Fig. #3 The Broken Cross is but one of the many symbols that have been misused over and over again; mis-used to serve either an individual's mad grab for power, or, mis-used by various Governments' efforts to brain-wash its people into doing something they knew was wrong--wrong by their own standards of worship, by their own standards of law, by their own standards of decency, and by their own standards of what is right and what is wrong.

The most recent mis-use of an ancient symbol was during the Nazi era. We caution, therefore, to not make the error of applying the effect of mis-use onto the modern-day meaning of the symbol, itself. To do so would be an equal mis-use of the power of language. We caution that if anger exists because of the mis-use of a symbol, apply that anger to the individuals, or to the Governments that mis-used the symbols, and not to the symbols, themselves.

There is but one meaning to The Broken Cross--they are Steering Currents. The Broken Cross represents a special subset of laws which govern, which create, and which modify the building of various aspect of Reality--in some cases, it is a life-form's physical body that is being either repaired or modified. In other cases, it is a life-form's environment that is being either created or otherwise modified by the laws of the needs of the moment. Each different level of creation has its own building symbol, as does the Magic Circle. The above diagram shows the major four. It will be notices that the above graphics repeats the symbols seen in the many versions of The Magic Circle. It matters not which of the Magic Circles is used, it always sits atop one of the many versions of The Broken Cross. It is the combination of the two (The Magic Circle and The Broken Cross) that forms the power of The Ankh.

The graphic of Fig. #3 seeks to show the difference between the two symbols. As seen in panel A, the larger symbol represents a Royal Steering Current (being Royal, it governs, modifies, or changes all creations regardless of the level, regardless of the dimension). The smaller of the two represents a Common Steering Current (while the Royal Steering Current governs over all of creation, the smaller of the two governs only a very specific creation... a very specific Illusion, as it were.

In panel B we find the symbol for building a LifeForce / MindForce Pairing. While the larger of the two symbols governs or modifies all creations that are alive, the smaller of the two represents the building of a very specific life-form (While the larger governs all LifeForce / MindForce Pairing, the smaller of the two governs or modifies a single life-form... in the case of Man, it builds or modifies a single individual's limitations and abilities).

In panel C we find the symbol for building an Illusion. Again, the larger of the two symbols governs or modifies the patterns of all Illusions, while the smaller builds, governs, or modifies the Illusions of a specific Individual, in the case of Man.

In panel D we find the symbol for building a game. Again, the larger of the two symbols builds, governs or modifies the patterns of all games, the smaller of the two symbols builds, governs or modifies the patterns of a single game, limited by the individual's Karmic bondings.

What is interesting to note is that while all Royal Steering Currents get their power from FabricTime, all Common Steering Currents gain their power from LinearTime. When a Royal Steering Current is in the process of creating, governing, or modifying, there is no freewill--it is completely under the force of Cause & Effect's Predestiny.

However, when a Common Steering Current is in the process of creating, governing, or modifying we are reminded of the Prime Royal Steering Current that states: "That which exists shall exist duel in its nature, but Triune in its effect." This Prime Royal Steering Current becomes the "cause" whose effect is felt in LinearTime via the duel nature of Karma.

The Unity of Karma knows its power from LinearTime's cause & effect and from LinearTime's interaction between the individual's Illusions and the individual's games. The duality of Karma knows its power from the interaction of free-will & Predestiny and how the two impacts upon the individual's Illusions and the individual's games. The individual's for-bonds, with-bonds, and against-bonds, to a large degree, become the tie that binds the individual to his Predestiny. The Triunity of Karma knows its power from the interactions between "the past, the present, and the future" and the individual's ability to become aware of the need for change.