Steering Currents
(The Tie That Binds)

Steering Currents are just what their name implies. They are forces that guide the direction we take, just as the wind is a force which guides the course a sailboat must take if that boat does not have a rudder. The rudder, in this analogy, represents Man's freewill. Only through exercising his freewill can Man break free from the effects of steering currents and, again, become the seed of his own destiny.

Almost every force in the Universe which affects Man could, therefore, be called a Steering Current. Some, however, exert a stronger, more direct influence than others. Steering Currents can influence all aspects of Man, among them being his thoughts, his emotions, his behaviors, his beliefs, his attitudes, his values, his actions, and his thought-emotion pairing.

There are levels of steering currents: some exert very powerful effects over many things, while others have a more limited sphere of influence. For example, each of the above which is described as being a thing which can be affected by steering currents is also, in its own right, a steering current for some other facet of ourselves!

Beliefs, for example, are a strong steering current for actions. If one strongly believes that lying is morally wrong, one will take whatever actions are necessary to avoid placing one's self in a situation where lying becomes convenient, or even (in the individual's own mind) necessary.

If the individual with this belief did end up in a situation where lying becomes convenient, the amount of force that this particular steering current exerts on this particular individual is what will determine whether the individual will remain steadfast in his beliefs and not lie, no matter what the cost, or, whether he will take the easy way out and lie. One must understand, of course, that many other forces are involved, and therefore, this is a great oversimplification.

One must also understand that there is a difference between the steering current, itself, and the response to the stimulus of the steering current. Two individuals, each subject to the same steering current, will not necessarily react in the same way! They will be guided in some direction, but, that direction will depend upon the sum total of the forces affecting them. It is quite like the vector addition of forces which is taught in modern physics courses.

Freedoms (which we shall study shortly) may affect the possible directions taken. Likewise, the ramifications of taking a given direction will be different for each individual.

Steering Currents are classified into four levels, according to their sphere of influence. They are: latent, secondary, prime, and royal.

A Latent Steering Current is a steering current which exists, but, for whatever reason, is not currently influencing the individual. It has the potential to influence if certain conditions develop.

Let us say you have heard a rumor that John Doe is a nasty, mean individual. This information would begin as a Latent Steering Current. If you decided not to act on the information (You think, well, it's just a rumor and probably untrue), it would remain a Latent Steering Current. It remains a Latent Steering Current because you could always decide to act upon it at a later date. If and when you do act on this information (I'm not going to take any shit from this character when I meet him), it becomes a Prime Steering Current for you. Once the Prime Steering Current has exerted its influence on you, it returns to a latent state.

A Secondary Steering Current is a steering current which affects an individual indirectly. Attitudes and beliefs of others are a good example of this. Let us say that you have decided to act upon the rumor you have heard about John Doe. You decided to play the tough guy role to avoid being abused by this nasty person. Thus, John's character --his nastiness--; has affected your behavior. Since you have never met John, his attitudes cannot be directly affecting you. Thus, John's attitudes have become an indirect or Secondary Steering Current for you. One must understand that the rumor itself has become a Prime Steering Current in this case.

A Prime Steering Current is a steering current which is actively influencing. Unlike the Latent and Secondary Steering Currents, Prime Steering Currents may apply to an individual, a whole species, a whole planet, etc. Still, they are not a Royal Steering Current. They are royal only to the events of the A Happenings of the moment.

We use the word Royal to describe anything which affects all things on all levels of Creation. Thus, a Royal Steering Current is a steering current which affects all things on all levels of creation. It is important to understand what is meant by the words all levels of creation. Creation encompasses all the realms of Matter; this includes every level that is below Orthodontiks. Orthodontiks, itself, as well as PrimedialForce, are above creation.

Examples of Prime Steering Currents:

  1. The cycles of day and night are a Prime Steering Current for all life forms on the planet Earth;
  2. Cultural mores and folkways are Prime Steering Currents for humans on the planet Earth;
  3. Beliefs and attitudes are Prime Steering Currents for the behavior of individuals.

