#A11: Astration vs. Projection:
Alter-Realities & Soul Travel
(Is This Process A Prelude To The Death Experience?)

Consider that Astration and its counterpart--Projection-are two sides of the same traveling door. Both, Astration and Projection are a method of gaining information without necessarily using the normal five senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.

The process of Astration and Projection are closely associated with the Path of the Grand Awakening; in that each, in its own turn, allows an individual experiences beyond their cocoon-like prime reality--The Astral Plane of Common Reality. In today's culture, many people lump together the ability of Astration, the ability of Projection, and the ability to enter one's laboratory into the same phenomenon. (we pronounce the word la-bor-a-tory, so as to not get it confused with the word/concept which is pronounced lab-re-tory. The first is a place where a traveler goes to experience needed lessons upon another plane of existence, while the latter is a place that is used by scientists to make new discoveries).

Unfortunately, because the TwinSpecies:Human is still a baby (and babies often are limited in their abilities) it will be some time before the greater majority of the members of the TwinSpecies are able to personally experience the difference between the two--Astration and Projection.

With Astration, an individual's Ba (what some call the entity's spirit or entity) actually separates from the individual's Ka (his physical body). However, the individual's Ba remains connected to his Ka by his Silver Cord (the Silver Cord is that silken thread that binds the individual's Ka to his Ba, allowing the life process to continue. It, with the code that is written in the pilgrim's third Chakra, is what operates the individual's Blood Mendella, (Fig. #2) a personal DoubleGate which is governed by the powers of the pairing of the Ankh's Magic Circle with the Ankh's Broken Cross).

Astration is very similar to the Death process--the basic difference is that with death, the Silver Cord is severed, preventing the individual from reentering his Ka, because the Blood Mendella type door becomes locked. This locking mechanism prevents other wandering spirits from entering the now empty body and taking it as their own.

While it was once thought true that he who had gone through the Death Process could not reenter their body... that the individual, now freed from the karmic bonds, the attachments and the limitations of his physical body, was able to freely travel into alter realities... to learn more about the Laws of Creation in ways not possible in the physical realms, it is not completely true that once experiencing the death process one could not reenter their physical body. The death process is such that the limits of one illusion and another is separated by a special state of existence called The In-between-time. The In-between-time is important because it serves more than one purpose:

  1. It truly separates what we call life from death;

  2. It allows the individual to experience alter realities;

  3. It allows the individual to enter their laboratory, there to gain special learning;

  4. It allows Astration; such that the Silver Cord is not cut when the body is left;

  5. It allows one to travel from the domains of life, to the domains of death, and back again.

One of the reasons why the individual is prevented from reentering his physical body after having experienced the death process is because once the Blood Mendella [see Fig. #2] type door is locked, the body immediately begins to disintegrate, thus returning its Matter and its energy to the Planet Earth. Also, while it is true that the now freed Ba is permitted to travel into other levels of experience, travel is limited by the karmic bonds and restrictions that are imposed by Karma and by the traveler's abilities... death is not a free permit.

Another point of reference to understand is that travel is permitted only if the traveler is truly seeking necessary lessons which will allow him to grow; specifically, "the how" aspects of those laws that govern the stage upon which Man expresses his dreams, his wishes, his desires, his hopes, and his reality.

With Projection, the individual does not leave the physical body, therefore does not enter the In-between-time. Instead, his higher-self looks into an internal Magic Mirror--called The Third Eye--which has the ability to reflect the entire Universe, or any part thereof (this magic mirror resides within The World Of Alfa, and has the ability to telescope both Time and Space).

The individual simply moves his Third Eye to that part of The Created Universe which he wishes to observe; albeit, observation is limited to observing only that which is within the Carbon Dimension.

However, it is interesting to note that, because of the nature of the TwinSpecies: Human, most individuals will achieve Projection long before they will achieve Astration.

There is no single paradigm for Astration or Projection. Each individual will experience one or the other, or both in their own unique way. Though some patterns will be the same for everyone, in that it will usually begin with the very small Grand Awakening process of becoming awake during the dream time, most will experience many feelings and energies specific only to them.

