Holy vs. Unholy: The Cry of Individualism
(Is it really good vs. bad?)

The concept Holy in Christian theology refers to the continuum of good and bad. This is not the case with the Essenes of Arkashea. For the Essenes of Arkashea, the term Holy means that it is not of the trap called Maya; therefore, it is eternal in its nature.

The term Unholy means that it is a creation of, and therefore a part of, the trap called Maya; it is only temporary in its nature, and it depends upon both the specific situation and the people involved to define the extent of its effect. Things that are Holy are above Karma; they depend upon neither the situation nor the individuals for their effects upon Maya.

Other religions, however, while not only seeking to increase their power over their membership, seek also to increase their power over the actions of the different people of the world. Each religion seeks to become the standard of acceptable behavior. In the process, many take liberties with the relationship between the concept holy and its opposite, the concept unholy.

In the Christian religion, for example, holy water is used to anoint those who are deemed to be unholy or in sin (some believed this was a way of extending the grace of the Christian God to whomever the holy water struck). The process of using holy water is used in at least two ways--one during a procession, one by way of Baptism. The water became holy via some action of the priest.

In the Arkashean viewpoint, this can not happen. The actions of one human cannot make another human holy regardless of what means they devise; and, the actions of one human cannot change the state of holiness of any creation. Holiness comes from within an individual and thus can only be achieved by choosing to serve the way of holiness.

There are some individuals who may choose to serve as a guide, seeking to help another; and, in that light, they may seem to function as a LightWorker, seemingly pointing out the pitfalls that lie along the path toward holiness, but no one can, [with the wave of a hand, with the spreading of water, or with the use a magic wand] make another holy.

However, it is possible that during the process of listening to another thought, that a new reference point is gained; and, in this way, while choosing to use the new reference point, one may choose to use the moment as a turning point for change. However, it is the change that has occurred within them that makes them holy and not the deeds of the LightWorker. Holiness is gauged moment by moment by becoming less savage than the moment which came before it. This distinction is not made in most religions. They assign the attribute, the power to become holy to the object, to the instrument or to the artifact that is used upon the individual who sought to become Holy. Subsequently, it is the object, the artifact, or the instrument, itself, that becomes the seat of worship instead of being just a tool or a mantra for change. Even more so, the reverence is placed upon the Man who wields the instrument of seeming power, as opposed to placing reverence upon the process of change that is taking place within.

Sadly, this convention continues the necessity of the priesthood; and, holiness remains something that must be conferred upon any given individual by a member of the clergy or priesthood. Needless to say, any member of the clergy or priesthood is automatically considered to be a member of the class of holiness by the will of God. Holiness always remains out of reach of the common man. If it is to be gained at all, it must be gained from a member of the clergy [at a price, of course] and not by the actions of the individual in question.

From the Arkashean point of view, the very process of worshipping [the object, the artifact, or the instruments, themselves] in this manner assigns the entire ritual as being unholy because it does not serve the whole, it serves only the needs of selfishness of the so-called clergy or priest involved.

Moving into a higher perspective, during the ritual above, in the eyes of the Universe, the state of holiness and unholiness is not involved. The very concepts of Holiness and Unholiness are strictly part of the physical Earth's reference points; they are not a part of the Universal concepts. A parallel Universal concept would be the state of purity or the state of impurity of one's heart.

In still another perspective, when the state of being holy is being referenced to/against the state of being unholy, then it is more a case of relationship than a state of being. Again, we must bear in mind that we are speaking of a continuum--specifically, we are speaking of the Continuum of Holiness. One end/one side of the continuum consists of all things holy while the other end/other side of the continuum consists of all things unholy. Needless to say, as we travel along the continuum, each point becomes more of the point that came before it, depending upon the direction of travel, the individual either becomes more holy, or becomes more unholy. In either case, there exists Universal Law (all things holy because they do not depend upon the affairs that occur within/upon the domain in question), and domain-specific law (all things unholy because they depend upon the affairs that occur within/upon the domain in question).

In the case of Universal Law, examples might be: 1. Love is the most powerful force in the Universe; 2. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction; 3. What ye sow, ye shall reap.

In the case of domain specific law, examples might be; 1. Kill and be killed, eat and be eaten; 2. What goes up must come down; 3. Air is lighter than water. Of course, these examples are domain specific to our Earth, thus, these laws may or may not be true throughout the cosmos.

It is written that by my thoughts I make myself unholy... It is said that it is by my deeds that I am known... I am known to all who would judge me, for weal or for woe; I am known to all who would woo me, for the sake of their own illusions; and, I am known to all who would commerce with me in all things, that we both may gain riches upon a fair agreement. It is written that it is the interaction of my Honor, of my Genesu, and, of my Maat that forms the single bond which mirrors my State of Holiness... It is said that while all who are about me are losing their countenance, the mirror of my State of Holiness allows me to keep mine... It is said that upon and within the affairs of Men, all things change unceasingly... It is said that within my dealings with others of my kind, each interaction will either betray my greed, or will allow my State of Holiness to shine as a beacon. It is written that if I would truly see myself in the eyes of those with whom I commerce, the beacon of the State of Holiness must be at the core of Honor, of Genesu, and of Maat... It, and it alone, depends not upon my thoughts.