BaKa1.gif (75783 bytes)

Fig. #1. In the above diagram, the box within a box, within a box aspect of Creation is well represented to explain how one might think of a traveler's Ba residing within the BaKa, and, how the Ka might be residing within the traveler's Ba, and, still further, how the traveler's Soul might be at the very core of the individual--residing within the individual's Ka. A better look at the above picture-graph will also indicate how each level of an individual resides within a bubble that is seemingly separated from other levels by a placental barrier, giving each level the illusion of specific individuality. However, as the awareness factor changes its level, such that it crosses the placental barrier, control is also changed. The process of changing the level of the control mechanism from one side of a barrier to another often causes many of the unwanted sensations.