Cycle of Lives: The Gift/Curse of Reincarnation
(How many chances do we get before The Universe gives up?)

The Cycles of Lives is a very special label having reference to the differing sequence of lives that an individual life form will require to equalize the personal Karma with respect to the needs of the species in question. The specific number of lives depends upon the nature of the species; it is seven lives per cycle for individuals of the human species. Individuals from other species may utilize a different number of lives per cycle.

It [the cycles of lives] is not limited to just life as we know it; in that, it also has reference to an A Happening that is taking place during an individual's In between Time--specifically, that circumstance when the OtherWorld Teachers are not able to aid the pilgrim traveler to let go of the attachments to the deeds, the places, or the people from the life that is ending.

When the OtherWorld Teachers fail in their attempts to have an individual release himself from the exiting life, then, the OtherWorld Teachers must force the individual having the difficulty to be recycled into life, to care for a particular thread of his illusion's creation. The recycle into life is via the laws of reincarnation. Regardless of the reason why the individual refuses to let go of the attachments to the exiting life, the individual must be recycled to again relive those attachments until they can, during some other in between time, be released. Release can only happen during the 1st and the 7th Sojourn.

There are many aspects to this process. When Man chose to descend into Matter, he evoked a number of sacred laws--among them being the Magic Circle, The Broken Cross, The Alliance Of The Rule, and The Lost Chord.

As a direct result of the trap-like nature of the Earth Experience, the individual found it necessary to return to Matter, via reincarnation, to pay the karmic debts he incurred while living and interacting with the affairs of the process of living, itself. And, it must be remembered that wherever there's greatness, be it great power, great attachments, or great emotions, the errors which are made in that greatness are equal to the power that is held.

More important to this subject is not the fact that an individual had to return to a physical life, but the number of times the individual had to return to a physical life just to take care of a particular karmic debt. The number of times is important because it determines the relative strength of the harpies that drive the individual's deeds via the Affinity-factor. Needless to say, the individual had to return to physical life because of the strong emotions that still attached him to a part of his past life--remember, strong emotions equal great error!

This specific number of times the individual had to return for a very specific karmic debt, as opposed to karmic debts in general, is called A cycle of Lives; the cycles of lives are always attached to specific threads which hold the karmic debts, usually in the form of emotional attachments, which have to be taken care of--the emotion(s) must be grounded. While it is true that upon the upper levels it is the thought that bind one, within the world of the physical it is the strong emotions that attaches one to a deed that binds one to Predestiny.

If an individual had the karmic debt of murder, that karmic debt could be held by a number of the threads of his illusion. He could have committed murder because of uncontrolled emotions [a double against-bond. one was against the one that was murdered, the other was against himself], because of greed [an against-bond], because of a desire for the love of another [a for-bond and a possible with-bond and certainly an against bond], or simply for a peace of mind [an against-bond]. Each of the specific reasons for having committed the murder is the thread which holds the karmic debt; as such, it will require an unknown number of lives, which is called a Translation Cycle of lives.

If we consider that life is a fabric of many threads of creation, then, we will also accept that there are many different opportunities to accrue karmic debts.

As an example, the thread of an individual's emotions, the thread of an individual's level of understanding, the thread of an individual's ability to move about his environment are but three of the many threads (continuums unto themselves) which go into the creation of that individual's illusion of life; and, each, being threads of that individual's life, carry with it a cycle of lives, because a cycle of life is attached to a particular thread which needs special attention if that individual is to find release from the karmic debt, and eventually, The Grand Maya.

However, as usual, Earth being the perfect trap that it is, life is not so simple. In the process of living, an individual will often be called upon to serve as a pawn in another individual's A Happening. That is a part of the agreement that allowed the original individual to come into physical reality. However, while serving as a pawn, the individual that is called upon to serve as the pawn will often resent such service, resent the nature of the service, and resent the interruption of his own dreams. All this resentment, in and of itself, will then become another thread [the thread of resentment] that will limit and modify the rest of the individual's personal interaction with others of his kind, and with the interaction of his dreams.

An individual can use the Greatness of his heart to forgive the harm and the imagined harm done to him by others, and, in so doing, it is he who is released from the cycles of pain, but, Karma will forgive nothing!

