Arkashean Q&A Session -- 086
HEATHER: So it started as a means of power.
THERRY: Bingo! That's why it's called politics. Now then, if I come up to you, you being an idiot that was uneducated back then, but me being a little more educated back then, therefore, while I'm still trapped in the same world, I have illusions. I can take a mirror which you've never seen before, shine it in your eyes and say, "I am the Eye of God!" [Dramatic voice]. That's going to scare the shit out of you. Now, you're going to take notice! And then if I say, "I'll put you in the pain of death that you will never die!" Hoo! Now you're going to turn around and do what the Duck I want you to do. That is religion. And that's how it got started. It is a system of beliefs built upon politics for the control of other people. That is religion.
HEATHER: Well, then how...?
THERRY: 'Cuz think back for a minute. The early representatives of religion were the witch doctors, the shamans, the healers, the diablos, the curanderos -- they were the ones who took poisons which you have no knowledge of, gave you poison and then made some fancy ritual and said, "You will die within three (3) days by the power!" [Dramatic voice] So everyone else looks around you and sure enough you die. Well, they don't know anything about poisons. So guess what happens? If you meet a mother------ like that, what are you going to do? You're going to be goddamned quick to bow down. You don't want that guy to get pissed off at you! There you have religion. Yes?
TILLA: Does that mean there's no spiritual tendencies in organized religions [...]?
THERRY: No, it doesn't mean that. One has nothing to do with the other. We're talking about religion. Religion is politics. Your question was, is it possible to have both religion and spirituality within the same dogma. Of course it is. It is the spirituality that keeps religion alive overtime. But it doesn't have to have much. All it needs is one or two truths and the truth itself will always stand up alone. And religion is the veneer that is wrapped around that truth. And because of that truth, it will last for ages.
HEATHER: Is that why...Laurie. Is that why the teachings of Jesus, although they've been corrupted and maybe made extremely political, are still existing today?
THERRY: Of course. It is veneer of religion wrapped around truth of sacred law. Think back in history. Is it not what it's always been? Okay? So much for religion. Okay now, the next thing is Steering Currents. Uhm. Who here among you can tell me about Steering Currents, what they are? You mean nobody knows anything about Steering Currents? Yes?
WAN: Could a Steering Current be something...
THERRY: Who're you?
WAN: Wan, excuse me. Wan here. Could a Steering Current be said as, it is the force that causes you to do what you do?
THERRY: Ahh. Because you used the word causes you to, then I'll have to give you the answer, "No." Yes?
TAO: Tao here. Could a Steering Current be anything that which...anything that would move you to uhm do certain things in life? They could possibly be your needs, they could be your desires...a desire to grow, a desire to run away or a desire to just have pleasure. Anything that would be like an impetus for you to move.
THERRY: Yes, anything that moves doors.
TILLA: That would be a Steering Current?
HEATHER: Laurie. Is it your energy force that is...
THERRY: That can be a Steering Current, yes.
WAN: Wan. So it's any force that...any force that can influence you is a Steering Current?
THERRY: Yes. Steering Currents take two forms. They're either in effect or they're not taking effect. Yes?
HEATHER: Laurie. Are Steering Currents what are the basis of committing versus omitting when we...?
THERRY: No. They affect both of them.
THERRY: For instance, let's say, you're sitting here watching television and you feel a rumbling inside your stomach. That's a Steering Current at work. You can either go get something to eat or you can go to the bathroom.
HEATHER: It's you causing the force? The...
THERRY: It is your interaction with that which is real being governed by the World of Illusion that will determine the behavior. Yes?
WAN: Wan here. So in that case of that example, both the rumblings in the stomach, which is that which is real and whichever acculturation we have learned which states, "Oh, that means I have to get up and get something and eat," both of those are Steering Currents?
THERRY: Yes. Now they can't come about in two forms. They can be actively in control. Or they can be in the sidelines, not really in control, in which case they'd be called, "latent." Yes?