In the case of Projection, there may or may not exist sensations of movement through space. However, even if there is such sensations, the individual will not be actually moving. It will be the Magic Mirror that actually does the moving as it [the magic mirror] places itself over the area of the Time/Space Continuum that is to be observed. To understand why the Time/Space Continuum, we must remember that Space is only a still shot of Time. Further, it is not unlike being inside a box that is protected from the disturbances that are going on in the River Of Time [called Space] that is traveling along with Time; thus, allowing Life, itself to exist within that so-called bubble/box of Space. Once again, we see the implication of a box within a box, within a box effect [See Fig. #1].

The artificial sensations of movement comes from the relationship between the mind (the nature of its reference points) and the various imagery and scenarios that are actually passing by. Still, in actuality, what is passing by are the moment to moment bubbles/boxes of Space within which Life and its experiences are happening. It is not unlike the momentary confusion that comes into play when we are parked in a bus station, next to a bus of equal size, and one of the two busses starts moving. For the first few moments, it is difficult to determine which of the two busses are actually moving. It is not until we re-evaluate our relative position that our mind again takes control of its own relationship to its environment. That is the normal process of the mind resetting its pointers to care for the needs of the moment, and for the needs of its own reference-points.

Though these visions are, indeed, seemingly passing by, in actuality, it is the mind's Magic Mirror that is searching windows to reflect upon. During the process, the power of the mind's Magic Mirror spotlights an area of the Time/Space Continuum that is desired and opens a window of imagery of the game that is being played in the target bubble/box of Space. What is seen is a true reflection of an on-going A Happening within a much larger A Situation.

All the sensations that are being experienced by the pilgrim traveler (up to and including that of seeming movement through space), depend upon the nature/purpose of the projection; specifically, the development of the individual; the relative relationship of the For-bonds, the With-bonds, and the Against-bonds to that which is being observed; and, the relationship's interaction between the individual's karmic energy and the energy of the goings-on within the Magic Window, as a whole. It is because the Magic Window has the ability to, seemingly, absorb the bubble of space that it is possible for it to seem as though the observer were actually there.

Once a projection is in process, depending upon the karmic abilities and the limitations of the pilgrim traveler (this is governed by what is written within The Alliance Of The Rule), it is possible for the traveler's mind to actually enter into the imagery (and thus become a part of what is happening), as opposed to simply watching the imagery from afar. This is a confusing point; in that, there is actually a type of interchange between Astration and Projection wherein the traveler, depending upon his abilities, can actually solidify into the observed bubble/box of Space; that is, to send a solid mental image of himself into the scene that will allow true interaction with the characters of the A Happening. It is a method of being among, but not of the moment to moment drama.

Needless to say, there are two different level of abilities, two different levels of experience involved. To actually take part in the A Happening of another reality by the process of Solidification requires the lifting of a very specific type of placental barrier, while the ability to simply observe the goings-on of a bubble/box of Space does not require the lifting of a veil of separation.

Again, we must remember that during this process, the mind of the pilgrim traveler does not actually move. It telescopes (magnifies) the imagery within the chosen window of the Time/Space Continuum in such a way that the barrier that normally separates the goings-on of one reality with the goings-on of another reality is, for all practical purposes, no longer there; thus, momentarily, there could be the feeling of having actually moved into the imagery of the observed A Happening.

In the case of Astration there is always a sense of movement, for indeed, the traveler has entered their In-between time and is exiting our another door... there is a part of you that does move through both, a Time bubble (a small part of the River Of Time) and a Space bubble as the pilgrim traveler is going to and from that part of the Time/Space Continuum that is to be experienced.

That part, the Ba, actually is freeing itself from the limitations of the physical body--it is temporarily leaving behind the attachments into which it was born to gain needed information/experience that will allow it to grow.

It is the same pattern as a caterpillar breaking free of its physical cocoon and becoming a butterfly. As a caterpillar, there is very limited mobility, very limited awareness--it is limited to the tree onto which it was born, or it is limited to the area within which its tree resides. As a butterfly, however, there is suddenly a very great degree of mobility and a much expanded awareness--it is now able to fly.

Another point to consider is that while the butterfly may not have a developed brain to allow for the realization of such a metamorphosis, the entity man does!

This breaking free of the energy cocoon which surrounds each of us (the blood Mendella, see Fig. #2) can be a very wrenching experience for those who have lived their lives such that they are not receptive to its concept. Even for those few who are receptive to the concept of traveling, the experience can still be either very painful or it can be extremely pleasurable. This all depends, again, on the development of the individual, the nature of the Astration, and the karmic energies involved as a whole.

