Amplifiers: Questions and Answers Page 1

COREY: Alright, the entry tonight is Emotional Amplifiers, right?

MARC: Amplifiers, Emotional and Non-Emotional.

COREY: And Non-Emotional. Okay, so let's go this way. Describe to Therry, what you think that they are.

THERRY: And what the message what they're giving you.

LENNY: I pass.

MARC: It's something I've observed in life, which is the fact that if they're present, if your value systems or whatever it is or your Predestiny causes them to be present, whatever causes them to be present...if they're strong, they will in fact, make things seems larger, grander and just exaggerates everything and when you're free of them, you see things easier. That's it for now.

JEAN: I pass.

CAROL: To me, the thing that I got out of the reading was how quickly a person can lose control just by one little thought. If they can actually master that, can they control it then.


SAMANTHA: I'm not sure if it was part of the entry, but the Non-Emotional Amplifiers such as State of Love kind of uhh magnifies things yet keeps it in proportion so that you can see things clearly but will broaden your view of how you see things. You can see more of the patterns or more in depth. Whereas the emotional ones distort and distract and overexaggerate the importance such that you're more likely to not use the data you have in front of you, which may be neutral, in a proper way.

THERRY: That is good. There's only one thing that you need to add and that...the Emotional Amplifiers often mimic the Non-Emotional so when you're caught, you never really know which of the two is really in control. And if you're not so inclined to listen to what other people are telling you, then run for cover.

SAMANTHA: That's why you have that righteous indignation where you feel like you're absolutely right and everyone else in the room can see you're being an idiot.

THERRY: Yes or it's something that I simply have to do.

JENNY: I pass.

"CANDICE: When I read this entry...I thought it was a good entry because I learnt from it but I thought it kinda made me feel emotional about it because it says a lot of things... "Oh, you just do this and you do that" and it will happen easily. But I know it's not easy at all, so it's just conflicts with logic with my emotions and all. That's what I got from it.

TONY: I pass.

BARBIE: Basically I could gather from the reading is that if you are able to control your emotions, you're then being able to create your Illusion of Reality and therefore you can have the freedom to walk whichever path it is you want to walk because you have control over what creates your Illusion.

THERRY: That's a good one.

JEAN: Ricky's up there too.

COREY: Ricky, you want to add anything?

RICKY: Hmmm. When I read it, it seems to me that there's not sufficient delineation among all the different things that can happen in the mind to control it...

COREY: Can you speak up?

THERRY: Yeah that's because they mimic. Okay, that was a good point, Ricky.

COREY: The Thought-Emotion Pairing...what comes first, the thought or the Emotion. I'm still not quite clear on that because if there was a First Thought and I was under the impression that thoughts were driven by the Emotions first.

THERRY: No, in order for the thought to have Mobility, it has to descend to different levels to be identified, sanctified and then finally, once it passes through your Language and you give it a definition and give it a meaning and along with it, you give it a desire, then it descends to the emotional level and the emotional level gives it Mobility and that's what drives your Reality.

COREY: Okay. Well, if we're starting the questions, then my next question would be or statement...

THERRY: Well, wait a minute before the questions begin, for the future guys, I don't want to see so many passes. When you guys pass, we lose some of the impressions that you might've been able to give us. Okay?

COREY: Does the Emotions always lag behind thoughts?


MARC: Is there always thought as a seed for Emotion?

THERRY: Well, there's an unbalanced see-saw there where it's possible for you to have Emotions that are not clear-cut but it has to have a certain amount of Language involved for you to recognize what it is that you want. The driving force there is often the Emotion and not the Language.

MARC: Uhm, the question that I asked...I understand how an emotion can actually be a driving force which will then bring your value systems in whatever and create thoughts. But what I'm asking is, is there a thought-seed for the start of an Emotion?

THERRY: Yes. The thought-seed for all of the Emotions... Darn it, I just had it! Uhh, the thought-seed revolves around the Continuum of Expectations and Demands, where you have to have a longing or a desire in order to activate the Language which will then activate the Emotions. But a lot of the times, uhh it's the other way around. The Emotional is the Emotions that drive Reality. And the Non-Emotional Amplifiers, it is the logic that rules. While you still have Emotions, you won't serve the Lower Gods. Basically, it's the two ends of a Continuum: one side of the Continuum is Emotional Amplifiers and the other end of the Continuum is the Non-Emotional Amplifiers.

MARC: You say the Non-Emotional Amplifiers plural, one of my questions was...

THERRY: Well, both of them are plural...

MARC: Okay, one of my questions is, besides the State of Love, the first question would be, are there other Non-Emotional Amplifiers that are not states and then the second question is, what other states are there besides the State of Love that are Non-Emotional Amplifiers?