TILLA: Tilla. Uhm. So in the case of Automatic Pilot, if you...
THERRY: They are always in control, they're always prime. Yes?
TILLA: Automatic Pilot is always in control?
TILLA: What if you're actively seeking to change what's in your Automatic Pilot so you're trying to not let your behaviors be dictated by your Automatic Pilot? [...]
THERRY: This is a Catch-22 type of situation. It is what is programmed in Automatic Pilot that will determine if you have the ability to change Automatic Pilot or not. Yes?
HEATHER: So...If I'm walking down the street, someone screams at me, any driver or whatever, now I thought it was committing for me to turn and scream back and omitting if I just turn my head and walk away.
THERRY: That's true.
HEATHER: But is that...the very basis of Steering Currents?
THERRY: Yes. For instance, let's say you're walking down the street and you commit, which is where you're yelling at this guy. Well, you didn't have to commit, you could've omitted, which meant you didn't yell, you just ignored him and kept on going. Now what was it that... obviously that's a pivot point, right? There were two choices you could've made. The thing that...
HEATHER: ...That determines my choice is my Steering Current?
THERRY: Right. It is the Steering Current active or latent that was the impetus of that choice.
HEATHER: Then the Steering Current is the basis for which all our Karma, all our Predestiny and Freewill started from?
THERRY: Not the basis of, but the impetus, where behavior comes from.
HEATHER: Then to me it sounds like it's your Life Force. It is...
THERRY: No, it's not the Life Force. The Life Force is what gives you awareness. The Steering Current is what determines uhm...well...
HEATHER: It's your make-up then?
HEATHER: Then you can or you cannot change that?
THERRY: According to what's written in your Automatic Pilot. Say you have a habit that if you commit by yelling at this nut who yelled at ya. Say that this is so strong in you that you just don't think automatically.
HEATHER: But what if you want to change that?
THERRY: Well, that depends if Automatic Pilot will allow you to change it. If you have used your Freewill to create Predestiny, then you cannot change it. Once it's in Predestiny, it cannot be changed. You have to experience it. It is not until you walk upon The Walk of Freedom that you can change it. Yes?
WAN: Wan here. So in terms of Steering Currents, so then let's say your average man could be heavily influenced by sex whereas your celibate, a true celibate will not be influenced at all by sex.
THERRY: Correct.
WAN: Sex [...]
THERRY: Yes, for the...for the average man sex becomes a prime Steering Current and for the celibate it becomes a latent Steering Current.
WAN: So in the celibate it could again become a prime Steering Current?
THERRY: Yes, that's why it remains a latent.
CORA Question...
CORA Cora here. I thought that, your could change your Predestiny by realizations.
THERRY: That's the due process, that's not the governing factor. Realization is the due process of changing Predestiny.
CORA But I thought I understood you to say this before that you couldn't change couldn't change your Automatic Pilot...Steering Current...
THERRY: You cannot change Predestiny so long as you're on the Walk of Predestiny. In order to change anything whatsoever that's in Automatic Pilot, it has to be done while you're on the Walk of Freedom. You can never change anything that's in Automatic Pilot while you're on the Walk of Predestiny. You're only programming Automatic Pilot. Incidentally, for those who are not familiar, the term Automatic Pilot is the catch-all phrase that we use to describe the programmable instincts that man has. Man does not have any non-programmable instincts. But they do have a lot of programmable instincts. Yes?
TILLA: Tilla. So when you say that Automatic Pilot can not be changed if you're on the Walk of Predestiny, it can only be changed in the Walk of Freedom, do you simply mean that you can't change something like the things that got you in Predestiny?
THERRY: Correct. Plus, it also means that before you can change what's in Automatic Pilot, you first have to have the power to prevent yourself from being ruled by what's in Automatic Pilot. Yes?