As to the experience of movement, people have reported feeling many strange, wonderful, frightening, angelic, even painful sensations when Astrating. It runs a gambit that is too great to list here. In any case, the pilgrim traveler will swear that the physical body, during Astration, will either be spinning, spiraling, falling, rising, turning, flipping, dissolving, expanding, exploding, dripping, churning, heating, revolving, rotating, oscillating, sitting up, even becoming numb and/or paralyzed, or, do any combination of the above, either in series or at the same time. It is no wonder that Astration can be a very confusing and frightening experience for the uninitiated. It is not surprising that many who experience the process of Astration for the first time spend some time with a psychologist for fear that they are loosing/lost their collective minds.

Though all these sensations and movements are possible, and, indeed, they appear to be happening to the physical body that resides within the Astral Plane Of Common Reality, we must remember that not all of what we think is actually going on in the way we think it is--the black light of reality is at work again.

Quite often, the sensations are a part of the process of moving our control mechanism from within the Ka (what we consider to be our physical body) to the control mechanism that controls the Ba's Ka (what we consider to be our beta body), and, then, into the control mechanism that controls the traveler's BaKa (what we consider to be our Astral body--see Fig. #1).

If we remember that each of our bodies (because of the box within a box laws) resides upon and within a different subset of the Astral counterpart of The Earth Experience's Time/Space Continuum, what is experienced does not necessarily belong to the physical body, as such, as most people think, although it always feels like it. This is because the physical body is our prime reference point, regardless of the actual level that we're on at the moment. In other words, regardless of the level of experience we are actually on, we automatically assume that the body that is being used is our physical body.

The first set of experience always be longs to the physical body. It comes while we are in the process of falling asleep--shutting off the control mechanism that operate the physical of The Astral Plane Of Common Reality.

The second set of experience belongs to the traveler's Ba, as it achieves control of the Beta Body in such a way that the traveler's mind continues to use the same reference points that were used by the mind as it controlled the traveler's Ka.

It is interesting to note that this is the first opportunity the traveler has to experience the seeming reversal of laws that gives the gift of continuity, as the pilgrim travels from one level of experience [The Astral Plane Of Common Reality, then The World of Alfa] to another level of experience [the Ba's Beta level of existence--The World of Beda] and still feel that we are using our normal physical body.

It is because of the laws that are involved when we cross a barrier that the change process resets the mind's reference points such that continuity is maintained. This seeming reversal of laws that occur each time we cross a barrier not only resets the mind's pointers that allow the traveler to use the same reference points in all levels of experience regardless of the level, it also makes it possible that regardless of the level of experience that is being experienced, the traveler will not notice that he has actually changed his body from one physical level to another--all levels will feel equally as physical.

It is this process (the changing/resetting of the pointers of reality process... the changing of the filters, as seen in fig. #3) that is the true source of the strange sensations that occur during the Astration process. Since adaptation to the changes that occur when traveling from one level of experience to another is not necessarily an automatic process, the sensations of changing, the unwanted feelings that occur during the Astration process can make the uninitiated traveler to become so confused or bemused as to make the use of the Astration process useless-usually because of fear. There are some roads that may not be traveled alone, regardless of how good we think we are.

Once the change is somewhat completed, while it is now the traveler's Beta body that has become active, to the mind in question, because of the seeming laws of reversal when any barrier has been crossed, the feelings are still the same-- in a sense, it is still the physical body (in reality the Beta body) that is the existence in which we experience the A Happening of the other reality. In fact, because of the laws involved, the mind does not take notice that it is no longer operating within The Astral Plane of Common Reality... nor does it notice that it has, indeed, left The world of Alfa... much less does it realize that it is now operating within The World of Beda.

The relative movements of the Beta body will feel just as solidly physical to the traveler's mind while the traveler's mind is experiencing the Beda altar-reality as the traveler's mind felt the solidly physical body that it used while it was experiencing the A Happenings of the physical body of his home level--the interaction between the Astral Plane of Common Reality and The World of Alfa, in the seemingly awakened state.

The basic difference between Astration and Projection is that during the Astration, the traveler will encounter other life-forms that have their own freewill, that are involved in the cares of their hopes, their dreams just as the traveler is involved in his hopes, his dreams. It is a case wherein both, the resident player of that level of experience and the traveler share the responsibility and the capability of changing the destiny of all who resides upon that level of experience. This is done by way of new discoveries and/or new ways of thinking that are introduced into the new level of experience by the traveler's interaction with the residents of that level. The traveler has, indeed, become an "Other-World Teacher," even if that was not his desire or his purpose for traveling! We must remember that being called to act as a pawn in another's reality games is a prerequisite of being allowed to enter the Earth Experience.

