Fig. #1. Anubis, Of The House Of Ani, dreaded Lord of the Underworld. Few people realize that Ani is a friend. If we look at the relationship that exist between the four corners of existence, at least as far as humans are concerned, (1. Life; 2. Death; 3. Dying; and 4. Saying Goodbye), we find that our journey upon the Grand Maya is but an endless series of on-going transitions from what is called Life and what is called Death.

As a normal process, the individual takes both, life and death for granted. When the individual is alive they are too busy seeking to follow their dream, as it were, to think of the ramifications of, and the wonders of, and the miracle of being alive. Conversely, when the individual is what we call dead, they are too busy seeking to continue to follow their karmic dream, as it were, to think of the ramifications of, and the wonders of, and the miracle of being dead.

At least as far as the members of the TwinSpecies:human are concerned, it is the dying and the saying goodbye that is troublesome. The dying becomes the stage wherein the individual battles all types of fear... because of not knowing the true nature of reality. The religions of today who preach damnation don't help matters any either. The process of saying goodbye becomes the stage of playing a whole set of new games... games ranging from power-trips all the way to poor little me games.

However, that is another benefit to the endless process of the transitions from the game of life to the game of death. Few people stop to take the time to realize the relationship between the death process and the Astration process... both are the gifts from Ani. Their common threads is that in each case the individual goes through a process of leaving their bodies to experience a new reality. The fact that one is a one-way trip and the other is not is of little importance.

Ani comes, as a friend, and teaches us the process of releasing ourselves from the trap of the physical matter. To the degree that we accept Ani as a friend, to that degree will we not be held in the grips of fear during the process... again, to the degree that we are willing to let go of the affairs of the life that is ending, to that degree will we meet angels along the way. To the degree that we are not willing to accept Ani's teachings... to the degree that we do not wish to leave the affairs... the attractions... the traps of the life that is ending, to that degree will our OtherWorld Teachers be deamons of our own makings.

Needless to say, there is a hidden lesson in the process. Since the process of transitions from life to death is eternally on-going, we discover that the only things that we can bring with us is the love that we have known, the wisdom that we have gained, and the karma that we have remade. If, however, we step back we can see the hidden lesson quite clearly. It is very simple... to the degree that we remain alert and learn during the death process... to the degree that we remain fearless, to that degree will we gain the ability to Astrate (have out of body experiences) during our next life.

Again, another hidden lesson is that during each life's cycle, as each experiences out-of-body experience and/or lucid dreams, the less likely are these individuals to fear the death process.