do with the people who are still alive?

DEAN: Because they're...

THERRY: They're part of the equation.

DIRK: I don't see how.

DEAN: Their energy reaches that person and it can have an effect. If the person is developed enough, it won't have an effect. If he's not, it can have an effect.

JORGE: It's temptation.

DEAN: I don't know about temptation but it can have an effect if the person's not developed enough to keep it at bay and move on? Right?

SANDY: Is there like a window...

DEAN: Am I right, excuse me, am I right with that? Okay.

SANDY: What is the emotion window that we're talking about. Is it like a few days?

THERRY: Flip a coin.

SANDY: (1) day.

JORGE: What amount of the personality survives the Death Process? This is two-sided coin. The other side of the coin is, how does the World of Alfa relate to Hades and what is experienced or who experiences Hades?

THERRY: Okay. That's a little convoluted. Think of the World of Alfa as a temporary file. It is a file that records your experience on the Astral Plane of Common Reality. It is the file that is in effect as long as your minor interaction between Life Force/Mind Force inhabits the major interaction between Life Force/Mind Force. Now, the major is that part of Life Force that is the cage that we interact with on the Astral Plane of Common Reality. When the Death Process has completed itself, then there is still a part of Life Force that is a new cage for the Mind, the spark of Mind Force. That goes into the Hall of Waiting. Now when it is time...we call that the Beta Level. When it is time for an individual to again reincarnate, the process of reincarnation is the rebirth of the Death Process and it reactivates a new temporary file and it sets limits on the physical cage that Mind Force will descend into...Mind Force/Life Force will descend into. So each time you have a major pairing and a minor pairing. And that's the Process of Life or the Illusion of Life. Once you descend on to the Astral Plane of Common Reality then everything becomes real. You're caught in time.

JORGE: So back to the first part, as far as how much of personality survives the Death Process.

THERRY: That depends on Predestiny.

JORGE: Does that have to do with how much of personality is...I guess part of personality would be wisdom as far as...and also springs into Automatic Pilot. Is Automatic Pilot is it that strictly knowledge or is that also ...

THERRY: Automatic Pilot is strictly part of the temporary file process.

JORGE: So if you have particular knee jerk reactions to some stimuli, can that not transfer to your next life and if so, how so?

THERRY: If it's part of the temporary file, it doesn't transfer. It's all knowledge.

JORGE: If it's not part of the temporary file, is it then part of Predestiny?

THERRY: Yes and the Alliance of the Rule.

JORGE: And much of personality can be part of Predestiny?

THERRY: Flip a coin.

KEVIN: What?

JORGE: Flip a coin.

THERRY: You're asking a question that has no answer.

DIRK: I have another question. My understanding is that, each level or each...I don't remember the exact words we used, but each experience has with it a partner that also must be experienced before that level can be transcended completely. And in the case of us, we have Life and we have Death and we have this Hall of Waiting. Does that imply that there is an additional...if the Hall of Waiting is somewhere in between, does that imply that there is The Other Side of Life that we don't know nothing about?


DIRK: So the Hall of Waiting is like a "t'aint"? Or somewhere between those two?

THERRY: Okay. Yeah, you can use that.

DIRK: What do we know about this Other Side of Life? Can we know anything about it at all?

THERRY: Not while you're in life.

DIRK: So you can't astrate there, nothing? It's a closed door?

THERRY: It's a closed door.

DIRK: The only thing you can do is maybe get to the Hall of Waiting because that's somewhere in between the two.

THERRY: Yeah you can get to the Hall of Waiting but you can't go beyond.

DIRK: So you don't know nothing about...well...

THERRY: No-one that's living knows.

DEAN: Well, what about all the other experiences that people have when they astrate? And they're not in Hades. They're on other Planets or other Dimensions or Levels.

THERRY: Read the Lexicon. There's a huge number of places that people can astrate to.

DEAN: Did I not understand your question?

THERRY: I think it's under Galaxies.

DEAN: Did I not understand your question?

DIRK: I have no way of knowing that.

DEAN: Because of the question I asked...because he seemed to respond there is no Other Side. You can't experience any other side of Life on The Other Side.

DIRK: If you're alive...

DEAN: Yeah...

DIRK: You can't get to The Other Side of Life.

THERRY: No, not unless you die!

DIRK: Right.

DEAN: There is no...but you have a mechanism of astrating that you can.


THERRY: Say that again.

DEAN: Doesn't the mechanism of Astration allow you to experience...


DEAN: The Other Side of Life?


DIRK: You're still on this side of life.

DEAN: Maybe I'm getting caught up in the vernacular here.

THERRY: If you're alive, it doesn't matter if you're in your body or out of your body or stealing somebody else's body or you're taking care of your neighbor's wife...


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