With Projection, unless there is a solidification, the destiny of the residents of the visited level of experience is not changed. The traveler is but an observer. Albeit, the traveler can effect that part of himself that resides on the upper levels via "Mind Control".

Projection and Astration are very unique tools with which to expand the mobility and the awareness of an individual. However, beware! There are many dangers for he who is seeking to walk the Double-Path (the path that may not be walked alone), without the aid of an Other-world Teacher.

It is written that the mind that refuses the counsel of another mind that is at peace with itself and its universal surroundings has a fool for a teacher, and an idiot for a student.

An important concept to understand is the fact that an individual's basic nature will continue regardless of the level that the traveler ascends to or descends onto. If the traveler is emotional in his basic personality, he will continue to have emotional-type experiences as he travels onto other levels. Albeit, the special lessons that will be presented will be designed to teach a more tranquil way of life.

If the individual's basic personality is balanced, then the traveler might have the chance to seek out special places of knowledge/wisdom, or, the traveler might encounter a special Other-world Teacher disguised as just another person inhabiting his dream experience.

If an individual is seeking the ability of Astration/Projection, it is recommended that the seeker achieve willful consciousness while still in a so-called dream. This is the first step toward the Path Of The Grand Awakening. Once this state of lucidity has been achieved, then let the seeker practice the art of wisdom by learning the limitations of the laws that govern the level/plane of existence that he finds himself on. The individual should become as knowledgeable about that plane of existence as he is with the Astral Plane Of Common Reality experience.


1. What are the laws of physic's limitation on that level?
2. Are they limited in the same way as the laws from which he comes are limited?
3. Can he walk through walls on that level? He cannot on this level!
4. Can he fly on that new level? Again, he cannot on this level!

What other differences might there be? In short, let the individual become as comfortable upon the new lucid plane of experience as he is during his awake state upon the Astral Plane of Common Reality. If the traveler does not know his new plane of experience, how then can he recognize it if he returns to it again? Names and feelings are very important during the acquisition of identifying information.

This will not be as easy as one might think; in that, the emotions of the experience of becoming lucid in a dream can be quite disturbing. This disturbance can be in both, a positive way [because of joy] and in a negative way [because of pain/fear].

If the individual is basically receptive to the concept of alter-realities and reincarnation, the experience will be a disturbance in a positive way, because of the difficulty in controlling the emotions of joy that comes with the first realization of success.

Usually, the strong feelings/emotions will force the individual to fall back into the plane of experience from which he came--his awake state. However, once the individual has grown comfortable with his measure of success in the process of alter-realities, it won't be long before a new understanding of the nature of reality takes hold of his basic personality factors--the white light filter at work; specifically, his belief-system. Again, with much time and training, after the individual knows more about the new level of experience, about his new plane of existence, the individual will make the connection between the illusion of death and the process of traveling.

The individual will become aware, on a much deeper level of himself, that the process of death is but an observation of what was left behind when the traveler transferred his awareness factor from one level of existence to another, with the intentions of not coming back.

In fact, it is the intentions of not coming back to the lower plane of existence that cut the Silver Cord which bound the individual to the level that was left behind. To the traveler, there was no experience of Death, there was only the experience of having transferred his control mechanism to a higher level of experience, as he had done so many other times.

It is the residents of the levels of experience that was left behind that experiences The Death; and, that experience was only triggered in the residents of the lower level's mental zones because they now had an empty body to dispose of according to the games of the times, and, according to the belief-system of the family of the empty body.

It must also be remembered that with this new level of understanding, the traveler experiences new levels of wisdom, and, with it [the new levels of wisdom] comes new levels of emotions/feelings that make it impossible to commit deeds that were once committed without thought. Remember the law: Those who are, tend to want to remain.

The individual becomes aware of the price, the retribution that each must experience because of the specific choices that are made on a moment to moment sharing. There comes a new level of responsibility with the awareness of many threads of experience, responsibilities that were never even dreamed of. Suddenly, the traveler truly understands the law that states:

To he who has little, little is expected.
To he who has much, much is expected.
For it shall be unto each, measure for measure,
each unto its own kind, unto its own level.