Examples of Royal Steering Currents:

  1. The Laws of Cause and Effect;
  2. The Continuum of Awareness;
  3. The Continuum of Mobility.

The following discourse describes the Royal Steering Current of the LifeForce; notice that we have limited our use of the word royal here. The Steering Current we will discuss is royal only to the LifeForce. That is, it affects any creature possessed of life in any of the created dimensions.

It is to be remembered that all of creation has its source in Recursive Dialusion. One of the most difficult tasks for any individual MindForce is to trace the process of repeating patterns, the result of which brought forth reality as we know it. In a rather simplistic way, it would be safe to assume that somewhere in the Continuum of Creation the LifeForce interacted with Recursive Dialusion; the result of which we call the Royal Steering Current of the LifeForce. It would also be safe to assume that somewhere in the Continuum of Creation the MindForce interacted with Recursive Dialusion; the result of which we call the Royal Steering Current of the LifeForce/MindForce Pairing.

According to the true nature of Repeated Patterns, in terms of causes and their relative effects, the initial interaction with Recursive Dialusion became the cause which created the Royal Steering Current in question. And, again following the laws of Repeated Patterns, this effect, the Royal Steering Current, became a cause which had as its effects in what we call the Continuum of Karma, which is, itself divided into two aspects we call the Continuum of Freedom, and the Continuum of Predestiny. They [the two continuums of Freewill/Predestiny] are in constant contention; in that, they are the two sides of the same door. They have a negative correlation to one one's freedom increase, the effects of Predestiny decrease. Likewise, as the Continuum of Predestiny exerts its power over an individual, that individual's level of freedom decreases.

It is important to note that the constant interaction between the two plays a prime cause & effect relationship role to the individual's choices and the influence of the role in the scenario as that role interacts with the drama of the situation. Still, one more time, this effect, Karma, Freedoms, and The influence of the role in the scenario as it interacts with the drama of the situation, became the cause which will have its effect upon the LifeForce, the MindForce, and the resulting Reality. Thus, Karma, Freedoms, and The influence of the role in the scenario as that role interacts with the drama of the situation will, in turn, become Royal to all lower levels of creations and the creatures that reside upon those lower levels.

In terms of the LifeForce, itself, the only things which exert a royal influence over the LifeForce are Recursive Dialusion and the Pairings (discussed later). And, it is Recursive Dialusion, itself, which determines which pairings will be possible, and which will not, based upon the purpose that the creation in question will serve. However, in the LifeForce's process of creation, the Royal Steering Current's aspect of said process as it applies to the LifeForce's chosen creation is anything that can or will influence (the chosen creation), according to the following proponents:

  1. The proponents of Karma;
  2. The Continuums of Freedom/Predestiny (all levels);
  3. The influence of the role in the scenario as the role interacts with the drama of the situation.

For the time being, we shall refer to the three numbered items above as the three proponents.

To reiterate, if anything impacts upon, or in any way affects the chosen creation's three proponents, then that anything, from the chosen creation's point of view, becomes royal. And, since we are talking about creations of the LifeForce, that anything becomes part of the Royal Steering Current of the LifeForce, but at a lower level.

Remember! The Royal Steering Current of the LifeForce is at a higher level of creation than are the three proponents. The Royal Steering Current affects the LifeForce, itself. The three proponents modify and/or otherwise limit the chosen creation. So, in the above definition of the LifeForce's Royal Steering Current, the word anything becomes a variable, not unlike the variable X in a mathematical equation.

In other words, you can substitute any force or thing into the variable X. If it does, indeed, affect the LifeForce's chosen creation via the three proponents, then that affect will be a royal one. We can even substitute different concepts for the variable X, depending on what specific aspect of the LifeForce's creative process we want to talk about. For example, let us substitute the Plant Kingdom for the variable X. Does the Plant Kingdom have an effect upon the LifeForce? No, not directly; its effect comes from the effects it has upon MindForce. The LifeForce, itself, existed long before the Plant Kingdom did. But! Once we talk about creation, the effects that the Plant Kingdom have upon the LifeForce's creations (for example, the MindForce) is huge, and royal.

