(Some Things Can Never Be Forgiven)

There are three classes of oblivion:

  1. The Elemental;
  2. Banishment from one's origin;
  3. Living forever.
  1. The Elemental: The first type of oblivion consists of an existence, within Maya, that is free from the cycles of life and death... an existence wherein the individual is truly in a self-imposed prison upon a specific level of experience... level of awareness... level of limitations. Such an individual is said to be an Elemental of that level. Being a true prisoner of that level, the Elemental is not allowed beyond the borders of his prison, unto forever (the Elemental can neither Astrate nor project).
  2. Banishment: The second type of oblivion consists of an existence, although it is still within Maya, that is totally separated from one's original species; as such, it is not of the Elemental class of being, although it is, for the most part, a prisoner upon a specific level of experience... a prisoner within a specific time cycle... a prisoner within a specific game... a prisoner that is forced to cycle between life and death, limited by the Karmic needs of the moment's limitations... a prisoner who is caught in a type of loop that forces him to experience very specific relationships with people, places, games, emotions, and situations until the required lesson is truly learned. Once the Karmic chord is changed such that it reflects the necessary changes, the laws of Karma will then allow the seeming prisoner of illusion to move on to his next experience, via reincarnation. The TwinSpecies: Human is of this class of Oblivionite.
  3. Living Forever: The Magi of today believe that if an individual were so into himself that he forgot his purpose for freeing himself of the trap of Maya, he would then fool the God of Death into letting him live beyond his time. This would mean the individual would forever be trapped as being either the dreamer personality (wherein his life would be naught but an eternal dream), the dreaming personality (wherein his eternal life would be limited to the physical level that it began... that he was born into), or both (wherein he would constantly cycle between the two states, without end... not really knowing that the individual was cycling). In such a situation, the individual would never achieve the Grand Awakening. He would never be free from his desires to be trapped into the dream... a prison upon a level of experience... a prisoner caught within a specific game, a prisoner without the saving grace of repeating cycles of reincarnation. The only escape for such a trap would be when the LifeForce / MindForce pairing of the very planet would no longer be functioning... even the last blade of grass would be freed first.

A part of this curse is that if the individual did succeed in living forever... in being trapped forever in the dream, the individual might not have to continue without the cycles of life and death, without end. However, the hidden part of the curse is that if the individual did not have to continue the cycles of life and death, he would become an Oblivionite of the Elemental class. He would, indeed, become an Elemental of that dream level. There, never to be freed until all life-forms were first freed..., even the grass would be freed from the trap of the dream of Maya before the Elemental of that level could be released.

The Magi believed many life-forces trap themselves in their dream states. The Magi discovered that this condition consisted of two types of traps, each more painful than the other. The first was when an individual who, because of his own stubbornness, refused to change his ways. He became a danger to his species. His attitudes and behaviors so changed his Karmic Chord that he brought the judgment of Transmigration upon himself--he became of the class Elemental upon the level of his stubbornness.

Because of the danger that his unacceptable behavior caused to his entire life-form, Karma would drive him into a class of Oblivion. As an Oblivionite, he would be forever separated from his present life-form. He would move downward one linked-chain position along the ladder of the Continuum of life-forms. He would now belong to the next lower species of life. For a man, this would be an Ape of some kind.

While the first type of trap that an individual often falls in during life only causes the individual to reincarnate, and thus have no connection with being an Oblivionite, the second type of trap applies to class two Oblivion, and class three Oblivion. It is when an individual, because of his own desires, succeeded in trapping himself onto one or more levels of the dream state. In such a condition, he would find himself in class three, in that he would live forever on that level of existence. Again, if this second type of trap fell into the class two Oblivion, even the very grass he walked on would have the chance to be freed from that dream state before he would. He would then be called an Elemental of that level of existence. By definition, an Elemental may never cross the borders of his prison, unto forever, maybe even unto eternities.

There is a point of importance above that is worth restating. By definition, an Elemental of a level may never cross the borders of his prison, unto forever, maybe even unto eternities. This is important when an individual turns his thoughts to Astration and/or Projection. For the most part, any Elemental of a level would never know their true state. They would be among the residents of that level as a prisoner of that level... as such, they would not have the ability to Astrate nor Project from that level of existence. The non-elemental residents of that level of existence, the residents that might be class three Oblivionite, however, would have that ability.

