Fig. #11. Too late, Man found himself entering the lowest levels of the physical realms--Man found himself alone... and the loneliness caused his new individuality to throw caution to the winds... Man wished for others of his kind. With the thought, The TwinSpecies: Human came into being... wherein, Unity expressed itself as a new creation, a creation wherein LifeForce and MindForce were merged within the same seed. Duality expressed itself as the Sub-species Male (the creator of, the giver of the seed of life) and the Sub-species: Female (the receptacle, the guardian for the seed of life). Triunity expressed itself as Male, Female, and Bi-sexual. Individuality expressed itself via the Alfa Plane (the World Of Alfa... wherein each individual came to know FabricTime and LinearTime but did not know space). Duality also expressed itself as an interaction between the Alfa Plane's LinearTime and Astral Plane of Common Reality's LinearSpace. Triunity also expressed itself as an interaction between The Ka (body physical), The Ba (World of the Betic... the Ba is that which survives the death process), and The BaKa (seed for each's Tallyman, keeper of the script that is written by our moment to moment deeds... by The Golden Scribe--Karma.