If you burn down all plants, then that becomes a cause which may lead to certain effects. One tremendous effect would be the changes that would be brought about upon the environment of the entire planet. This might lead to the destruction of all life on the Planet Earth. More likely, however, is the possibility that life on dry land would end, but life in the oceans would/could continue. At any rate, without getting into specifics, it is guaranteed that the resulting effect on the LifeForce would be a royal one (Royal to life on Earth, that is). Every other life form on Earth would be affected.

If the Plant Kingdom were destroyed throughout the Universe, then that would have a Royal effect on all life forms throughout the Universe. Here, it is necessary to expand our idea of what the words Plant Kingdom mean. To Man, Plant Kingdom means exactly that--the plant life of Earth. In the universal sense, however, Plant Kingdom means the lowest rung on the food chain of life. Thus, all life has its corresponding Plant Kingdom. They may not be plants, and those life forms probably wouldn't call that lowest rung, the Plant Kingdom, but the pattern would be the same. Destruction of that lowest rung, on any planet, would have a Royal effect on all Life on that planet.

So, the destruction of the green plants on Earth would have a Royal effect on all other life forms. Thus, for life on Earth, the green plants become part of the Royal Steering Current. That means that the green plants must impact upon the Continuums of Freedom/Predestiny, Karma, and The influence of the role in the scenario for all other life forms.

In order for us to see how this is so, let us look at the relationship between Man and the plants. The Plant Kingdom, from Man's point of view, has no freedoms, or, at least so little freedom that from our point of view it is no freedom at all. Plants are firmly rooted in their host--the Earth. They have no mobility in space, no mobility in time, and no mobility in dimension, or level.

Still, because plants change the environment in which they grow, specifically the atmosphere, they bring about conditions which enable the LifeForce to create forms of life which do have various freedoms. The plants are responsible for creating conditions under which Man himself could survive. Thus, plants affect the Continuums of Freedom/Predestiny of Man, himself, as well as every other life form on Earth (if Man cannot exist without plants, then he surely cannot have any freedom without plants). The destruction of the plants would affect Man's Freedom/Predestiny drastically.

The Plant Kingdom also has an impact upon the Karma of Man. It is easiest to see this in the destruction of the plants. If the plants were destroyed, that would set off a wave of reactions which would affect all other life forms, and that is exactly what Karma is: a series of cause and effect relationships, as applied to life forms.

The third way that the Plant Kingdom exerts a Royal influence upon life on Earth is through The influence of the role in the scenario as that scenario interacts with the needs of the situation. Again, if we destroyed all plant life, then the life forms would immediately feel the loss, and they would immediately react to this loss, doing whatever was possible to insure their own survival. As such, the games, the reactions, the interactions, the thoughts, the emotions would all be changed. This would all happen because the role in the scenario would be different. Under ordinary circumstances, each life form has its own role to play in the ecosystem of life as a whole. If the plants were destroyed, the role of each life form would have to change drastically.

This all may be very hard to understand at first. It may even seem meaningless. The importance lies in being able to grasp the repeated patterns which create the fabric of the Universe. All the patterns necessary to create the Universe are manifested on physical Earth. He who understands nature understands the Universe.

Now, in terms of the Royal Steering Current again, the only limits to what we can substitute for the variable X is the limit of the MindForce's ability. This is because it is the MindForce which directs the LifeForce's creative process. Once the MindForce beckons the LifeForce to create, then the MindForce, itself, is subject to the effects of that creation. If that creation, in turn, affects the MindForce, through the three proponents, then it becomes Royal to the MindForce and thus, a valid substitute for the variable X.

Thus, any thing that the MindForce can conceive of may be a valid substitution for the variable X. Bear in mind, however, that there are implied limitations here.

Firstly, since we are talking about the Royal Steering Current of the LifeForce, what we substitute for X must be possessed of the LifeForce; quite often, it is also possessed of the MindForce. The second limitation is that of patterns versus specifics. Since we are talking about Royal effects, and thereby about the LifeForce as a whole, whatever we substitute for X must be a pattern, not a specific.

