Delimiters: Guardians Of Creation
(Placental-type barriers)

A Delimiter is a special type of barrier which separates one or more creations from one another. More specifically, delimiters are a placental-type barrier which allows some passage from both directions if, and only if, specific requirements have been met.

There are many types of delimiters; in that, not only does each level of experience have its own type, it also has its own special subset of law that governs the operation of the different types of barriers. Some are of a Royal nature and others are not. Needless to say, Royal Delimiters modify, in some way, all of the Fabric of Creation. The Sub-Royal Delimiters are Royal only to a limited domain. An example might be when they are within very specific levels of creation; such as, the Steering Currents which are Royal to the Earth Experience.

A good example of a domain Royal Steering Current is the law that is Royal to Planet Earth (Its domain of influence is limited to Planet Earth). It states that upon Lower, Lower Earth, and upon Lower, Middle Earth, the nature of life shall be governed, for the most part, by the law which governs the food chain. It states:

Eat, and be eaten; Kill, and be killed.

Another example of a domain limited Royal Steering Current might be the law which governs Awareness Factor upon the lower levels of Lower, Middle Earth Experience. It states:

An individual, limited by his Karma, shall be allowed to see and understand every experience that is below his level of understanding, very little of the happenings which are par to his level of understanding, and nothing of the happenings which are indeed, above his level of understanding's Circle of Awareness.

There are delimiters which are Royal only to an individual's specific game, an individual's specific role within his chosen game. There is even a delimiter at work when an individual's specific personality interacts with his chosen games, as he goes about changing those games of life.

Delimiters, by their very nature, place limits of varying kinds upon the situation wherein a game is being played (their prime job is to limit what is possible and what is impossible within any given situation, moment to moment). Some types of delimiters simply modify what is already there; much in the same way that an accident or a disease will cause a marked change in an individual's abilities.

Still, other types of delimiters modify the ability to enter into, or the ability to exit from any moment to moment illusion--an example might be the strong emotions that bind one person to another such that they will not allow the individual to let go. This can cause one individual to stalk another, seeking to continue a relationship that is now unwanted.

Delimiters even have a governing effect upon an individual's ability to make changes within his respective illusion--an example of this type might be when it is an individual's Karma to be born retarded.

Needless to say, all delimiters are, by their very nature, placental-type barriers; as such, they follow the laws which govern placental barriers--each will allow very little to pass, and then, only after certain specific conditions have been met.

To better understand this, let us remember one of the laws which governs barriers. It states:

Any force which is evoked to create a thing becomes the same force which maintains the created thing within its created limits and boundaries unto forever.

With that in mind, it could be said that some barriers are, indeed, Double-gates.

There are certain circumstances wherein, because of the individual's Karma, the specific placental-type barrier that guards one life's illusions from spilling into another life's illusion malfunctions. That is, it allows cross-overs and/or trickle downs to occur.

Then again, the word malfunction might not, necessarily be the correct word to use; in that, because of karmic debts, it is possible that it is a part of the individual's Predestiny to experience a cross-over from another life, or a trickle down from another level's experience.

An example of this cross-over might be how if an individual has just returned to life from a suicide loop, suicide by jumping off a tall building, then, the cross-over karmic debt might cause the individual to have a fear of heights--the fear would be there to prevent the individual from repeating the original cause of the suicide loop in the same manner.

While it is true that suicide could be repeated, it would not be repeated in the exact same way because the fear of height would keep the individual off high places. However, there is a joker here. It is possible that the individual could fall from a great height because the hear of heights would cause the individual to freeze, thus preventing the individual from guarding against falling.

Delimiters are always borders for something. Delimiters come in two forms; The first being a continuum and the second being a gate. For instance, the borders/delimiters for life upon this physical level are called birth and death respectively. These delimiters are not continuums, they are gates that allow the life-form's awareness factor to travel into and out of this physical illusion--The Astral Plane Of Common Reality. Emotions, on the other hand, are delimiters in the form of continuums. This is so because the intensity and the type of attachment of the emotion which is being experienced can be any one of a thousand variations and manifestations of that emotion.

While they [delimiters of emotions] often appear to act like gates when within a moment to moment interaction, they are not true gates, they are but points along a continuum. It is easy to think of an emotion as a gate, especially when the presence of the emotion seems to be the beginning of something unusual, such as the sudden awareness of being in love with someone that was only considered to be a friend. Regardless of how they are perceived, however, in both cases the birth/death experience and the emotions experience are borders for something that have their own reasons for being.

In the case of delimiters which are continuums, the delimiters themselves can act as the contained as well as the container. The emotion that is being displayed, for example, can also be the contents of another vessel holding it in place. This is possible because the emotion limits the behavior of an individual in specific ways, thus containing the possibilities within certain limits; yet, recursively, the emotion is also being limited by the person's logic--often by unconsciously asking the question "What is acceptable under the present conditions." In this case the nested behavior is contained by the emotion which is acting as a delimiter; and, the emotional delimiter is being limited by the individual's logical delimiters, which are, in turn, being governed by karmic delimiters.

If this were not the case, all members of the TwinSpecies Man would seemingly return to the level of Higher, Lower Earth; in that, like animals, they would seem to become raving lunatics, without any controlling or limiting factors containing the emotions.

It can be said that the force behind logic, itself, is just another 'content' of some other container which limits it. It can be said that the delimiter of the force behind logic is the individual's place, the point along the Continuum of Awareness. Still further, that which contains the awareness factor thereby becomes the container for it. Basically, this new container [the container of the Continuum of Awareness] is the individual's karmic condition, as it [the overall karmic condition] relates to the attachments that still rule over the individual's quality of life-- specifically, the for-bonds, the with-bonds, and the against-bonds with respect to the omissions, the commissions, and the cycles of potential equalization and neutralization of negative Karma. In fact, it can be said that the fabric of life, itself, is perceived as naught but a system of nested delimiters within nested delimiters [a bubble within a bubble, within a bubble]. Each of which governs a specific domain of existence.

The gate delimiter, because of its nature [they rule over a specific domain of experience], is not ruled by the above system of nested features. Karmic Law is their only delimiter--karmic law's delimiter is the only law that governs the gate delimiter. Examples of this might be: the capacity of the individual's brain to function correctly; the individual's birth experience [as that birth experience is viewed from the ending of the individual's In-between Time]; the individual's death experience [as that death experience is viewed from the beginning of the individual's In-between Time].

It is written that an individual should guard well his wishes because he just might get them. It is written that each individual places his limits where they can be easily found. It is said that where one places his limits betrays his truths. It is written that I, and I alone, limit the possibilities of my future experience. It is said that my fears become the delimiters which contain me within my secluded, but seemingly safe however restricted game's illusion. It is written that as one walks the path of Predestiny, one also walks the path of the effects of past freedoms' desires.