WAN: Wan here. So that means like ...if in Automatic Pilot you have a belief that I cannot change, I am at the mercy of whatever it was that I was taught, because of what you had in Automatic Pilot, that very information there is going to keep you from being able to update Automatic Pilot.
THERRY: Correct. Basically, what you said in different words was, if you had the affinity for your wants as opposed to the affinity for your shoulds, you will continue to repeat the same behavior each time that situation comes around. [Pause] Now then, as I was saying, if your affinity is for your wants that means that you're interested in satisfying your own needs, to hell with everything else, well, you're going to be in such an emotional state and in such a non-thinking logical state that you're just going to react. You're not going to stop and think, you're just going to do it. Under such a condition, there's just no way you can stop yourself. But if you're on the Walk of Freedom, then that means there's going to be a little space of time regardless of how small and how big, there's going to be a little space of time where your logic can come in and take control and say, "Hey. do I really want to do this or not?" Well, depending on what you do, in that small space of time, that's going to determine if you can change Automatic Pilot. 'Cuz you can see say, "No," I don't want to do this and then go through the pain. Or you can say, "Duck it!" and go right headlong into it, in which case you begin eliminating the ability to change it. Does that make sense to you?
WAN: Yeah. I wasn't exactly sure what that had to do with what I'd said because I wasn't speaking in terms of gratifying the wants as opposed to the shoulds.
THERRY: Well, that's all it's at. There's all there is to it. So long as you are interested in the self and the self desires, then you are on the Walk of Predestiny.
WAN: Okay, I can understand that. WAN: again. I can understand that but what I was referring to more before is what you were talking about Automatic Pilot where if I was taught, if I was given a set of information when I was small...
THERRY: Okay, here's where you're making an error. What you're given as a child don't mean "shit." That doesn't determine anything. The thing that determines everything are the attitudes that you have in yourself, the emotions which you have in yourself and the value systems that you have in yourself. That's what determines everything.
WAN: Yeah.
THERRY: Where you got those and how you got them doesn't enter the conversation. We're talking about programming and reprogramming Automatic Pilot. The due process is via your language.
WAN: Alright, but if you're never...
THERRY: Where you got your language is unimportant.
WAN: Understood. But what I was thinking is that if a person has never been given that information then he sure can't have that information to help him grow, correct?
THERRY: Correct. But it''d be pretty hard pressed to try to make me believe that an individual don't know the difference between right and wrong. You'd be pretty hardpressed to tell me that an individual doesn't know the difference between what they should do versus what they want to do.
WAN: It just seems sometimes people -- it may not be a question of wants over shoulds as opposed they can't see that what they are doing is a direct cause of the pain that they happen to be in. That's why I think a lot of people meet you and learn about what is actually causing their pain.
THERRY: Show me a set of circumstances where it's not a condition of wants instead of shoulds. Explain that to me. I don't see how it's possible. Be my teacher.
WAN: Well, I'd have to think about it -- about a specific example.
THERRY: Go ahead think about it. I don't care what situations it is. I don't see how it could not be the wants versus the shoulds -- specifically, when you're sitting there and mentioned that people are not aware that what's happening is because of their emotions. Did you not say that?
WAN: I don't know cuz what you're asking me to seems like I'm trying to defend something that I may not even believe in to begin with.
THERRY: Then why bother defending it.
WAN: I'm not trying to defend anything. All I was trying to say was...
THERRY: There's something illogical about what you're talking to me right now.
WAN: Which is?
THERRY: You're trying to defend something you don't believe in. And then I tell you, well, don't believe in it, don't defend it. And then you're telling me you're not defending anything. There's illogical there.
WAN: No, I'm trying to understand something here.
THERRY: Hold it. Let's replay this tape. [Pause] On the one hand...
WAN: I understand that. I'm sitting here and talking about something and it's a defense of sorts. And then you're saying...and then I said that I'm trying to defend something that I may not even believe in and then, on the other hand, in the same breath, I said I'm not defending anything ...
THERRY: Exactly...
WAN: So...