THERRY: Oh, there are many of them. Love is only one of the Triunity. There's Understand and there's Forgiveness. Then there's uhh, Resignation, that's not negative. This one's a tricky one because most resignation is negative.

SAMANTHA: The word, "Acceptance" rather than Resignation, would be the more positive thing than that?


MARC: Are these all States?

THERRY: No, the only States are Understand, Forgive and Love. Everything else is conditions because they depend upon proponents of the moment in order to exist.

MARC: Only that Triunity are the only States?


CAROL: Therry, would you define "Love" for me?

THERRY: Are you talking about the State of Love or the Condition?

CAROL: The State of Love...uhm..


CAROL: The State of Love.

THERRY: Okay, a complete understanding and a complete acceptance unconditionally.

LENNY: I have a question. Fear is one of the five basic emotions.


LENNY: And in the entry it referred to fear, of course giving rise to anger, but fight and flight being part of early Man, but it's still within man.


LENNY: Being that...unless...I'm assuming if a person is very evolved, if they see that Death is eminent - they're about to be hit by an on-coming train or fall out of a plane, or whatever lines are about to attack them, can they get to a place where their death is about to happen but they don't feel any fear or is the Life Force within each person going to trigger the fear response regardless?

THERRY: That depends on the individual's Karma. But since you posed the question by saying is it possible, "Yes, it is."

LENNY: I'm thinking about people, Buddhists Monks who put themselves...

THERRY: Well, there's more that. There's a lot of people who have been notified that they have a terminal disease and they just go peacefully into the night with no fear, no...

LENNY: I'm afraid that most people...if you miss an accident by seconds or you thought your ship was about to...

THERRY: Not every...

LENNY: And you feel that rush that happens to almost every person...

THERRY: Well, it's not necessarily fear-driven...

LENNY: Survival, staying alive is not...I mean...

THERRY: It's not necessarily fear-driven. It could be driven by attachments, something like, "Hey, wow! I'm not ready to go yet." Even though I'll agree with you, the greater majority is fear-driven, but it's not a conscious thing. Usually, the point hits them after the danger's past. As long as the danger is present, then the adrenalin is giving preparing their body for Fight or Flight.

JEAN: Does Automatic Pilot take over there also?

THERRY: Automatic Pilot takes over on everything.

MARLA: Would a person know when they're at that point, if they're going to be afraid or not even thought they may have studied about it?

THERRY: Nobody knows. It all depends on how honest you are with yourself in terms of what you believe in. And it also depends on, what you think about the recriminations about what you think you have done to ascend to Nirvana. Most people are not very happy with the thought of, "I'm responsible for my actions and I'm going to pay for 'em." Most people want to play but they don't want to pay. But unfortunately, pay they will! And when it comes at the moment or before Death, the realization that, "Hey, Pay Time!" - that's Fear City for them.

CAROL: I have a question. This may be a little off topic but...I've heard that the more you fear something, the more you are attract it to yourself.


CAROL: That's true?


CAROL: And how does that...

THERRY: You become the things that you hate and you walk towards the things that you fear.

CAROL: But I don't quite understand how that happens.

THERRY: I don't think anybody does. It's just part of Law. The only reason why you walk towards your Fear is to give you the opportunity to change it.

JEAN: The Affinity Factor...

SAMANTHA: So also, that condition or person if they don't want to face something, so they say, "I'm not afraid of ghosts! I'm not afraid of ghosts!" Yet they're still thinking of about ghosts all the time or whatever it may be. So their mind is pushing out that energy and bringing it towards them...


SAMANTHA: Even though they're trying to avoid it.


LENNY: I have a question. Greed is another one of the five basic Emotions and in the entry you made reference to it being a Continuum and that an individual could be experiencing the Emotion of Greed for themselves, their family, their country, the Planet, how does...I mean, how does Greed for the Planet, say, manifest.

THERRY: How many people do you know that they want to recycle everything, they want to protect the Everglades, they want to protect this, they want to protect that...

LENNY: How is that Greed?

SAMANTHA: Say let's go the other side...look at the people who are such environmentalists that they'll kill somebody or burn somebody...

LENNY: Well, there's a whole Continuum, others are saying that I mean...

SAMANTHA: Well, they're trying to protect the Planet. They don't want the building to be built there, so they'll end up killing people so it doesn't get built there. They're own Greed for the Planet is causing a bunch of negativity.

LENNY: But then you can have Greed for yourself, where you say, "screw the Planet and I'm only going to serve myself" at the expense of anything out there, just on this particular level.

THERRY: That's correct.

MARC: If a person has an altruistic...a seemingly altruistic feeling, let's say, towards the environment, that might be a face of Greed?