Thus, it would be correct for us to substitute the Plant Kingdom for X, but not one specific plant. The destruction of a single plant species would not have a Royal effect. There would be a disturbance in the LifeForce, but that is all. In order for an effect to be Royal, it must not only be felt, but it must change the LifeForce/MindForce Pairings to some degree. In this case, the LifeForce would continue exactly as it had before the destruction of the single tree species, but MindForce would feel the effects of the death of the tree species.

We realize that upon the first reading, the above material may be very hard to grasp. This is because we have talked about various concepts, such as the Continuum of Karma, the Continuum of Freedom/Predestiny, and The influence of the role in the scenario as that scenario interacts with the situation without ever explaining them.

This type of seeming digression is very hard to avoid when trying to describe the Universe. Almost always, when explaining one thing, one must use other concepts which, themselves, need explaining. Therefore, two, three, or more readings may be necessary.

What now follows explains the three proponents of the Royal Steering Current of the LifeForce--Karma, Freedom/Predestiny, and The influence of the role in the scenario as that scenario interacts with the situation. Understand that each of these three, in turn, exerts a Royal influence upon the LifeForce's creations.

The Continuum of Karma is the word used to denote the laws of Cause-and-Effect as they relate to beings possessed of the LifeForce. Karma, like everything else in Creation, exists in the form of a continuum. The effects of the Continuum extend to the presence of a target behavior as well as to the absence of that target behavior; thus, we have the Commission and the Omission which effect our lives.

The Continuum of Karma has, on one side, total predestination--because of past deeds, emotions, or whatever, the individual is condemned to experience some definite effect. On the other side of the continuum, is total freewill--here the individual has total control over what he chooses to experience; he has not limited himself through past deeds. It must be remembered, however, that a great deal of this continuum is also connected to Automatic-Pilot.

To map out specific causes for events that the individual experiences (the presence), or fails to experience (the absence) is very difficult, as a myriad of causes and effects interplay with each other. The best we can do for now is to examine the following proponents of Karma.

First, we need some definitions. Neutralization is when the Continuum of Freedom allows the individual to temporarily set aside Karma. Equalization is when the Karma is paid off, or balanced. Commission is to perform some act, either on the physical, or the mental, or the emotional level. Omission is to fail to perform some act on these same levels.

The Continuum of Karma, itself, has three proponents. The most important, because it is the most powerful of the three, is the affinity toward the effects of Karma.

The Affinity-Factor is responsible for at least five different things. For now, we will cover two of them: the binding of causes to effects, and attractions/repulsions which show their effect by allowing one to neutralize Karma for a certain cycle.

The Affinity-Factor can be thought of as the driving force of Karma. The Affinity is what connects, or binds, the causes to their specific effects. Thus, when you let go of a hammer, it is the Affinity between the Earth and the hammer which makes the hammer fall to Earth. The hammer does not fly off into space; the Affinity binds the cause to its proper effect in accordance with Karmic Law--the laws of Recursive Dialusion; in this case, gravity.

Likewise, if it is predestined than an individual will experience something, the Affinity-Factor is the force which will drive him into this situation. The individual may actually feel the Affinity as a force compelling him to perform certain actions.

Through its attraction/repulsion aspect, the Affinity-Factor determines the degree to which your present situation will allow you to determine when you will be forced to equalize, or, when, or if, you will be forced to neutralize past deeds, consisting of both, Omission and Commission.

If, for example, two individuals are Karmically bound together [either because of a for-bond, a with-bond, or an against-bond], but, for some reason, they are unable to come together during a certain life-cycle, they will experience no Affinity toward the effects of that Karma during said lifetime. Thus, due to the absence of the Affinity-Factor, Karma has been neutralized for this cycle. It could be thought of as a temporary repulsion between the individuals. Likewise, the presence of the Affinity-Factor is responsible for driving individuals into situations whereby Karmic Equalization can be accomplished, and this could be thought of as an attraction. Understand that the attraction/repulsion aspect of the Affinity-Factor exists where the Karmic bonds are between an individual and a situation as well as when they are between two or more individuals.

One must understand that while Karma is a proponent of the Royal Steering Current, it is also a Royal Steering Current in and of itself. Furthermore, the first proponent of Karma, the Affinity toward the effects, is also a Royal Steering Current. Thus, we have a Royal Steering Current nested within a Royal Steering Current witch is, itself nested within a Royal Steering Current! That's a pretty difficult force to resist.

