Automatic Pilot
A Difference Between Life & Death
(Could The Twin Species: Human Have Survived Without It?)

Automatic-Pilot is the most important part of a life form's memory circuit. It is said to be the most important part of a life form's memory system because it, and it alone, is what allowed the species Man to win dominion over Lower, Middle Earth.

To be more specific, if not somewhat simplistic, Automatic Pilot is that part of a life form's long term memory wherein the Karmically imposed automated response patterns are stored. The important aspects of Automatic Pilot is that the automated responses are not static; that is, they can be programmed and reprogrammed over time; they can be updated to meet the changing needs. Of necessity, it changes slowly as it is the seed for Man's stability.

One must realize there is no escape from Automatic Pilot, because by law, it is built into Man's makeup. All that can be done is to program (or reprogram) Automatic Pilot in the way that you want it. Those who do not understand the makeup of Automatic Pilot (which is most people) are condemned to behave in accordance with whatever they have programmed into Automatic Pilot, or in accordance with whatever others have succeeded in reprogramming into their Automatic Pilot throughout their life.

The individual must understand that herein lies that unacceptable aspect of learning called brainwashing. Brainwashing is nothing more than one individual programming another's Automatic Pilot. All learning is a form of brainwashing, in that said change occurs in Automatic Pilot; but, not all learning is forced upon an individual by another. Sometimes an individual is smart enough to see the need for change by himself.

When children are first acculturated (taught how to behave), their Automatic Pilot is programmed with what the society calls acceptable responses to various stimuli, as seen by the child's parent's point of view; because of the relationship between the parent and the child, reprogramming is, sort of, a willing acceptance. They child is also taught that repeated behavior forms habits. Also, that repeated behavior will change habits. Thus, in time, the children are able to reprogram themselves, or be reprogrammed by others. The data that finally does get programmed will be what determines their acceptable limits, thereby their choices.

Automatic Pilot consists solely of a collection of alterable instincts which may be reprogrammed if the individual's Karma allows. However, there is a seeming three-way enigma governing Automatic Pilot which has far reaching effects. Firstly, because the individual has awareness of multitudinous levels of experience within a single reality, and, secondly, because each respective level of awareness is constantly reacting with, or is modified by, all the other levels of awareness (including other levels of understanding) to form that individual's reality, and, thirdly, because the only concept that is unchanging in all of the Universe is that change, itself, is constant, then, if life is to exist within a constantly changing environment, it is not surprising that Recursive Dialusion has seen fit to create an island of stability amongst constant change--the source of all stability within a constantly changing environment is the data that can be stored in Automatic Pilot. The enigma of it all is that Automatic Pilot is governed by Predestiny, while Predestiny is being governed or modified by The Walk of Freedom.

Firstly, to address the first aspect of the three-way enigma, we must ask ourselves: If Automatic Pilot is governed by Predestiny, how can it be altered, since, by definition, what is predestined cannot be changed? Secondly, to address the second aspect of the three-way enigma, we must ask a different question: If an individual has awareness upon levels of experience of which he is not consciously aware, how can he control the A Happenings upon those unrealized levels of experience? Further still, how can the A Happenings of those unrealized levels of experience govern the nature of what is reprogrammed into Automatic Pilot? Finally, to address the third aspect of the three-way enigma, we ask still a different question: How can something that is constantly changing never change? The answer to this three-way puzzle can be found hidden within The New Covenant--the promise of the New Covenant states that even the darkest spirit is not condemned except unto forever.

Automatic Pilot becomes important to an individual's karmic cycle because it, in some way, governs or modifies the individual's choices within any given situation (see Fig. #1). The defense aspect of Automatic Pilot becomes especially evident during dangerous circumstances. This is so because of the paralysis of thought in danger situations, or in heavy emotional states. This paralysis allows Automatic Pilot the only existing motivation, the only director of behavior, and, the only avenue that interaction with reality has to serve the needs of the situation; to these ends Automatic Pilot will be the source of all stability. In fact, from Man's point of view, Automatic Pilot gains its importance simply because it, and it alone, is what made it possible for the TwinSpecies:Human to survive; very specifically, most life forms attains their survival abilities from Automatic Pilot.

Automatic Pilot's force is equal upon all levels of awareness, and unto all levels of interaction. When the individual is such that he is being governed by Automatic Pilot, the only way that a change can come into being is by having that individual consciously interfere over time.

Automatic Pilot is not unlike a pre-weighted scale of justice, in that both sides of the Continuum of Change within Automatic Pilot may not rule at the same time--the duality aspect involved here is the contest between what is already written in Automatic Pilot (seen as the box B in Figure #2) and what is being written into Automatic Pilot (seen as the box A in Figure #2). Be it known that although what is contained within Box B is predestined, Automatic Pilot is alterable with tenacity through time. That which is programmed, in any given situation, is but half of the programmable or alterable instincts. The other half of said memory is dedicated solely to the altering, or otherwise modifying, of the contents of Automatic Pilot for each respective level of understanding, for each respective state of awareness.

If the individual commences to change Automatic-Pilot without the tenacity of time, such that the change is incomplete, the old program will again eradicate the contents of the updating memory aspects. Only a complete change will solidify the contents of Automatic Pilot's updating memory such that only the completed, updated program has the ability to erase previous contents of automated memory and take control of the individual's behavior.

Automatic Pilot is closely linked with the Continuum of Freedom. This is so because an individual's freedoms are what decide if he will have the ability (be free enough to use the ability that everyone has) to make changes within Automatic Pilot. In other words, Karma may deny the individual the opportunity to change a certain aspect of Automatic Pilot. Still, even though the individual may be trapped by (unable to make changes in, and therefore condemned to act according to the contents of) Automatic Pilot, it is not the process of programming itself that is the cause of Predestiny. It is the Continuum of Karma, which, for this situation, prevents the individual from updating the contents of Automatic Pilot. This in turn insures Predestiny.

Each storage cell of Automatic Pilot is an If-Then statement. There is a pivot point there. The pivot has its power from the Royal Steering Current. The effect of that pivot is: if you are not allowed to interfere, then Automatic Pilot will continue unabated. If you are allowed to interfere, then you are also allowed to enter a programmed sequence which will update or change Automatic Pilot. Said entrance is further dependent upon lower freedoms and Karma.

Freedom governs Automatic Pilot, and, in turn, it is always the Royal Steering Current that governs the pivot point of Freedom. Ninety percent of the Continuum of Freedom is dedicated to Automatic Pilot. The other ten percent is dedicated to freewill; in other words, situations which have not been programmed into Automatic Pilot.

An individual's ability to choose to go into or not to go into Automatic Pilot rests upon the Fabric of Freedom. (The pivotal point is the ability, not the choice itself.)

On Earth, the Fabric of Automatic Pilot is a Royal Steering Current. (Specifically for Earth only.)

Understanding Automatic Pilot is vital for those who seek to walk the way of Peace. If change is to occur, one must examine one's reference points and one's automated responses, then proceed to change the inappropriate ones through interference over time. With both an understanding of the mechanism (Automatic Pilot) and the desire (coupled with sufficient tenacity and patience) to change, the individual has another valuable tool to help him grow and change toward whatever goal he has chosen.