THERRY: There's no clear-cut definition or answer for that one because it all depends on the internal recognition of needs. Not everybody who seemingly is altruistic is responding to that Continuum of Greed.

MARC: So it could be the State of Understand, Forgive or Love or the face of Greed? Would those be the basic...

THERRY: Well yeah it could be Understand, Forgive or Love or something similar to it rather than Greed.

MARC: So could it be Mutual Satisfaction of Needs on a planetary level?

THERRY: It could be. That's a possibility. It also could be a badge that somebody could wear. It's their statement of, "See how great I am! I saved the turkey!"

JEAN: [Laugh]

CAROL: So would it be possibly the extent to how willing you are to give up control of it that either causes the Greed or causes the altruism? If you're trying to control something that would be the Greed factor but if you're accepted the situation ...

THERRY: Not necessarily.

CAROL: Not necessarily?

THERRY: If you're trying to control something it's not necessarily linked to Greed. It could be linked to the need to accomplish something, sort of self-actualization.

CAROL: But that wouldn't be Greed?


JEAN: I have a question about a paragraph here that I didn't understand. The paragraph says, "Moment by moment individuals live out varying degrees of fear as A Happening unfolds according to the limits of the individual's control factors, to the limits of the individual's reasonableness, to the limits of the individual's understanding of the dangers at hand and to the limits of the individual's Karmic Bonds, the For Bonds, the With Bonds and the Against Bonds."


JEAN: I don't understand what that paragraph is saying...

THERRY: It's saying that everybody is different and the Continuum that runs Mankind is different for each individual, all depends on the individual's Karma, which is based in the individual's basic personality and the individual's belief system. Even though an individual may deny a recognition of Bonds inwardly, he still knows they're there.

RICKY: Can a human being go through life and have moments where they have a complete absence of Fear or is Fear always there to some degree or another?

THERRY: Uhh various aspects of Fear are always present but there are moments when they're not recognized at all.

RICKY: Are they still there even though they're not recognized?


RICKY: So at some level of your mind, there's always a presence of Fear, however small it may be?

THERRY: Yes 'cause remember, Fear has many, many, many, many faces. You may fear losing your cat, you fear to be late to go some place, you may fear that you're gonna miss a movie. You may fear that the guy down the street is gonna go berserk and start killing people. There's so many faces of fear, it's impossible to list them all. It all depends on the make-up of the individual and the environment that he's in, based on his Illusions.

COREY: Well the key is to keep it down to a manageable level so that they don't affect your life even though they may be present, yes?

THERRY: Well, not everybody can manage that. There are a lot of people who...

COREY: But that's the goal, yes?


COREY: Not to get rid of them necessarily but to manage them to an acceptable level that they really don't affect your life much.

THERRY: Yes but that's easier said than done.

CAROL: Are there specific tools that you can give us or ideas that you can give us as far as when we're caught in an emotional trap or an emotional loop or whatever you want to call we can step out of it for a second to see what's going on instead of being caught in it?

THERRY: Well first it depends on how honest you are when you say you wanna grow, you wanna change. Secondly, you have to understand the Language of the Moment. Remember, Language gets it power because of what you tell yourself. That even though other people may tell you things at the moment, your Demands and Expectations will not allow yourself to pay attention to what they're saying because that will prevent you from doing what you already want to do. So if your nature is that you're not attached to anything, then yeah, then it's very easy. But most people want to get even so they are caught in a mixture of Hate, Fear and "I'll get even!" When they're caught in that State, it's a total Emotional Amplifier. To try to talk logic to them is like farting in the wind.

JENNY: How can you decipher whether or not uhm you're experiencing mimicking of a Non-Emotional Amplifier...

THERRY: The person that's going through it can't...

JENNY: Okay.

THERRY: ...because the mimicking job is very, very good! It'll fool almost anybody except the people who are not involved.

TONY: Well it seems to me that with uhm...I don't really see how said a Magnifier can mimic an Amplifier and vice versa?

THERRY: An Emotional Amplifier can mimic a Non-Emotional Amplifier.

TONY: Such as Love? A Non-Emotional Amplifier being something such as Love?

THERRY: No, they would use Love as a guise.

TONY: 'Cause I would think that if you're under the effects of a Magnifier such as Love, you would tend to feel better, for lack of a better word...positive. Whereas if you're under the effects of an Amplifier, you'd feel disharmonious, you'd feel disjointed, you'd feel bad.

THERRY: That's not easy to put your finger on. The basic thing is, if you are in the control of a Non-Emotional Amplifier, you're more calm. If you're under the control of an Emotional Amplifier, then everything is more important, everything is paramount. I mean, the world's going to end if you don't get what you want.

