The Ba: The Borrowed Astral body
(The seed from which comes our physical bodies)

The Ba is the second of the Triune bodies within which the human species has its experiences upon The Cocoon Of The Grand Maya --The Earth Experience's Astral Plane Of Common Reality. The image seen in Fig. #1 shows the graphic symbol for both, the Ba and the Ka. The first panel shows the Ba when it is not within the physical body (it is seen as flying), while the second panel shows the Ba when it is in the physical body (it is seen as being at rest).

However, confusion often comes to the reader of old manuscripts because of the limits of language -- specifically, in that the pictorial image of the Ba when it is within the Ka (the physical body of Common Reality) is also the same pictorial image of the Ka, itself.

Another confusion with the image of the Ba is the direction that it is seen and the color that it is painted. If the Bird Ba is resting [not flying] on or above the individual's physical Ka such that it is looking at the physical Ka's head, then the individual was said, in life, to be a man of wisdom. If, however, the image of the Bird Ba is seen resting [not flying] on or above the individual's physical Ka such that it is looking at the physical Ka's feet, then, the individual, in life, was said to have been an earthly individual, given to satisfy earthly pleasures such as sex, greed, money, and power. Other attributes were denoted by the color (see the meanings of color elsewhere).

The image of the Bird Ba out of the body (the flying Ba) is simple. It possesses all the attributes of the standing Ba plus one more attribute -- out-of-body. If the flying Ba is flying towards the physical Ka, then it is either the representative of the individual's Birth, or the representative of the individual's awareness returning to The Astral Plane of Common Reality after either a Projection or an Astration -- color would make another difference.

If, however, the flying Ba is headed away from the physical Ka, then it is either the representative of the individual's Death, or the representative of the individual's awareness leaving The Astral Plane of Common Reality as the individual is either Projecting or Astrating -- color would make another difference.

Still further, one's point of view makes a difference with reference to which level is which. As an example, looking at it from Creation's point of view [creation's point of view is seen as the pilgrim is in the process of descending into the Earth Experience], the first layer of the Triune body is often thought of as being Sacred. It is called The BaKa (the Life-essence of the individual).

The second layer of the Triune body, as mentioned above, is called the Ba (the spiritual body). The third layer of the Triune body, again as mentioned above, is called the Ka (the physical body). Each resides within its lower vehicle not unlike a box within a box, within a box. The only true connection between the mechanism of each box, so to speak, is the connection which exists, via the placental barriers, as part of The Emotional Interchange Interface.

However, if we look at it from Man's point of view [Man's point of view is seen as the ascending point of view], basically, there are at least three aspects to each individual, regardless of the level of awareness said individual is on.

The most important of the three aspects, from Common Reality's point of view, is that aspect we know of as the physical body. It is the most important body simply because it is the body which we are familiar with; in that, it eats our food; it experiences all our pain; it breaths; and, it gets worn out -- thus it dies. It is called the Ka of this level, the Ka which resides in Earth's Astral Plane of Common Reality.

Depending upon the culture, the Ka can be valued or it can be discarded after it is no longer useful. In either case, when the individual goes through the death process, the physical Ka will die and be left behind. It will either be buried or it will be burned, according to the preference of the culture and the individual's family.

The second most important aspect to each individual, regardless of the level of awareness said individual is on, is that aspect which lives on after the death process. It, from the Astral Plane Of Common Reality's level point of view, never dies. Again, from this level's point of view, it is seemingly eternal. It is often called by two names; it is the Ba of this physical level, and, it is the Ka of the next higher level of existence -- the Beta Level. In ancient times, during the special teachings of new students [within the Temple Of Light], the body of the next level up was not always called the Ba. It was often interchanged with The Ka because it was, indeed, both a Ba and a Ka. It was taught that when the individual had grown sufficiently that he could leave Lower, Middle Earth to venture into Middle, Middle Earth, the first level's awareness of the Ba would also die and be left behind, as it was but the awareness of the first level, the level of Common Reality.

