Fig. #4. The TwinSpecies: Human traveled a long way to get to his present home. The above diagram seeks to show another point of view of the nature of creation. The solid black areas that are marked with the letters A, B, C, D, and E are Placental Barriers that allow differences to exist, and, that keep the various creations within their respective borders.
It is believed that Man started out on his journey into the hell of his thoughts from the pure state which we call Deluge--the outer most ring of the above diagram. The next area Man encountered as he descended was a huge Zone of Non-Darkness. This Zone of Non-Darkness served as the Now Zone that separated Deluge (a state of existence wherein all that existed was... is in a perfect state of balance) from the great sanguine sea of possibilities--The Sea Of Uncreated Futures.
It is said that it was within this sanguine sea of possibilities that the experience spoken of in the What If/But Manuscript occurred. Governed totally by FabricTime / FabricSpace, upon this level of existence, the individual's thoughts were... are the tie that does bind each to his Destiny. As the thought entered the individual's mind, at that sameself moment, that thought began filling FabricSpace with the thought's illusion. For weal or for woe, Man's journey had begun.
As Man descended into the illusions of his thoughts, he came upon a Great Void. Without knowing it, this great void had two very important jobs:
1. As Man traveled deeper into his illusions, The Great Void made possible the creation of grosser Matter within which to experience the lower realms of lower, Middle Earth. The Great Void served... serves as a state of transition between the higher, finer Matter necessary to maintain Deluge's bodies, and grosser Matter that was necessary to experience existence in the first state of The Grand Maya--Orthodontiks.
2. As Man reunited the different parts of himself and began the very long, very difficult journey back to his pure state of Deluge... as Man became wise enough to seek his higher spirituality... as Man began his ascent to higher, finer levels of existence, Man would again enter The Great Void... only to discover that this was the place wherein all his attachments to the affairs of the lower realms would cease to exist. As Man traveled in his ascent toward the higher realms, his memories of special someone... his memories of pain... his memories that caused him to linger... his memories that caused karmic bondings would all be replaced with an unbelievable presence of the purest love that he has ever experience since his descent into the lower realm.
Having finally reached his first awareness that he was, indeed, trapped within the illusion of his thoughts, Man experienced his first venture within the hell of his first thought He discovered that Orthodontiks was not unlike a way-station... a halfway house into lower, grosser energies. Man discovered that Orthodontiks was divided into two parts... that Orthodontiks was, in fact, the first of many to come DoubleGates--the Isis / Anubis DoubleGate. On one side of this Isis / Anubis DoubleGate existed PremedialForce... on the other side existed Primordial Force--the cosmic slime from which the lower realms were... are made.