There is yet another aspect to consider--responsibility of pawnship. When an individual is called upon to serve as a pawn in another's life's A Happening, the life's script of the pawns is such that they have little, or no free-will. This becomes important when we consider [seek to understand] the pawn's Karma. There are only a limited set of conditions that make it possible for an individual to be called upon to serve as another's pawn, and a limited script that a pawn must play within each limited condition.

For example, if an individual's life game is presently that of being a holy man, the conditions of that game will make it impossible for him to be drafted into the life-thread of murder just to meet another's murder Karma. However, if the pawn does already have the thread of murder to deal with, the chances are great that he might be called to serve as a pawn in another's murder Karma.

The important point is that the Karma involved in being drafted/called upon to be a pawn in another's games is such that the level of responsibility for the misdeed(s) that are committed while playing the pawn might not be against the individual(s) who are the pawn--it might be against the individual(s) who called the pawn.

While this might be rather confusing, it is very important if we are to understand the nature of responsibility that is assigned by the playing of specific games by the power of the Affinity Factor's Karma. An example of this rather confusing point might be as follows. Firstly, let us consider a uniquely horrible group of deeds that is within present Man's memory--the Hitler Affair. If we look at just the deeds that brought Hitler into power, the Hitler affair is one of the worst A Happening in Man's brutish history. The crimes that have been laid at Hitler's feet are beyond acceptance, regardless of any point of view.

Secondly, however, if we look at a much larger segment of time, we find that it was not the first time that Man went into barbarism. Religion's history recounts similar deeds against Pharaoh Akhenaten and his people by the Priests of Amen Re. Again, the barbarism is played during the time of Herod as an effort to prevent the birth of Moses, and again during the time of Herod the grandson as an effort to prevent the birth of Jesus. Each time the barbarism was played, from the point of view of the ruling kingdom, it was for the good deed of preserving the purity of the present order.

If we consider the huge number of soldiers, priests and common people who were believers in the cause at hand that were involved in all the barbarism, then it becomes easier to understand just how it might be possible for the barbarism game to be played again, if nothing more than to give each the opportunity to work on their murder thread. More important,,, in a game that is so unacceptable to the species at large, why does it happen so frequently?,,, who, or how does it begin?... where does the responsibility for all that murder lie?... could the center point of the affair be just a pawn?... a pawn so history can repeat itself, thus allowing all those individuals who are caught in a group murder thread to slowly walk toward a necessary Omit Cycle?... what if Hitler was the pawn that steered the latest re-playing of the group murder game?

It is not possible to respond to the above questions in today's light. However, the new information can give a new understanding of the forces that cause history to repeat itself. With respect to the responsibility of being a pawn, to the degree that the pawn is also traveling along the same thread of pawnship, to that degree does the pawn share in the karmic distribution of the Karma involved. Likewise, to the degree that the pawn is not a part of the thread in question, to that degree does the pawn remain Karma free, regardless of the deeds and the misdeeds that are being committed in his name.

A cycle of lives is composed of a total of seven lives; wherein each life is referred to as a Sojourn. Furthermore, for the human species, each Sojourn has, in some form or fashion, its delimiters. As an example, its birth process serves as its beginning delimiter, and, its death process serves as its ending delimiter.

There are many different levels of Sojourns in the grand scheme of the Universe (see Windward In The 7th Sojourn, to be published by The Golden Scribe Press). However, we will limit the discussion to those Sojourns which exist within the Astral Plane Of Common Reality; i.e. Lower Middle Earth's physical reality, the time & space in which we are all presently living and experiencing.

We will also limit our discussion to two types of Sojourns. The first being the birth/death Sojourn of physical man and his deeds upon physical Earth; the second being the birth/death Sojourn of the misdeeds committed by physical man as he lives upon physical Earth.

Cycles of lives or Sojourns occur in groupings of seven; and, they are referred to in the order in which they are experienced--one through seven.

The 1st Sojourn is a special time in a human's life-cycle. That is because the 1st Sojourn is the Sojourn of forgiveness. At the end of the 1st Sojourn, during the individual's In Between Time, an entity has the opportunity to equalize much Karma. The limiting factor that governs if specific karmic misdeeds are to be translated into wisdom and thereby equalized/forgiven depends upon a single factor--when was the non-murder karmic misdeed created?