THERRY:'re denying your own statement.
WAN: Right, so that's illogical.
THERRY: Exactly, you're using illogical behavior, illogical thinking process...
WAN: Okay.
THERRY: defend a bad position.
WAN: Alright, what I was talking about before, where I was talking about the set of information that a person is given when they're small and then you said that that doesn't mean a damn thing...
THERRY: Right, it don't mean anything.
WAN: Okay, well what I was thinking again. Okay...I...
THERRY: See the reason why they don't mean anything is because you're talking about how and where they got their value systems.
WAN: Right.
THERRY: That's unimportant.
WAN: Okay. What matters is that they...
THERRY: What's important is the fact that they do have it.
WAN: So it's...
THERRY: And it's the fact that they have it, that is going to govern Automatic Pilot, not where they got it.
WAN: Right. So I could've been told one thing by my mom, one thing by my uncle, one thing by a friend and one thing by a teacher and all this other stuff, but the stuff that specific information that I personally chose to hang on to and that information that I personally chose to throw away, that is my own personal value system. That has no bearing on where I got it...
THERRY: Bingo!
WAN: Okay and that...
THERRY: Now likewise...
WAN: And that gets back to what I think I should do as opposed to maybe what I want to do?
WAN: That's what I'm having difficulty seeing.
THERRY: No, no, no, no, no, no! No, you're doing the same sidetrack thing again. It is not the place, person or circumstances that you got your value system from that's going to change Automatic Pilot. It's going to be either the presence or the absence of those value systems that's going to change or not change Automatic Pilot.
WAN: Correct.
THERRY: So it doesn't matter if your uncle, a drunk or God that gives you a value system. If you yourself accept that as your value systems and it becomes yours and that now will determine if you will change.
WAN: Okay, granted, but how does that have to do with what I want or what I should do?
THERRY: Because it is you using those value systems that's going to determine what you're going to do, what you want as opposed to what you should. A case in point -- you play certain games in life.
WAN: Uh-hmmm.
THERRY: You can in no way sit there and tell me that you don't know that they're right or wrong. Because you know ahead of time that they are bad games -- you should not play it. But you want to play 'em so you do just the same. True or not true?
WAN: In certain circumstances, true.
THERRY: Who cares what circumstances -- is it true or is it not true?
WAN: True.
THERRY: You've proven my own point.
WAN: Oh, I'm not saying it doesn't exist.
THERRY: That's all I'm saying. We're talking about the laws of Automatic Pilot. It's is 100% in time a war between your wants and your shoulds. And there is no way that you sit here and tell me that you don't know the difference between the two. The only ones who is caught in such way that they are unable to determine the difference between their wants and their shoulds are those who, for whatever reasons are trapped in such a way that they don't have the reasoning power. They're either very severely retarded...
WAN: Uh-mm.
THERRY: Or they're complete psychopaths. And obviously these people are so deformed that they don't even enter our conversation since we're talking about average man. Yes?
WAN: So then...Okay. Wan again. So then a want and a should doesn't have anything to do with a moral right or wrong? It has to do with...
THERRY: How the hell did morality get into this?
WAN: Well, that's where I think my problem may be coming is I may be converting in my mind.
THERRY: What has morality got to do with you changing Automatic Pilot? The subject matter here is your ability or your lack of ability to change Automatic Pilot.
WAN: Okay, you're right.
THERRY: It's got nothing to do with if you're moral or upstanding. Those are words that, if I had my way, I'd throw them the Duck out of the language.
WAN: Okay.
THERRY: They are the most useless words in the whole English language because people consistently use them without giving them reference points that is required. Yes?
TILLA: Tilla speaking...
TILLA: So, to sum up I'm getting from these things as they call it and I want to make sure that I'm following this correctly.
TILLA: To sum up...your ability or inability to escape or change your Automatic Pilot depends on the outcome of your battle between your wants and your shoulds.
THERRY: Partially.
TILLA: And what else?