The Absence versus the Presence Q&A page 1

WARREN: The next entry is the Absence versus the Presence and if anybody wants to starts, go right ahead.

THERRY: Let's keep the same format always.

WARREN: Okay, go ahead Sally. You'll have to speak up.

SALLY: Okay. First, I'm talking about my impression on the reading?

WARREN: No, what do you think the Absence and the Presence is? The difference, what you think they are.

THERRY: Yes, that's what she said, her impressions about the reading.

SALLY: Uhm. Okay.

WARREN: Okay, alright we'll come back to you. You can think about it for a bit.

THERESA: Okay, I understood that uhm that we don't understand, we can't see many of the...Like the Absence we can't see it because we're on a lower level and the Absence is on a higher level than us, so we can't really understand it. And I also talks about the Laws of Creation.

JUAN: You might want to hold on a second.

THERRY: [Strange coughing sound]


TOM: See, that's the Absence.

ELENA: That's the Absence?

JUAN: No, that's the Presence and then the Absence!

MARK: Poor Gillian's going to be transcribing this. How do you spell that!?

JUAN: Arghh-too!

THERESA: And there are many Laws of Creation and it talked mainly about two, I think. I think everybody knows them already. And uhm it also talked about the Sea of...

SALLY: Uncreated Futures...

THERESA: Yeah and then two rivers that got created and all this stuff but that was all I understood. [Giggle]

TOM: I'm going to have to pass. I'm not so clear on it.

AL: Well, to me the Absence versus the Presence is the first example of duality coming from Unity and it's also the first example of the law of "That which is created in the nature of the other ...That which exists in the other shall exist in the nature of the former" and a whole bunch of implications that come from that as well. And also the implication that there's only a certain level that Man can rise back to because if he goes past that point, he's no longer Man, so there's certain things outside that can influence that he can never really come to fully understand.

MARK: What he said, plus which brings to my first question, which is something I was pondering and that is, is the influence of the Absence within the Presence the same as the Universe?

THERRY: Repeat.

MARK: Is the Presence...Is the Absence...

THERRY: Is the influence of the Absence present where?

MARK: Okay, is the influence of the Absence present in ...[Chuckle]

JUAN: In the Presence?

THERRY: In the Now?

MARK: Yeah okay, call it Now in the form of limiters? Is that how we see it? 'Cause I wasn't sure how we see the effects of it in our world.

THERRY: Okay that's a good question.

MARK: In addition, I got a little lost because the rest of the manuscript was talking about ...if there was a direct correlation to the Absence and the Presence, I didn't quite get it, you know, the laws that were listed in that manuscript. Well it starts talking about a bunch of different laws of Creation and I didn't know if there was a direct correlation to how the Absence is an influence there and I didn't get that. And if there was, I didn't see it.


MARK: I didn't ponder it long enough, possibly.

GILLIAN: I don't want to be repetitive...with the Absence it said that it was one of two threads of creation but it's outside of Creation, so my question was, how could it be a thread of Creation if it's outside of Creation?

THERRY: Okay, that's a good question.

MIMI: I understood that because law is dual in its nature, I thought okay, you have an Absence and a Presence, you have light, you have darkness, and I didn't know if that could correlate to, in order to have pleasure you have to have pain. So for example, the double-edged sword, they could be symbolisms of the Presence and the Absence. You could take those two laws and bring it down to the emotional level. So I, you know...that's what I looked at it. Because basically because of law itself, I couldn't have one without the other, period, so I'm stuck. But I thought fifty fifty. Fifty percent (50%) absent, fifty percent (50%) present but according to this documentation the Absence is very, very small as far as the influence of the Presence. And at that point I didn't really understand how you wrote it that way.

THERRY: It is not.

MIMI: Okay.

WARREN: Do you want us to hold off on the questions?

MIMI: Yeah, I'll wait.

THERRY: That's okay.

ELENA: I didn't know the format. I wasn't here last week.

JUAN: I guess I basically understood it as an explanation of what the Absence and the Presence was as it the two were created from the first and second Laws of Creation. It was pretty straightforward, but I do have a few questions though. There were some things that I didn't understand, so I guess I'm done here now. I'll listen for my reply off the air.


JUAN: Oh I'm sorry. I've been listening to too much talk radio.

MIMI: He's off-line now.

JUAN: They call in and they ask questions and then they go, "Okay, I'll take my questions off the air now. But we're going to hang up."