SAMANTHA: Also, the mimicking that you're talking about, when a person's in an Emotionally Amplified State, they think they're viewing it from a Magnifier rather than from an Amplifier, they think that they're the only ones who's seeing it clearly, everybody else is an idiot but... So they think they're under the power of Magnification even though they're really under Amplification.

THERRY: That's correct. That's a case of mimicking.

MARC: So in the case of an Emotional Amplifier mimicking the State of Love, if you're under the influence of an Emotional...

THERRY: No, no! No, no! When Emotional Amplifier is trying to mimic Love, it can't. What they do is, they use Love as their banner, their shield. They try to hide behind what their real agenda is and say that Love drives them to do this, that they're doing it out of compassion, when in fact it's just another mimicking job.

MARC: What I was going to ask you is, if you're under the influence of that mimicking of the State of Love...

THERRY: You can't mimic the State of Love, you can only use it as a shield.

MARC: Okay, if you're using it as a shield, would the difference be that you wouldn't...that you'd be reveling in, let's say, potentially reveling in the glory of something?

THERRY: No. The only drive you have or you would have would be to accomplish the task that you set up for yourself or to accomplish the task what the moment brings to you.

MARC: Let me use an maternal or paternal instinct towards a child or small animal, let's say.

THERRY: That's not the same.

MARC: Okay.

THERRY: Because an Emotional Amplifier is a mechanism that strictly runs itself. A Non-Emotional Amplifier is an Amplifier that basically runs for others. The Emotional Amplifiers seeks to draw everything and everyone within the game that you're presently playing. The Non-Emotional Amplifier is based on Understanding and allows the other people and the rest of the environment to be caught in its own nature. There's no demands placed on it. With the Emotional Amplifier, there's nothing there but Demands and Expectations.

MARC: Let's say in the case of somebody who wishes to look Holy and altruistic and knows...knows that that is what the State of Love looks like. Could they then in order to ...they're playing the game of wanting to be altruistic, to achieve altruism or to achieve a State of Holiness on Earth, let's say...

THERRY: Well, what you're talking about know, without realizing is that, that person will never achieve altruism. They simply use it as a badge to gratify their ego. If an individual is caught under the Emotional Amplifiers, they're never anything possible. It's always for the gratification of self. There's never a condition that it approaches anywheres near altruism. Strictly for the self.

LENNY: Another section of the entry talked about...used the phrase, "Is this all there is?" And in the first time of saying it, it's kind of in that state of existential despair and there's an emotional feeling attached to it because the world is the way it is and you can't understand it. And then when the person becomes a Seeker, "Is there is All there is" becomes amplified in a Non-Emotional way and is that because the individual who becomes the Seeker starts to see the levels of Reality and that they're just in this one...they're seeing far more than just the world where they're at this moment.

THERRY: That's correct and that driving point is that they have the recognition that any changes that have to occur has to occur within them.

LENNY: 'Cause they can't change the world?

THERRY: They can't change the world, nor can they change other people.

BARBIE: Lilly sent a couple of questions. Uhm, one, "What is Cosmic Consciousness?"

THERRY: Cosmic Consciousness is the thread of energy, of Mind Force that runs through absolutely all living things, past, present and future. It's one of those conditions where any recognition of a future happening is done through Cosmic Consciousness.

COREY: Is it a Condition or State?

THERRY: What? Cosmic Consciousness? It's a flux in energy. It's the energy of Mind Force. It's neither Condition nor ...

COREY: Nor State?

CAROL: Are you talking strictly in terms of humans or all beings?

THERRY: Anything that's alive, from the smallest, lowest, to the highest. If it's alive, it has Mind Force and it's a part of Cosmic Consciousness.

JENNY: Is it the same thing as Universal Mind then?

THERRY: Uhh...not really. The Universal Mind is a little's based on Language. Cosmic Consciousness is based on Laws. There are many Life Forms who have no language for all practical purposes. So while they belong to Cosmic Consciousness, they are not a part of Universal Mind. You have to have a degree of functional Language in order to be a part of Universal Mind.

TONY: Would it be safe to say that if you're talking about any form of Mind it automatically implies...

THERRY: If you have language that is serving you, then you're part of both. But if you have no language, then you're simply a part of Cosmic Consciousness.

SAMANTHA: Cosmic Consciousness...there's a...I don't know what you call it...a state or tapping into a band of energy where you know everything is just the way it should be. There's nothing wrong in the entire Universe, even though there's war, death or whatever. Is that the State of Love or Cosmic Consciousness?

THERRY: I don't know. The two overlap so much that I don't think it's possible to know where one begins and the other leaves off.

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