The Blood Mendella:
(An Individual's Double-Gate)

In the Arkashean lexicon, The Blood-Mendella is the label representing an individuals personal Double-gate. It allows the individual to enter and exit the Ka [the physical body], yet, at the same time, it prevents other life-forms from entering the Ka while the Ba [the spiritual body, and the awareness factor] is traveling. The Blood-Mendella should not be confused with the similar sounding word which comes from another subculture called a Mendella the label for, among other things, a type of visual focal point for meditation.

The Blood-Mendella is an important part of the powers of the Ankh. Specifically, The Blood Mendella is a part of the forces which operate the powers of the Karmic Chord. Even more specifically, it is that special aspect of the placental-barrier with which the Affinity factor guards and keeps an individuals Ka for the exclusive use of his Ba.

The special relationship between the Blood Mendella and an individual's physical body is such that it allows the Blood Mendella to be pierced each time an individual enters what people of today call the dream state. Thanks to the individual's karmic cord's ability to vibrate at different frequencies, it [the ability to change its vibrations] allows each pilgrim the relative ability to travel, as it [the karmic cord] is tuned to the various frequencies of the energies of other levels of existence and other levels of awareness.

These levels allow the access of an entity so that he or she may experience and/or learn lessons needed for the eventual deliverance from The Grand Maya. The Grand Maya is the dream of individuality, the dream wherein the individual is separated from the whole. In truth, however, absolute individuality does not exist. The TwinSpecies: Man is one--therein lies Man's battle if he is to gain dominion over Middle, Middle Earth. Man came into being within the Astral Plane of Common Reality as a TwinSpecies, and, as a TwinSpecies man must return from whence it came. The law which governs this states: It is the very Force that was evoked to create a phenomenon that maintains that phenomenon within the borders and the boundaries of its creation.

The on-going battle of Man, the individual against Man, the TwinSpecies is all part of the karmic condition that anyone who enters the Earth Experience must become a part of--remember the warning...Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here.

While there are some travelers who will seem to have a wider berth of access to other levels, while others will seem be very limited in their access to other levels, over time, each will have the same access, if the lessons are learned!

Like all other concepts, the Blood Mendella is also dual in its nature, triune in its effects. The duality aspects comes from the dual nature of its job...0n the one hand, it prevents others from entering a body while that body is unattended, and, on the other hand, it keeps the individual from falling out of his body when he is not paying attention...he will not be allowed to leave his body unless he leaves according to the laws of the Ankh.

Most people do not realize that the Blood Mendella is multifaceted. Firstly, it has an ethereal component that allows it to gang all the different bodies of all the different layers of existence together, by way of The Silver Cord;

Secondly, it has a psychic component that allows Mind- Force to continue to exist within all the different bodies at the same time even though they exist upon different levels of creation, via The Silver Cord that gangs them;

Thirdly, it has a frequency component that allows the pilgrim access to the different levels of existence;

And, finally, it has a physical component that is specific to each and every level of creation that it exists upon. The physical component, to a great degree, is actually the blood which flows through the body. As long as the blood continues to circulate in that level's body, the Blood Mendella will remain active. When the Blood within that level's body stops moving, the powers of that level's Blood Mendella begins to break down. When this happens, the release of the Ba of that level is imminent. From the Astral Plane of Common Reality's side of the placental-type barrier, we label this condition, the process of death. On the other side of the placental-type barrier, "they" might call the condition, rebirth!

If we consider that there are many levels to the Cocoon of Maya, and if we consider that each level is unique unto itself, but that each level is just one point along a very large Continuum of Creation, we must then accept that between each level of creation there must be a type of barrier that will allow passage between any two levels of creation under certain circumstances.

This magic placental type barrier is called The Double-Gate. One side of the Double-Gate (from outside the Ka going in) is said to be guarded by the force we call Isis (the giver of life). The other side of the Double-Gate (inside the Ka going out) is said to be guarded by the force we call Anubis (the end of all illusions). The Double-Gate, itself, is said to be operated by the force we call The Ankh. It is the sanguine energy of force which is evoked by Mind-Force, at the time of the channel's creation, to place and to maintain the life-form's Ba within its Ka (its chosen physical vehicle) within which to experience life upon and within Matter.

As mentioned above, each level of creation has its own respective Double-gate. In fact, there are many Double-gates; all of which the individual must deal with before they are allowed to leave Lower Middle-Earth (the Earth experience). Therefore, to speak of a specific Double-gate which separates a specific level of creation from all other levels of creation (to speak of a specific bubble within a crowded bubble), it becomes necessary to give Double-gates a specific label--This label will prevent needless confusion.

While it is a common belief that one individual can become possessed, being possessed is against the laws of creation. There is a very special pairing which exists in creation. The special pairing of an individual and his Ka is guarded no less than are the other pairings which come into existence by the laws of creation. The special pairing is guarded by the laws of Recursive Dialusion; specifically, the individuals Blood Mendella.

There is, however, a seeming contradiction to the above statement. The term seeming was used because the phenomena in question is not a true possession. The visiting life-form does not actually enter the Ka of another life-form, it is more like a long distance phone call, so to speak. In addition to the phenomena of The Grand Awakening, there is a special set of circumstances wherein any two life-forms can, seemingly, temporarily exchange their physical vehicle. Again, the word seeming is used because both life-forms merely channel one another's receptors such that the information of one life-form's Ba enters the other life-forms Ka (it is the information that is transferred and not the individual's Ba). Obviously, this phenomena is not a common affair with the residents of The Grand Maya. We must remember the law:

The force which is evoked to create a creation is that same force which maintains that creation within its boundaries, within its own illusion.

In our case, the above law is perceived by having the individuals Double-Gate guard a life-form's Ka from being inhabited by any other life-form's Ba. This special guard is called the individuals Blood Mendella. To discover the how of the Blood Mendella, one must understand the workings of The Broken Cross.

The blood that flows through a level's body is the last and most decisive component in a fabric of components that binds and locks the individual into the physical; and, it is the last and decisive component that unbinds and releases the individual into the other levels of existence. There are many secrets regarding the nature of blood that is still withheld from Man. Some day, when Man knows peace, he, too, will know the true power that lies within Blood.

And, So, It was written that once I knew enough to know that I knew nothing, I would then know enough to see myself as I truly was;
And, So, It was written that once I knew enough to know that I knew nothing, I would know enough to know that what I did know would teach me that which I did not know;
And, So, It was written that once I knew enough to know that I knew nothing, I would then know enough to know that what I did not know could teach me what it was like to be really free from my own stupidity;
And, So, It was written that once I knew enough to know that I knew nothing, I would then know enough to see myself, with the aid of my new vision, succeed at anything that my new educated mind could possibly conceive of being, for I am That I Am.