Since the word Karma is primarily used to describe the Cause-and- Effect aspects within the LifeForce/MindForce Pairings, the Affinity- Factor must also be recognized as a Royal Steering Current in situations where the MindForce is not present. The combination of all these factors is what causes the Affinity-Factor to exert such a powerful influence.

The second proponent of Karma is the intent or purpose for which the individual committed, or failed to commit, the deed. The same act does not always bring with it the same Karmic effects. The individual's motivation is a factor. Take stealing for example. Let us say that an individual steals something because he is hungry and hopes to sell the object in order to get food. His Karma will be different from an individual who steals something just because he covets the object.

The third proponent of Karma is the effects, independent of the purpose or intention for which the deed was committed. The third proponent is just another way of saying the road to hell is paved with good intentions. By this we mean that, even though a plan of action may be carried out with the highest ideals, life often has a way of bringing out different results and different effects than what the individual had intended. Thus, the saying, "The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry."

When a Man's plans do go awry, he is still responsible for the effects of those plans, karmically speaking. For example: you steal something because you think that the deed will aid the goal of world peace. Well, your plans go wrong and someone ends up getting killed in the attempted robbery. Even though your plans for world peace may have been most noble, from Karma's point of view, you are responsible (at least partially) for a murder.

In understanding the third proponent, it is best to think of Karma as Cause-and-Effect. As an example, look at the discovery of penicillin. The researchers were not looking for penicillin. In fact, every time penicillin was found growing in one of the culture plates, it was discarded. Finally, someone had the insight to notice the affect that the penicillin had upon the bacterial cultures it grew near--the penicillin killed the bacteria!

Thus, the discovery of penicillin was an unforeseen effect of the research. In this case, the unintended, unforeseen effect was a beneficial one, but it could just as easily have been a negative effect.

Likewise, humans must bear the Karma for unforeseen effects of their own actions. These unforeseen effects will arise regardless of the motivation for the actions.

Only a being with full knowledge of all Universal Laws could possibly foresee, and thus avoid creating all these effects. However, even with this level of wisdom, there is no guarantee that unforeseen effects can be totally avoided.

Understand that there are levels of Karma. It is not just a case of an individual having to deal with the effects of his own actions. Since we share the planet with other humans and other life forms, we are karmically bound to them. This is known as Group Karma. One can be karmically bound to all manner of diverse groups at the same time. For example: a human could be bound to a religious group, a racial group, a governmental group, the human species, and all life on Earth, to name a few. However, one thing is for sure. When the final judgment comes, it will come against the species, not against the individuals of that species.

The fact that Man is bound to all Life on this planet involves some very strong Karmic bonds. For example, if by accident or by design, Man kills off another life form, then that life form is permanently gone from the face of Earth, and Man and the rest of the inhabitants of Earth will have to deal with the effects of this, whatever they may be. It is possible that if man kills off enough species, his own survival will become impossible.

Likewise, if man becomes involved in a nuclear war, all the other lifef orms will feel the terrible effects. They will be completely innocent of any wrongdoing; but still, they will have to deal with the Karma that Man has brought about. The only guilt, if that is the best word, of the other life forms would be guilt by association. That is, although they could not have done anything to prevent nuclear war, they are part of the planet and therefore must bear the Karma for the wrong doing of any and all other species on the planet. Thus, guilt by association. Still, the biggest burden of the Karma will fall on Man himself. In a very real sense Man has a tremendous responsibility to the other life forms of the planet. Is it not written: "To he who has much, much is expected. To he who has little, little is expected?"

Guilt by association, which should more properly be called Karma by association, is also valid when dealing with the interactions between humans. It is a very important, very little understood concept. Very often, it is the answer to the question "Why me?"

Example #1: An individual lives a perfectly normal life for twenty years, and then develops cancer. His reaction might then be, "Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this?" This is one of the many situations wherein a man's actions can make the difference between the presence and the absence of the target behavior. What good are his good behaviors if he smoked like a forest fire?

