The Magic Circle creates the cocoon of Maya.

Fig. #4 The diagram above represents the Cocoon Of The Grand Maya [the dream of the separation from the whole], as it might be seen from a distance, as it might be seen by a visiting pilgrim--such as an Other-World Teacher-- who is just entering our Carbon Universe. We can clearly see one of the versions of The Magic Circle at the top opening of the downward spiraling leading into The Earth Experience. The spiraling effects of The Magic Circle give rise, among other things, to the waves of gravity which, in turn, create the Time/Space Continuum which traps Man in his own time, but allows relative freedom through his limited space. The spiraling bands also represent the many different veins of Creation, an example of which are the different layers of time--Sidereal time, Galaxy Time, Biological Time, Psychological time, etc. Still further, the bands represent the many layers upon which Man plays his games; as such, they also represent the many divisions of Man's awareness factor.