The third aspect of each individual, regardless of the level of awareness each individual is on, is often called The Eternal Ba, but its real name is The BaKa. It is the Ka of the third level of the Earth Experience (if we start counting from the lowest level).

There is yet another label which was used by the ancients to represent the still higher levels of an individual. While it is seldom used today, it is a point of notice -- The Sacred Ka. It is thought to be, if we consider the box within a box within a box concept, the higher boxes of the individual -- it was the BaKa's Ba. Furthermore, it was thought that when an individual achieved the ability to travel beyond the limits of the nine neighboring Astral places of existence, the vehicle within which he traveled was his Sacred Ka.

It is interesting to note that it is The Sacred Ka [the Astral body] which travels beyond the neighboring Astral planes of existence. This is so because each level of the box within a box is limited in its traveling ability. To extend traveling to the higher planes of the existence of The Maya requires the more developed, the less trapped layers of an individual to do the traveling. The higher levels of an individual are drawn less to the trap of The Maya, and therefore, are less limited to the lower levels of Maya.

It is also interesting to note that we see the Triune aspect of Recursive Dialusion at work here. If we remember the law: That which exists shall be dual in its nature, but Triune in its effects, The Ka, The Ba, The BaKa, and The Sacred Ba set the stage of just one of the many Triune levels of the Cocoon of Maya wherein life exists. And, by the laws which govern Repeating Patterns, the box within a box within a box also exists on all levels. We must also accept that each level overlaps the level next to it, forming a complete continuum. The end of the continuum in question, which contains The Sacred Ba, The BaKa, The Ba, and The Ka lies back in Orthodontiks -- wherein lies the end of all Illusion.

It is important to understand the role of each [the Ka, the Ba, the BaKa, and the Sacred Ba], if we are to understand the constant interplay between levels of experience. Simply put, the vehicle which was created to experience a level never leaves that level to go to a higher level.

Because of the limitations placed upon the different bodies, the Ka can never travel to places where the Ba may freely travel. The Ka, via its mind's ability, is limited to traveling the many levels of the Earth's Astral Plane Of Common Reality -- a total of only one Astral Plane, and its many respective levels. Even when it [the Ka] succeeds in obtaining the ability to travel, it is limited to traveling upon the Other-World's level that is the same as its home level of experience.

Likewise, the Ba may not travel to places where the BaKa enjoys freely. The Ba is limited to traveling within the borders of the nine parallel Astral Planes which are tangent to, and therefore is a part of, The Astral Plane Of Common Reality -- a total of nine Astral Planes, and their respective levels; but, it cannot travel to levels of experience that are above its own level of experience.

Still further, the BaKa is limited to traveling to each of the Nine Ruling Planes of the Earth Experience, and their respective levels -- a total of eighty-one (81) Astral Planes; but, it too cannot travel to levels of experience that is above its respective level of experience.

The Sacred Ba, on the other hand, may travel freely within its relative sphere of experience. It and it alone may travel outside the Nine Ruling Planes of The Earth Experience and still remain under the influence of the Earth Experience -- it usually does so in the form of an OtherWorld Teacher. Quite often, it will be forced, by the Alliance of the Rule, to serve as an Harpy during another individual's In-Between Time.

Also, a more confusing aspect which is less understood, is that when the Ba exits its Ka to travel, the Sacred Ba also travels with it. It acts as the Karmic Chord, often called the Silver Cord, which keeps the Blood Mendella operating in the Ka.

Although we have noted the special relationship that exists between the Ka, the Ba, the BaKa, and the sacred Ka in terms of reality and mobility, we have not discussed the actual physical difference between them, and what allows the difference in the scope and limitations of its respective mobility.