THERRY: Now all of you came close but you didn't get the main level of understanding. It's obvious that the Absence and the Presence primarily is dealing with the first of the Double Gates of Descent. Where the Absence is on the outside of the Double Gate and the Presence is on the Inside of the Double Gate. Now both by the nature of creation, both repeat themselves via Repeating Patterns on all levels. So we end up with both the Absence and the Presence is felt and they make themselves known on all levels of every moment of Creation. There are so many examples that it's ludicrous to speak of them all. Stop eating for awhile. You'll know the effect of the Absence. Eat too much, you'll know the effects of the Presence.

WARREN: That's kind of a tough analogy to compare to the Absence, you know what I mean? Comparing it to food.

THERRY: Well if the primary level was the person in the Double Gate, then when you trickle down and you keep trickling down, then it's the Absence and the Presence of what. So the "what" becomes a big question mark, that becomes a variable and whatever is filled in the "what" will give you a different effect. 'Cause we're still dealing with cause and effect.

WARREN: Was it cause and effect in the initial stirrings in the Absence that created how consciousness came into being?

THERRY: They would have to be, but because we're not outside of the Illusion, we would have no way of knowing that.

WARREN: It kind of alluded to the fact that there are individuals in the Absence or the force that was that had no consciousness and all of a sudden it had consciousness.

THERRY: No, you can't make that claim because outside of the first Double Gate is the...Premedial time which is in Fabric Time. All they had was the Now. So there is no individuals.

WARREN: Okay. Effectively your text alluded to individuals. You may want to look at that. I think you used that.

THERRY: Where does it say that?

WARREN: I'll have to look for it. Meanwhile maybe someone else can ask a question.

JEANIE: What I got from reading the manuscript was that at the same moment that the Absence and the Presence came into being came the Continuum so the Continuum would indicate that there's varying degrees of the Presence and Absence at every single point.

THERRY: Exactly.

JEANIE: ...And you can't have one without the other. But they're all varying degrees. And you used Conductivity, Frequency and Receptivity.

THERRY: That's Triunity.

JEANIE: Right. But was there...above that, was there a Continuum, from ...I mean, anything beyond that?

THERRY: You mean you're asking for information about what's outside the Double Gate?

JEANIE: I guess so.

THERRY: Nobody on this level would know that.

JEANIE: But it's still a Continuum?

THERRY: Nobody on this level would know that. How could you say, it's still a Continuum if you don't know it?

JEANIE: That's what you're here for.

JUAN: That's why you get the big bucks.

AL: And that's what I was talking about before, because notwithstanding the fact of Fabric Time, my understanding is that humans can never go beyond the limits of Mind Force. They can never understand anything outside of Mind Force because if they go that far to understand, their mind will unravel.

THERRY: That's correct.

AL: You can't go beyond the origin of Man. You can't go any further past that.

THERRY: That's correct. You can't go beyond...No life, no human can ever go beyond the Creation of Mind Force. You can't even go up to the Creation of Mind Force.

MARK: Since we're on the thread of the Presence, how do we see the effect of the Absence?

THERRY: Stop eating for awhile.

MARK: That's just a degree of presence, isn't it?

THERRY: Nah-uh. That's the Absence of food. Remember, once you get on this level, you're filling in the what. The Absence of Love is loneliness. The Absence of food is starvation.

MARK: So does the Absence basically just play that kind of a role? What I'm asking is does it play a role of a limiter?

THERRY: Yes and obviously it becomes a cause for a new effect.

AL: It's just as easy to say it's the Presence, that's the limiter and we're on the side of the Absence. We have no way of knowing.

MARK: See the big term, Absence, you think void or something like that.

THERRY: The Great Void.

AL: Doesn't that have to have a Presence in it? Doesn't the whole other side that we know nothing about, whichever way you call it, doesn't it have to have both as well?

THERRY: Yes, otherwise we wouldn't have it here.

AL: So we don't know...

THERRY: But we can only infer, we can't make solid statements.

MARK: So we could guess that there's another existence that is based on the Absence rather than the Presence that ...

THERRY: Which is all moot because you can say it's marshmallows and cream and it wouldn't do you a damn bit of good.

MARK: Because it's absent, otherwise I could chomp it!

AL: So is this level of Creation the Creation of the Absence...

THERRY: Right, it's...

AL:...and the Presence from the Great Chi or the Great Singularity bearing in mind it's Fabric time, is that above the level of Mind Force?

THERRY: Right, it's...

AL: And we're just inferring all this?