For karmic misdeeds to be translated within the In Between Time that occurs at the end of the 1st Sojourn, three conditions must be met--firstly, the karmic misdeed must have been committed either during the 1st Sojourn, or during the 7th Sojourn that immediately precedes the 1st Sojourn in question; secondly, the karmic misdeed must have been translated into an Omit Cycle during the lives in question [either the 1st Sojourn or the 7th Sojourn in question]; thirdly, the karmic misdeed must not be the thread of murder--this is because the thread of murder must always end by the commission of the ultimate murder, murder by suicide.

An entity can accomplish this equalization process by entering the Omit Cycle when the opportunity for repeating the act(s) presents itself. If the entity does not choose to correct his behavior in order to equalize that karmic misdeed, he will have to encounter the A Happening in the 2nd Sojourn, or during some unknown Sojourn whereby the forces of Karma, via the Affinity Factor, will make omitting said behavior much more difficult.

It is important to note that each time, that a misdeed is recommitted, that recommitted misdeed is assigned to a new 1st Sojourn; but, while it is a new 1st Sojourn, it is truly not new in that the forces... the harpy that drives the deed is additive in its nature--if an individual recommits a deed five times, then the forces that drive the deed during the 1st Sojourn is increased by a factor of five. Furthermore, with each increase of the same misdeed, the individual looses a measure of free-will.

Another point to consider is that it will take, at the very least, ten times the level of pain for a deed to escape into the Omit Cycle as it [the process of committing the deed] granted [the individual who committed the deed] the pleasure of self-satisfaction. As an example, if the individual who received the act's pain suffered a pain level of 5 irks, then the giver of the deed will have to suffer at least 50 irks of pain before the deed in question will be allowed to escape into an Omit Cycle--there could be more, but never less than ten times.

The 2nd Sojourn is the Sojourn of reevaluation and reassignment; in that, the Karma that was incurred during the 1st Sojourn [the misdeeds that did not meet the requirements necessary to be translated into wisdom during the 1st Sojourn], and the Karma being incurred during the 2nd Sojourn must be reevaluated... they must be acted upon for Karma's judgment so that Affinity Factor's Karma can assign the methods of the how, the when, the with who, and the how much pain will be experienced during the living of A situation and the A Happening in the 3rd Sojourn's future. With respect to the karmic misdeeds, they must be given the opportunity to go from the first word of judgment to the second word of judgment.

If an individual commits a misdeed within his mind, such as lust, but never acts upon it, he has committed the first word of judgment--his mental misdeed judges him, using his own Maat as a reference point. Being just the first word of judgment, the misdeed need not go any further--the individual can resolve to not do it again and go about his life as though nothing had happened. Karmically, the mental misdeed will escape into an Omit Cycle.

If, however, the individual decides to take action, such that he physically does something about the thoughts of lust, in doing so, he has committed himself unto the second word of judgment--he now has a true karmic misdeed to contend with. In this example, the misdeed of lust was used. We must remember, there is a difference between the controlled physical's natural biological urges and the act of satisfying those urges with a partner that knows not the difference between right and wrong, or wherein the partner is not mentally or legally able to make such decisions--its easy to have sex with a willing minor, but it's still not Karma free!

It is important to note that there is a rather big difference between the terms the Affinity Factor's Karma (deals with the specifics) and Karma's Affinity Factor (the force of justice that is evoked by an individual by committing misdeeds)--that is the duality aspect of the Affinity Factor. To better understand that important difference, let us consider that nothing happens in a vacuum; in that, there are many threads involved in the creation of an illusion within which the Affinity Factor might be called upon to execute judgment upon one or more individuals. These many forces/threads unite as a single set of specialized instructions which governs the Affinity Factor while it is in the process of executing its judgment upon the individuals involved. It is this special set of instructions that guarantee that each individual who is being judged received absolute justice, relative to the A Happening, as a whole. This special set of instructions is called the Affinity Factor's Karma.

On the other hand, Karma's Affinity Factor is the process/the power by which each individual, because of their own misdeeds, comes to meet Destiny, based upon his own Karma. An example might be as follows: Individual A is sitting at home watching television when suddenly he gets the urge to go shopping. Quickly, he runs to the corner store, not bothering to shut off the television because, from his point of view, he's just going around the corner. However, once he gets there, a robber/murder breaks into the store to steal the day's cash. In the process, individual A gets killed by a stray bullet in the head. It is Karma's Affinity Factor that caused individual A to go to the store at that exact moment--to meet his destiny of being murdered.