To understand, we must first turn our thoughts to the laws of repeated patterns. Specifically, that part of the laws of repeated patterns that deal with the crossing of barriers. Make no mistake, we are having reference to seemingly impassable barriers that are designed to allow passage only under specific conditions -- these special conditions are written in an individual's Third Auric Charka.

Each time an individual is allowed to travel beyond the limits/borders of home plane of existence to experience the goings-on of another plane of experience, there is a seeming reversal of some of the laws involved, and, a complete resetting of all the reference-point pointers within the individual's reality.

It is this seeming reversal of some laws that give an individual the understanding/the reference point to the level of experience he/she is on. An example of this seeming reversal of some laws can be seen when an individual crossed the sound barrier.

The sound barrier was discovered when many pilots were killed because they could not pull out of their dive. During the testing of new designs for new planes, pilots discovered that when they went into a dive, there was a time/speed when the controls reversed themselves; on one side of the barrier [sound barrier], pulling up on the stick made the plane pull up, while on the other side of the same barrier [the sound barrier] it was the process of pushing the stick down that made the plane pull up. If the pilot pulled up on the stick, the plane would continue to dive, thus killing the pilot and crashing the plane.

Still further, it is the resetting of all reference pointers that allows the individual to use the same set of reference points regardless of the level of experience that is being traveled upon. Again, this can be noted by the simple fact that regardless of the level one happens to be on at any given moment, the traveler always has the reference point of being in his physical body. There is no seeming change in the level of awareness when the pilgrim has/is changing from one plane of existence onto another. The only clue the traveler has is the memory of the difference between the sets of laws -- this memory is a seeming lucidity wherein the traveler is aware of both levels/both planes of experience at the same time.

The status of lucidity is very important when an individual is in the process of changing the control mechanism from one body to another. If the traveler has bad habits with language, the traveler can get easily lost with respect to the reference points and land in a padded cell.

It is difficult, for some, to accept that the only difference between the various levels of The Earth Experience's planes of existence is a difference of Frequency.

The level of The Ka is made up of bands of frequencies; wherein each individual has its own band of energy that is vibrating within a certain bandwidth. The specific frequencies limit the pilgrim's mobility, the level of awareness, and, the level of recognition/conceptualization. While it is true that each individual body is different, and, each individual body has different frequencies that are uniquely his/her own, the frequency or frequencies of all the bodies fall within a specifically unique bandwidth that is reserved for the life-form we call Human. Other life-forms have their own specific bandwidth.

It is because of this special bandwidth of energy that the Ka becomes trapped within a specific bubble which allows life to exist under the conditions of the moment, but, still, does not allow for any crossover. We are reminded of a law that governs the limits of creation: It is the very laws evoked to create a life-form that limits and maintains that created life-form within the limits/borders of its creation, unto forever. In order to cross this energy barrier of creation, a different vehicle of higher vibratory frequencies is needed; enter now, the Ba. The Ba vibrates at the newly required frequencies that allow it to cross beyond the physical barrier that separates The Astral Plane Of Common Reality's physical nature and the Beta plane of existence's physical nature, the plane in which the Ka can not travel. It is interesting to note that while both are physical in their natures, both vibrate with such difference, one is said to be solid and the other is not; while the Ka's energy vibrations is solid to the Ka, it is not solid to the Ba. The reverse is true, as well; the Ba's energy frequencies are solid to the Ba, while the Ka's energy frequencies are not solid to the Ba.

Likewise, following the laws of Repeating Patterns, the BaKa repeats the relationship in both directions; the relationship is repeated with the Ba, and is repeated with the Sacred Ka. Again, we are reminded of a law which governs the creation of levels: Each unto its own kind, measure for measure, unto its own level, unto forever. Just as one cannot cross the many oceans of water unless a special vehicle is designed to do so, so too, one cannot cross the many oceans of energy without a special vehicle designed for that purpose.

The greatest gift possible is the gift of one's time and of one's self out of a loving heart; and, of one's life for the love of the species, for the love of the Planet that plays host to the species.