Example #2: You are waiting in line at a food store to pay for something. A wild gunman enters, spraying the store with bullets. One of them hits you, and you need to be rushed to the hospital. Your reaction: "Why me? What did I do to deserve this?" Crime is everyone's problem. If you refuse to get involved when others have a problem, you set yourself up for the same treatment.

In both of the above examples, while it is possible that the individual is experiencing an effect of past deeds, and does in fact, therefore, deserve the present situation, it is also possible that he did very little--from the human point of view.

From the Universe's point of view, however, all get exactly what they deserve. Thus, the mere fact of being an Earthling is reason enough. That is, every Earthling is subject to all sorts of things once they are born into the Earth experience: they are subject to disease organisms, they are subject to the laws that they allow their government to create, they are subject to the behavior (both rational and irrational) of others, they are subject to the whims of nature (storms, famine and other catastrophes)--they are subject to all kinds of things.

An example may make this clear. One day you decide you want to go to the beach. You have a very specific reason for wanting to go; you want to go swimming. So, you carry out your desire and you go to the beach. Well, there are many other things that you will get when you go to the beach besides just swimming. You will get sunshine, you will get the effects of beneficial ions in the air, you may get the company of other humans, you will get exercise--who knows how many things will come about when you go to the beach?

So, there are many effects which have nothing to do with the original reason (desire to go swimming) why you performed the action (trip to the beach). Some of these effects may be positive (the effects of the beneficial ions), while others may be negative (you step on a piece of glass and cut your foot). Whether positive or negative, however, they are still unforeseen effects which are independent of the original intention for which the act was performed.

Thus, when an individual makes the decision to descend into The Grand Maya (in our case, to come to Earth), he has to deal with all sorts of effects of that decision that may or may not have been involved in his original reasons for choosing to descend (the third proponent of Karma in action).

This is why we say that there are no random victims of some malevolent fate. Once an individual uses his freewill (the key here is that the individual was not forced into anything) and descends into Earth, he agrees to accept any and all of the conditions of that descent. So, wild gunmen shooting bullets, all manner of virulent diseases, accidents, attacks by wild beasts, and anything else you can think of are all included in the experience of Earth. To use a colloquial phrase, it would be appropriate to say that if you come to Earth you have to take the whole ball of wax. It is for this reason that we say that every human has Karma by association.

Each who descends upon the Earth Experience must bear the Karma of being an Earthling, and as such must accept that many things in life are going to seemingly be forced on you. Still, it was you who evoked the Law, and there is no way in this world or any other that you or anyone else can prevent that Law from exercising the purpose for which it was evoked.

Karma is absolutely fair; in all cases, you get either what you deserved, or what you desired. Thus, if you get shot by what seems to be a random bullet, you either deserved it or you asked for it. The deed is not an accident; as there are no accidents in this, or in any other Universe. Contrary to what people might think, you are not a victim of a loveless Universe.

There are at least two reasons for you getting hit by that seemingly unwanted bullet. In the first of the many possible reasons, in some past life the roles were reversed. It was you who was doing the shooting and it was they who were being shot; in which case, it would have been the Affinity-Factor which caused you to go to the store in exactly that moment to meet your fate.

In the second of the many different possible reasons for the seemingly unwanted scenario, on some higher level of creation, you could have asked for this experience in order to learn a new lesson. No one but yourself forced you to go grocery shopping that particular day to that particular store. No one but yourself forced you to incarnate on this particular planet. Karma by association is an aspect of the third proponent of Karma--the effects independent of the intentions of the action. Thus, on this level of awareness, you went grocery shopping with no intention of getting shot, but the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Similarly, perhaps man came to this planet for noble reasons. Still, if he destroys it, he will have to pay for the effects of his seemingly unwanted actions, regardless of his original intention. It must be remembered that, on this level at least, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

If and when Man comes to understand the preceding several pages, he will be much better off. The game of "Why me?", or Poor little me, is a very destructive one. It allows Man to delude himself into thinking that he is a victim, that he is powerless, that he is not responsible for the shape his world is in, nor for the events that take place in his life.