Indeed, the traveler becomes more than Man, but still less than a God. Having left Lower, Middle Earth, and entered upon Middle, Middle Earth, the traveler has become a Godling. And with this new experience, Man, the species, has begun to remember the true nature of his inheritance (see Fig. #4 and Fig. #5).

The greatest gain becomes the gain in awareness--among the new awareness comes a new awareness of a young Godling being upon the level of awareness which the individual finds himself, the individuals/family into which he is born, the new nonphysical physical environment within which he must now experience his life's essence, and, the karmic responsibility of the interaction between himself as that new self interacts with all the life-forms of his new level of experience.

His new awareness demands a new level of responsibility to himself, to his newly achieved awareness, to the other life-forms that shares his Planet, and to others of his kind.

The new mind expanding awareness now demands a new set of attitudes--one based in Understand, Forgive, and Love, instead of pulling rank, getting even, and the games of power and politics.

Unfortunately, if the seeker after Astration/Projection is not receptive to the concept of alter-realities and reincarnation, then the experience will be negatively disturbing, because it [the experience] will disturb the individual's understanding of the nature of reality. It will be especially disturbing if the individual's belief-system does not allow for the existence of alter-realities/reincarnation. This will have a tendency to force the individual to question all that once gave stability in his life.

There are four known aspects that are important to the TwinSpecies:Human. The four parts/aspects reflect seemingly unseen changes of the Ankh's Magic Circle that are due to changes in The Broken Cross (as seen in fig. #7)--the representation of an individual's third Chakra (as seen in fig. #5), the seat of the individual's Mobility, most important, even the ability to change his mind. Recorded are all the changes that have occurred in an individual's process of Life. Basically, this level of the third Chakra records the moment to moment changes that occurred as the individual marches toward his destiny. Every decision that was made that effected the direction the individual took in his life is recorded here.

Also recorded is all changes that have occurred in the individual with respect to the individual's attitudes towards his concept of eternity, and his concepts of what he conceived his God to be... all changes that have occurred to the individual as he associated with others of his kind, others of his species, and his attitude/behaviors with respect to the other life-forms that he shared his planet/environment with... all changes that have occurred with respect to the individual's attitudes vs. emotions that governed his relationship to himself and his state of being.

While there are a total of nine (9) layers to what we call "Reality," and, while each respective level has its own band of frequencies within which to operate, from this level's point of view--The Astral Plane Of Common Reality--there are only three layers that seem important to the pilgrim traveler--The Ka, The Ba, and The BaKa (see fig 1-2).

It is because of the differing bands of frequencies of each layer that accomplishes the seeming box within a box, within a box nature of the TwinSpecies: Human. Again, because of the differing layers of frequencies, it is the individual's Emotional Interchange Interface that brings seeming order between levels of bodies. Needless to say, the Emotional Interchange Interface operates as a part of the mechanism of the Ankh; specifically, as part of one's Silver Cord.

The Ka level is the most important of the three levels because it is the body that is used to experience "Life" on Planet Earth. It is the body that we eat with, that we fight with, and, that we die with; also, it is the body from which we experience our alter-realities. The Ka level operates upon differing Alfa frequencies... a constant interaction between The World of Alfa and The Astral Plane of Common Reality . In most cases, traveling on the Ka level is limited to traveling from one point in space to another. However, once the individual enters The World of Alfa, traveling is extended to entering into one's "Laboratory" and Projection.

The Ba is the second most important of the three levels because it is the body that is used during our first level of Astration/Projection/Laboratory experiences. From the Ka's level, The Ba is that part of one's self that survives the Death Process. It is that part of us that enters our In-between time to allow Astration. The Ba level operates upon differing Beta frequencies. When one travels within the limited range allowed by the Ba level, there is usually a sensation of moving through some type of undefined space.

The BaKa is the third most important of the three levels because it is the body within that is used during true out-of-the-body experiences (see Fig. #6)--but, the BaKa levels operates upon Thada, thus allowing use of differing Astral frequencies. It is interesting to note that it is the individual's Astral body that has the ability to travel at the speed of thought. Under such a condition, while traveling, usually, there is no sensation of movement through space--it is usually a case of "being there" as quickly as the thought of "going there" arrives in the traveler's mind.

It was thought by the ancient Lemurian Magi that the practice of Astration and Projection was but the training ground for the highest point in the life of an individual. It was the moment of Death.