THERRY: It is so far above the level of Mind Force that Mind Force isn't even a glint in whomever's eye.

AL: So this whole thing is all inferences then?

THERRY: The whole thing is all law.

AL: Yeah but how can we become aware of it?


AL: Who became aware of it? How can we find about it if it's above Mind Force?

THERRY: Because we're here. If certain things would have to occur, because remember the future takes care of the needs of its past and every moment cares for the needs of its future. Now in tracing time there are many ways to go into the future, many timelines that will bring you at the same place. But there's only one timeline that will bring you back. You go into the past and if you change anything. It doesn't matter how moot, how little, you cannot go back to where you came from.

WARREN: You mean you can't go forward to where you came from?

THERRY: Well depends on one's point of observation.

WARREN: Well, here's that entry. "Then no-one on this level really knows how or why, some of the beings, you did say this, if the word being can be used in this sense."

THERRY: So what does that mean, "some of the beings if the word beings can be used?" It means that you don't know who the hell could be there.

WARREN: I know but you went on to say "that resided in consciousness began thinking!"

THERRY: But that's on the other side of the double gate.

JUAN: Yeah.

WARREN: Yeah, okay, I forgot that you had that parenthesis.

TOM: Not only that. The paragraph above it talks about the Great Force had no consciousness and then consciousness sprang into being. At that point you already have the duality.

WARREN: And who's going to believe that?

THERRY: It doesn't matter what you believe.

TOM: Those beings you were referring to came from the consciousness side of it, so that's the other side of the gate.

THERRY: It's really moot if you believe it or not because until you get to the other side of the gate yourself, you're just spinning your wheels.

TOM: How can you get to the other side of the gate?

THERRY: Well first you have to go to the other side of life, then you have to go back through Orthodontiks, then from Orthodontiks, you got to go back up to singularity.

AL: And will you still have a mind?


AL: So,'re not going to be able to be aware of that.

THERRY: Correct.

AL: So for all intents and purposes, you can can't do it.

THERRY: Correct.

AL: How high can you go? Can you go to that level where he said there were entities thinking inside where the Great Force was?

THERRY: Not and keep the Mind Force that you have now!

MARK: Would you have more of a collective Mind Force?


MARK: So individuality has to go before that?

THERRY: Yes. When you climb that ladder for the lack of a better term, each rung you take upwards, you leave everything behind. It doesn't exist anymore. So you give up your body, you give up recognition of your Planet, your Galaxy, you give up everything.

MARK: You give up your mind?


MARK: What's left?

WARREN: We don't know.

THERRY: Whatever was on the Other Side when you descended.

MARK: You said each rung of the ladder that you go up.

THERRY: Each rung of the ladder that you go up.

MARK: And how many rungs are on this particular ladder 'til you get to this Double Gate where you're into that?

THERRY: I think all that is trying to look at it too finely when you never can. I think that's one of these things where it's useless to ask such specific questions 'cause there are no answers to it. There's no way you will ever know anything that existed before Mind Force because you cannot think, see or feel anything at the same level of Mind Force.

MARK: Then, my question is, you said you have to give up everything each time you go up a rung of a ladder. I don't know what a rung of the ladder is.

THERRY: Well, first of all, you changed my words.

MARK: Okay, how?

THERRY: I didn't say you had to give up everything. I said each rung of the ladder that you go up, you give up everything that is below.

MARK: He said that?

WARREN: Yeah, he said that.

SALLY: Is what you're talking about, Therry...

THERRY: Wait a minute, wait a minute. Go ahead, AL.

AL: I'm confused because...

THERRY: Because?

AL:...It has to be some distinction between...I understand that a human cannot ascend to any level higher than the Mind Force but the fact that we know about this...

THERRY: No, you don't know about it.

AL: So we made all this up, in other words?

THERRY: No, you can only infer based on the patterns that we have.

AL: So if I were to be able to go all the way back to the rung just before the Creation of the Mind Force, at that level does ...I still wouldn't know this? I wouldn't be able to say, "Yes, I know God gave me this information or ...?"

THERRY: No, you wouldn't because there wouldn't be any you.

AL: Well if or they or us, they don't have...they don't have an awareness of things higher than themselves?

THERRY: There is awareness but nobody knows what kind, to what extent because there is no individuality. We were born in Linear Time. We were raised in Linear Time. Our Mind Force was the Mind Force of Linear Time given to us by Linear Time so anything that is not in Linear Time doesn't exist. We can only infer.

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