Really it comes down to understanding that Life is a fabric and that everything is linked to everything else. We are all in this together. The quality of life on Earth is determined by how the life forms treat each other. Since Man has the most freedom, he has the greatest opportunity to break out of his bestial instincts and treat others with love and respect rather than with envy, greed, anger, and other negative emotions.

Now that we have discussed fully the three proponents of Karma, we will continue with the aspects which make up a karmic cycle.

Karma, like everything else in the Universe, has a cyclical existence. In any Karmic Cycle, the individual gets at least three opportunities. He can use them to either perpetuate the cycle, or to break the cycle.

The first opportunity comes when the individual encounters a situation in which he has freewill to either Commit or Omit some target action. If he Commits this target action, he has entered the Commit Cycle. However, if he refuses to commit this target action, he then enters the Omit Cycle. Understand, the first opportunity to commit a target action is really only a first opportunity for one of the individuals involved. The mere fact that the situation exists means that one of the individuals has, already, chosen to commit the target action upon another [created an against-bond]. Thus, only he who is being committed against has the choice to remain unaffected (Omit), or to become emotionally involved (Commit).

We shall call the individual who has this choice individual O, for Omit [at this point in time, this individual has no karmic bonds]. The individual who has already committed we shall call individual C, for Commit.

Example: Someone becomes angry and decides to hit you. Well, that person has already made the decision to Commit. If he carries that decision out, then the situation exists. He no longer has freewill to decide to Commit or Omit; but, you still do. Thus, he would be individual C, while you would be individual O.

If individual O does, in fact, Omit, then he enters the Omit cycle. In this case, he may only have to deal with the situation two more times. In order for this to be true, individual O must successively Omit in both, the second and third opportunities. He will then have equalized his Karma. This is what it looks like:

Opportunity # Karma's Tally

  1. 1 Omission;
  2. 0 Omissions;
  3. Karma equalized.

This, the Omission cycle, is the shortest possible Karmic cycle. The Omission in the first opportunity is tallied against the individual. The Omission in the second opportunity wipes away the first Omission. The Omission in the third opportunity wipes the slate completely clean, and the Karma of that single interaction is equalized.

The fact that a single action, or cause, forces an individual to encounter that same situation again, at least two or more times, may be difficult to understand. This is one of the aspects that separates Karma (cause and effect applied to Life forms) from the simple cause-and-effect relationships we find in physics and chemistry, where the MindForce is not involved (as we know it).

For example: you drop a rock. It falls to Earth. The cause and effect has fulfilled itself. The cycle ends. However, if you are a human and you strike another human, things don't end there. You will be forced to encounter violent situations again and again until you master them. At the very least, it takes three cycles (including the original event) to escape a karmic cycle. We must remember that the law states: It takes at least ten times the amount of pain to get out of a situation as it took the pleasure to get into it.

Part of the reason for this is freewill. A rock has no freewill. When dropped, it falls. Humans, as well as other life forms, can react in all sorts of other ways. Thus, their Karmic cycles are much more complicated. They must be given the chance to act in all of their possible reactions; to see if they really have the proper attitude to end all wars.

Another way of looking at it is in terms of an initial force and the force needed to overcome that force. From this reference point, the rock falling to Earth is more complicated. The initial force is that of a human throwing the rock into the air. This becomes a cause which unleashes the effect--the force of gravity which eventually overcomes the initial force.

Likewise, when an individual performs a violent action, it becomes a cause which unleashes effects. In this case the effect is that the individual will be repeatedly drawn to that situation until he learns proper behavior. Thus the effect is that the original force, the violent behavior, is eventually overcome by another force.

Perhaps the greatest difference between the rock's flight being overcome by gravity and the individual's learning new behavior is the amount of time needed for each cycle to complete itself.

Karma comes about due to the Laws of Recursive Dialusion. Karma is Recursive Dialusion's way of enabling the Manifestation of Perfection. That is, it allows Life forms to learn and to perfect their being. It is an integral part of the New Covenant.