The basic pattern of the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th, and the 6th Sojourns repeat the pattern of the relationship between the 1st Sojourn and the 2nd Sojourn, respectively.

Though commitments and reevaluations continue throughout each independent Sojourn, the overall energy of each Sojourn has a particular characteristic of its own. The 3rd Sojourn is a Sojourn of commitment; in that the individual's higher-self recommits the individual to Destiny's path.

This becomes important if we understand the interaction between an individual's Alfa level [the level of the physical body, the Ka] and his Beta level [the level of the Beta body, the Ba], and, between that individual's Beta level and a third band of frequencies called Thada [the level of the Thada body, the BaKa], and, the special communications that exist between the three levels' counterpart bodies [called feelings] as a result of trickle-down.

If we accept that an individual's everyday physical body operates within a band of frequencies called Alfa, then we must also accept that the individual's higher-self would be the physical body's counterpart that operated upon a different but tangent band of frequencies called Beta. We must also accept that each level of experience is very much separated from one another; in that, each level's experience has its own set of hidden agendas which they seek to fulfill. If an individual's Alfa body [the physical body, the Ka] seeks to commit a karmic misdeed that was against his higher-self's hidden agenda [such as sex with partner X], the individual's higher-self would/could interfere such that the Alfa's desires would not be achieved. It would not be achieved because the actions/the power of the individual's higher-self would prevent it by exacting conditions that could not be met by the interaction--something would always be wrong in the situation; such as, too fat, too small, too big, didn't smell right, not beautiful enough, or any number of excuses, each of which would stop the Alfa's intentions from being fulfilled. In karmic terms, if a measure of relative mental or emotional peace is to be maintained in an individual's life, the lower frequencies must always obey the hidden agenda that comes from the individual's higher-self.

The 4th Sojourn is a Sojourn of reevaluation; in that, the individual's higher-self intensifies the reevaluation process during this life. It is important to note that it is not the individual that is being reevaluated, it is the threads which are within the domain of the 4th Sojourn that are being reevaluated. This can be a difficult time for the individual in question--the individual would have much trouble making life-decisions in many areas. They would be noted for playing the game should I in many areas of their respective life. More important, even if they did finally make a decision, they would seldom stick to it--they would usually change it for something else if another person advised them to.

Still, there is a good side to this reevaluation process. It is a time of special guidance from our Other-World Teachers. More important, it is a time when our Alfa's hidden agenda will submit to the tap on the shoulder that comes from the teachers from the Beta and the Thada levels. These taps... these special moments of warning can, indeed, serve the individual greatly.

The 5th Sojourn repeats a Sojourn of commitment; in that, the patterns noted in the 3rd Sojourn would again rule the individual's judgments.

The 6th Sojourn repeats a Sojourn of reevaluation and assignment; in that the patterns noted in the 2nd Sojourn would again rule the individual's judgments and limitations.

What is important to note is that during each, the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th and the 6th life of the cycle, the individual can use whatever free-will is allowed him to escape into an Omit cycle, to be released/equalized during the coming 7th Sojourn, but only if the process is within the order of his past decisions' limitations.

The 7th Sojourn is a very special Sojourn, far too complex in its nature and far too intricate in its affects within The Grand Maya to complete within the limited pages of this printing--however, we will touch upon it while space permits.

The 7th Sojourn is the only Sojourn within the cycle wherein the individual in question can use his limited free-will to seemingly rest, or, to gain an extended period of accelerated growth.

If the individual chooses to rest, the misdeeds/threads that fall within the domain of the 7th Sojourn will then be assigned to the immediate 1st Sojourn to be either translated into wisdom, thereby be forgiven, or, to be recommitted and reassigned to a new 1st Sojourn with an added pain factor.

If the individual chooses to experience a period of accelerated growth, the lessons within that life will, indeed, be harsh and unforgiving. Unless the individual in question always serves the Higher-self, and/or the good of the whole, as opposed to the good of himself, the individual will experience dissatisfaction, emptiness, and pain regardless of what he does. Furthermore, it will become more important to the individual to do what he thinks is right rather than to do what others [such as his parents, his religion, or his friends] say is right--more specifically, the only satisfaction that would be accepted would be an attaboy from his Beta-self [his higher-self].