There appears to be a seeming contradictive implication between being an Oblivionite of the second class... being an Elemental prisoner of a level, and being an Oblivionite of the third class... having the ability to live forever to satisfy Karma's needs. We must remember that it is Karma, via the Affinity-Factor that allows the pilgrim Ka liberties of seeming travel only for the purpose of aiding all life-forms of a particular level of existence. The operative word here is the word seeming.

While it is true that all three classes of Oblivionite are, more or less, on a particular level of existence, it is not true that all three classes are stuck on that particular level of existence... and, even those who are stuck on a particular level are not stuck in the same set of circumstances.

In all cases, it is because of the specifics of the law which brought them to that level that their condition of being stuck is quite different.

In the second class... The Oblivionite of the Banishment class, the individual has the opportunity to be released... given enough time and experience for the pilgrim to change... such that he equalizes the unacceptable Karma that trapped him. He need only grow with the others of his new species... as the new species evolves, so will the individual. More important, during the growth and the change process, the Oblivionite of the Banishment class could be allowed traveling, depending upon the conditions that trapped him.

The Elemental of a level may not be released, nor will he be allowed to travel, regardless of what he does... at least until all other life-forms of that dream level have been released.

In the third class... Living Forever to satisfy Karma's needs, the individual's life span would be so long, the individual would outlive all those around him. The individual's life span would continue... would be however long the individual requires to satisfy Karma's needs. If someone were working on a Karmic task that had to be completed during a single life, and, if the individual were stubborn in his way, Karma could cause the individual to become a class three Oblivionite, forcing him to live far longer than he would otherwise wish to. By the time his curse were broken, the individual could be very old, very sick... in a lot of pain, and very dependent upon others (specifically upon the people who shared the pattern that he needed to equalize. Those around him would be pawns for his growth... would be seen as daemons causing him pain. However, in the areas that growth has already occurred, the pawns of those areas would be seen as helpmates or friends).

In all cases, while it is truly the laws of Recursive Dialusion, via the Karmic Chord that is using the power of the Ankh to trap them... understand that in truth, although the phrase to trap them was used, in reality, it was their own attitudes and behavior which trapped them. They used their own free will to get where they are.

Not so with the teacher Magi who is also a resident of most levels. The teacher Magi remains upon a level of existence to aid other life-forms. For him it is not a trap. For him, he can come and go as necessity dictates. He has the ability to enter and to exit any level of existence at will, to serve Karma's needs. It is his free choice to be there, regardless of the time involved, regardless of the necessities of the game that is being served. That does make a difference in the attitudes and in the behaviors of the individuals involved.

With the teacher Magi, the Ka is liken unto a window, as opposed to the prison it becomes for Mortal Man. For the Magi, the Ka is not used to experience Earth... it is used solely to communicate with, to perceive and be perceived by the residents of any given level. Thus the analogy to a window--the Ka is used when the Magi teacher wishes to look into or interact with the residents of any given level.

With this level of freedom, Oblivion is virtually impossible. Oblivion is concerned with entities using their own free will to trap themselves..., to limit themselves... to further trap themselves over and above the normal trap of the chosen game. Even though Man uses his free-will to become an Oblivionite, he is often bemused or unaware of the full consequences of his actions. It is more than unlikely that a Magi, knowing full well the traps and the temptations of Maya, knowing full well of the existence of the other levels of reality, knowing full well the existence of Universal Law, and knowing full well the consequences of his actions, would become an Oblivionite.

This difference between the Magi and mortal man--the use of the Ka as a window, or a doorway into a level, as opposed to an inescapable trap is perhaps the single greatest difference between the Magi and the Mortal. However, it is actually because of the similarities that exist between the Magi and the Mortal, because the Magi has taken a Ka unto itself, that the Magi is in a unique position to understand Man's plight. He knows the Laws which govern the Ka and the corresponding level of reality. Thus the Magi is in a unique position to understand the trap of the three classes of Oblivion. In fact, only with the help of the Magi can the Mortal Man hope to fully escape from his trap of being an Oblivionite of the physical level of existence.