Still, at the same time, this is one of the prime reasons why Earth is such an inescapable trap (for those without a teacher). It is only a very stable individual who will be able to Omit three or more times in a row. Also, there is no limit to the number of Commissions that can be piled up, and each of these takes at least three Omissions to equalize. So, it is conceivable that an individual could encounter the same situation many, many times before escaping it. So it is with every conceivable interaction on the planet.

The Earth Experience has one basic law that cannot be broken... regardless of the amount of power an individual has. This law is simple. Basically, it states that each must clean up after themselves... When an individual enters the Earth Experience, all is in their proper balance. Every action... every interaction that occurs changes that balance; such that, every experience changes all parties of an interaction. It is because of this change that Karma must evoke the Affinity-Factor to restore the proper balance in the force/levels of each experience.

While it seems just that he who committed be forced to encounter the situation time and time again, until the original error is equalized, it is perhaps harder to understand why the individual who behaved properly in omitting is also forced to encounter the situation again.

Again, it is to allow the manifestation of perfection. Understand that just by interacting, regardless of whether one acts in a positive or negative manner, one will be forced by Karmic Law to encounter the same situation at least twice more. Just as a rock will fall to Earth no matter what the reason for it being thrown into the air, so too, must humans enter a karmic cycle when they interact, regardless of the reason for interaction.

The Omission Cycle is the Universe's way of testing the individual, so to speak. If an individual is placed in any situation where he can either Commit or Omit, and that individual behaves properly and Omits, he has taken a step in freeing himself from the bonds of The Grand Maya. Still, it is not that easy. The Universe will force the individual to Omit at least three times in a row to ensure that the individual truly understands the ramifications of his behavior and is in control of himself--to insure that his heart is truly in the right place.

There is only one way out and that is through Love. Only Understanding, Love, and Forgiveness will enable an individual to Omit regardless of the circumstances. The individual will omit once because as he reaches for the original balance he will seek understanding. The individual will omit once again because he will forgive. The individual will omit a third time out of love... then, the Affinity-Factor will no longer have a claim upon him.

Also, three Omissions in a row are sufficient to begin programming or reprogramming of Automatic-Pilot. This programming will help the individual avoid Committing if he ever encounters the situation again. Thus, although Karmic Law is one of the biggest stumbling blocks holding Man back, it also insures that the individual will eventually learn. The individual will, in time, modify his behavior such that it is in accordance with what the Universe desires of its Creations--the original balance.

He who has only Omissions to deal with does, by far, retain more freewill than he who has to deal with Commissions. He who has only omitted will encounter the situation again, but he has freewill to determine how he will deal with the situation. He is not compelled to act in a certain way. He can choose to remain totally unemotional, totally unaffected by the situation. This is the only way to get out of the karmic cycle. He who has committed does not retain a comparable degree of freedom.

Now let us return to individual O and individual C in order to study the Commit Cycle. If individual O did not Omit in the first opportunity, but instead, chose to Commit, he will enter a Commit Cycle. It might look like this:

Opportunity # Karma's Tally

  1. 1 Commits; 0 Omit;
  2. 0 Commits, 1 Omit; [The Commit has been converted into an Omit]
  3. 0 Commits, 1 Omits [Omits for Understanding];
  4. 0 Commits, 1 Omits [Omits for Forgiveness];
  5. 0 Commits; 1 Omits [Omits for Love];
  6. 0 Commits, 0 Omits [Karma equalized]

An Omission in the second opportunity replaces the Commit with an Omit. From that point on, the cycle proceeds as did the Omit cycle--as long as the individual does not recommit!

Notice that it takes longer (at least 6 opportunities as opposed to at least 3) to equalize a Commit cycle than an Omit. This difference is because of the law which states: It takes, at the very least, ten times the amount of pain to get out of any given situation as there was pleasure, in the form of rewards, during the process of getting into that same situation. There is no limit to the number of Commits an individual can pile up; and therefore, there is no telling how long an individual may be stuck in the situation.

The Steering Current is different in each of the three opportunities:

Opportunity: Steering Current:

  1. The deed itself (the Now-Effect)
  2. The fabric of the Karma;
  3. Fabric of the Continuum of Freedom vs. the Continuum of Predestiny.

In each of the above, on a lower level, Karma gives the game different opportunities, as seen in fig. #1.