Only in the 1st and in the 7th Sojourns are the forces/threads of an individual's creation aligned such as to allow the act of the omission of a karmic misdeed to be totally forgiven.

In the 2nd, the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th, and the 6th Sojourns, the forces of Karma exact a higher toll for each negative action [the repeating of karmic misdeeds] which occur during that same period.

As each Sojourn is experienced, the Karmic effect that is attached to the repeating of a misdeed, independent of the Karma that is attached to the misdeed, becomes more intense, more difficult to overcome. The law that governs this states:

An Individual who is, tends to want to remain!

If the opportunities to escape into the Omit Cycle [opportunities which presented themselves during the 1st Sojourn] were not taken, all Karma incurred thereafter can never be equalized except in The 7th Sojourn; but, only misdeeds that have entered into Omit cycles. Karmic misdeeds that continue to be recommitted, regardless of the life in the cycle within which the recommission takes place, is continuously reassigned to the next 1st Sojourn--however, the recommission carries with it the increase factor of pain equal to the number of times the deed has been recommitted.

Through the process of trial and error in each Sojourn, an entity will continually waffle back and forth between commitment and reevaluation as the basic driving force for the life in question. It is in this way, that the entity gains enough feedback to make decisions which determines the benefit of the overall state of being. It is usually when the individual comes to understand the trickle-down communication that exists between his Beta level body, his Ba, and his Alfa level body, his Ka. However, the choices which are made are by no means a guarantee of acquiring positive Karma.

We must remember that the individual's Karma might demand that the individual receive, from life's interactions, a very specific level of pain. In which case, the very steering currents which drive the individual may result in either a good choice, which aids the individual's trek toward a necessary Omit Cycle, or a bad choice, which further condemns the individual to reassignment to a 1st Sojourn with an increased pain factor. It will depend upon how much freewill is available to the individual, and the very nature of the force (the Affinity Factor's Karma) that governs just how, when, and where said freewill is exercised and with whom.

It is also important to note that each time a karmic misdeed is recommitted, the individual who recommits the karmic misdeed further limits himself with respect to his level of awareness; it is possible to limit one's level of awareness to such a degree that the individual in question truly does not know that it is his own actions that are the true source of his pain. This is because each time a karmic misdeed is recommitted more and more free-will is lost; which, in turn, means that Predestiny governs more and more of the individual's life's decisions.

In fact, if the individual in question walks totally upon the path of Predestiny, with respect to a particular karmic misdeed, it might be asked if the individual truly makes any decisions where that karmic misdeed is concerned. From the point of view of the onlookers of that individual's life, it might appear that many bad choices are being made... how can choices be made if Predestiny rules?

Obviously, for that individual's interaction with that specific karmic misdeed, it is truly Karma's Affinity Factor that will decide if the choices that are made are for the benefit/satisfaction of the individual's hidden agenda or for the benefit of the individual's trek toward the nearest Omit Cycle. The law that governs when Predestiny will allow the reentry of free-will states:

It will take, at the very least, ten times the pain to escape into an Omit Cycle as it took the level of pleasure to enter into a Commit Cycle, measure for measure, each unto its own kind.

It is written that each time I go someplace for the first time, I follow myself, stepping into footsteps that I created during my 1st Sojourn. It is written that in my 2nd Sojourn, when I love myself, I am forced to escape into forgiveness, I am forced to escape into an Omit cycle which lessens the pleasure received by the pain of Committing that which traps me into myself's desires. It is written that in my 3rd Sojourn, if I love myself enough, if I seek to forgive myself the deeds of youth, I will capture the harpy that controls the force which condemns me to self's satisfaction; when this happens, the deeds which have been recommitted will be forced to rejoin the harpy's will, into the Hell Of My Own Thoughts where they might be omitted, once again, for the first time. It is written that during my 4th, 5th and 6th Sojourn I will seek myself in my holy place, to be taught the way of Destiny's Path Unto The Light of Forgiveness, The Light Of Understanding, The Light of Love. It is written that during my 7th Sojourn, I will know myself again; I will again, for the first time, gain the ability to see into the Magic Mirror that is called my mind's eye!