Fig #1. The above diagram seeks to explain the Cause & Effect that drives every action. We must understand the following:
that all our thoughts (such as embarrassment) come from the Mental Plane;
that all our mobility (such as the ability to move ) comes from the Emotional Plane;
that all our deeds (such as walking, eating, fighting) come from the Physical Plane.
When the Emotional Plane is paired with the Mental Plane, the Physical Plane is not active to commit any action--the deed is committed only in our minds (The Mental Plane becomes the Driving Force for the mental action). The action can only be observed by he who commits it.
When the Emotional Plane is paired with the Physical Plane, the Emotional Plane gives mobility to the Physical Plane (The Physical Plane becomes the Driving Force for the deeds that we commit every day). The action can now be observed by all who are in sight.