Akhenaten's Eighth Vision
(The judgment of Karma)

Behold the 'way'.  To understand 'Life', is to understand the laws of  Karma.  To understand Karma, the mind must think of terms of Cause & Effect.  Karma is liken unto a scribe.  Its force is simply an account keeper of all the experiences experienced in all levels of awareness.  Thus, Karma is called The Soul of Man's Golden Scribe. It is the force who keeps a watch upon the pattern used to weave the fabric of the experience of  'Life's loom.

Understand and accept that the Golden Scribe's function is evoked by the GreatForce and administered by The Soul of Man!  It is the same law that evoked its presence that keeps it's tally.  Each, to his own due.  What is incurred in the flesh must be paid in the flesh.  Each unto it's own kind, measure for measure.

To these ends, understand the interplay between the Golden Scribe and man's desires.  To the degree that the Golden Scribe marks your favors, to that measure does the mind control the forces that recombine the tally to future's bind.  To that measure does the treasure's mind have freewill to choose its own set of experiences with respect to each specific learning experience upon the face of Earth...limited by the illusions that create reality.

To the measure that the Golden Scribe marks the stubbornness of your own heart, to that measure does the treasure's mind trap itself in the Hell-of-its-own-thoughts.  To that measure has destiny to rule the scepter of your awareness, of your experiences, and of the measure of ease with which you pass or fail in your own plans of life.  For Destiny rules the illusions that forms the basic law that the world of illusions is the driving force of all realities.  All power must return to its source.  It is, after all, the manifestation of the natural laws of Cause & Effect. 

And Lo, it came to pass that Pharaoh discovered that because people are individuals, and because these individuals are concerned with their own affairs, their own communications, their own importance, communication itself becomes a thing of paramount importance if one is to follow the 'way'.  Communication becomes the sole tool of learning, and of understanding.  It was discovered that one must be able to communicate to himself before being able to communicate to others. 

Pharaoh discovered that communication is the only medium that mankind has for the phenomenon of sharing.  Since mankind is, in fact, unique--by its own claim--that uniqueness also serves to isolate him form one another.  This measure of isolation, it was discovered, creates the illusion of being truly alone.  As such, within the experience of life, no one individual can breathe your first breath for you.  No one individual can breathe your last breath for you.  No one individual can make you feel happy if your illusions condemns you to sadness.

Therefore, each individual feels their own importance more than any other sensations.  Because of this, all things are judged, all life is judged to be according to and restricted by an arbitrary set of values that man may or may not be constantly updating.  Therefore, because of the importance of empathy to one's self, man, because of his claim to uniqueness, transfers his 'uniqueness' into a feeling of loneliness--which itself, like a Harpy, drives him to seek interaction with his own kind.

Caught in the rapture of his visions, Pharaoh Akhenaten discovered many of the causes of the strife that drove mankind to war, and to the many frustrations that bore the responsibility for the misdeeds committed.  Taught was he the necessity for sharing.  Taught was he the process of some individual's development.  And, therein, communication--of sorts--became a panic necessity.  The measure of man's panic decreed that the urgency becomes the rule.  Prudence will edit all.  Prudence will demand--if truth will speak its name--that silence is, indeed, golden.   If, however, urgency demands that silence be broken, let it be broken by a sharing that is worth more than the broken silence.  If urgency demands the communique serve only the man's selfish desires, then it is not worth the breaking of the silence!