Equalizing Karma:
(Original Cause for Reincarnation)

Equalizing Karma is a label used to describe the process of undoing the harm which was caused by our many misdeeds. Basically, it is the interaction of The Affinity Factor and Predestiny [in the form of each individual's Tally-Man] which allows, and in some cases forces, each individual to experience or to relive various A Happenings in which the individual created the bad Karma in question.

The Duality of equalizing Karma is mentioned above--The Affinity Factor and Predestiny. The Triunity aspects of equalizing Karma are The Walk of Freedom, The Walk of Predestiny, and The Law of The Moment as each impacts upon the individual's three levels of existence-- The mental Plane, the Emotional Plane, and the Physical Plane. The Mental Plane exists within one's World of Alfa level of existence. One's Alfa level is where the individual's thoughts are the driving force that binds the individual to his Karma. It is the thoughts that are expressed within the World of Alfa that causes the chemical changes that we call emotions. Without the signal from the World of Alfa, the Emotional Plane would be without movement-- one's mobility has its seed in the individual's Emotional Plane of existence. Once an individual brings forth a thought, that thought excites an emotion, the emotion, in turn, gives mobility to the Astral Plane of Common Reality's physical body. Once the physical body has its mobility, action is possible. To the degree that the individual has free-will, to that degree can the individual prevent his physical body from responding to emotion's call. (The deed that would have been committed remains just a thought). To the degree that the individual does not have free-will, to that degree will the physical body be forced to respond to emotion's call... the deed is now committed and the individual has now placed himself under Karma's bonds--the For bond, the With bond, and the Against bond.

Most people believe that each deed creates only one karmic debt. That is not how it works... each deed automatically creates more than one karmic tie (a special link, if you will). As an example, let us choose one of the worst karmic ties that one can get himself into--murder. While it is true that each murderer must, himself, be killed, there is much more involved in the karmic tie than just that. The karmic tie must take into account ALL of the acts. Example: The one that was killed could have a mother, a father, brothers, sisters, other relatives, and friends... all of which, in some form or another, suffer because of the loss of he who was killed.

At this point, the Affinity Factor comes in to govern and to record the A Happening of the murder. However, the Affinity Factor must be limited by the set of laws that governs it. The highest, therefore the most powerful, is the Royal Steering Current: That which exist must exist dual in its nature, but triune in its effects. The duality expresses itself in that there is more than one person involved-- he who was killed and the murderer. Triunity expresses itself in the fact that each individual experiences life upon at least three levels of existence (the mental, the emotional, and the physical).

The second great law that governs / limits the Affinity Factor states: One cannot use the thoughts, the words, or the deeds of another to make valid one's own behavior. This law expresses itself by separating the acts of the killer from the acts of he who was killed, and from the acts of the murdered individual's friends, and family. If the relatives and friends choose to use their free-will to harm the killer, they begin a new cycle of events that is not connected to the original act of murder, and the karmic tie belongs to them and in no way impacts upon the original killer.

The third great law that governs / limits the Affinity Factor states: One can use the greatness of one's heart to forgive the harm, and the imagined harm committed against him... in so doing, he who forgave is released from the wheel of pain... but, Karma forgives nothing. It is this law that forces the killer to experience ALL the harm that was experienced by the act of murder. This means that before the act of murder can be equalized, the killer must experience ALL the harm that each (the mother, the farther, the brother, the sister, the family members, and the friends) individual experienced because of the act of murder. The process of experiencing ALL the pain that was caused in no way impacts upon the original individuals (the mother, the brother, the sister, the family members, and the friends). This is because Karma is expressed and equalized via the PATTERN of the A Happening and not the specifics of the A Happening... as such, any individual who fits the PATTERN can be drafted by the Affinity Factor to become a pawn to help equalize the karmic debt in question.

It must be realized that the term Equalizing Karma implies that it is an individual's misdeeds that are being paid back. The term Karma is, itself, a continuum which has a positive aspect and a negative aspect; but, only the negative aspects of Karma need equalizing. The positive aspects, the positive deeds, are what get translated into wisdom and are carried with the individual when that individual moves on to whatever their destiny brings. This is because while the positive aspect is already in the service of the Forces Of Light (the unity of the TwinSpecies:Human), the negative aspects are in the service of Darkness (the forces of individuality). Also, some believe that the prime reason why good Karma need not be equalized is because good Karma is knowledge that has been transformed into wisdom. Bad Karma, on the other hand, has not been transformed and thus needs more work, since it is written that one cannot leave anything behind; hence, what cannot be taken must be equalized. It is not unlike a park, wherein each must clean up after themselves.

For each, there is a special recipe for entering into the process of turning from the Unholy Path (the path of excessive individuality) to the Holy Path (the path of the unity of the all). While there are different tasks [the different tasks are specifically related to the misdeed which needs equalizing] which are specific to each individual, the basic recipe is as follows:

  1. Cycle 1: Commission of the deed.
  2. Cycle 2: Neutralization (possibly)
  3. Cycle 3: Choice to re-Commit or to Omit. If you Commit, both you and the other party are trapped (the other party is, at the least, trapped in an Omit cycle). If you Omit, you release yourself into an Omit cycle, but the other party is still trapped (again, at least an Omit). You release yourself into the system of Omission Cycles.
  4. Cycle 4: Opportunity arises again. If you Omit, the Karma is one step closer to equalization. The other person is still trapped in his own cycle.
  5. Cycle 5: Opportunity arises again. If you Omit, the Karma is equalized. The other person still has his own cycle to deal with. Now that the omitted cycle has ended, Karma will allow the no longer misdeed to be translated into wisdom.

Every deed that is committed by someone starts this cycle. Within the cycle, the due process of Neutralization can exist for a short time, or, for lifetimes.

For understanding's sake, let us look at the following for a more detailed process of Karmic equalization involving person A and person B:

  1. During the commission of a murder, Person A commits some action upon Person B (by striking person B, an against-bond is created). Both are now involved--no ifs, ands, or buts. Person A comes under the rule of Commission while Person B may come under the rule of either Omission, or Commission.
  2. If Person B becomes angry or emotionally involved in any way, regardless of why, regardless of for how long, his situation changes to Commission Cycle.
  3. The individual caught under the Commission Cycle during the first SoJourn will continuously meet that situation over and over during the SoJourn; but, the misdeed will be encountered from every aspect. Examples: Person A, the hitter, will become Person B, the hittee; Person A, the victimizer, will become Person B, the victim; so, too, will it continue until every aspect of the against-bond is equalized into wisdom. During each cycle, if the aggression is repeated, the same karmic against-bond reoccurs, and, as he gains another Commission, the karmic misdeed is moved to the next first SoJourn in question, with an additional pain factor.
  4. If he does not repeat the same error, then he comes under the First SoJourn's Omission Cycle if, and only if, he has no other Commissions for the misdeed in question. If, however, there is still a related misdeed which is Karmically bonded to the misdeed which is being equalized, then, the individual in question does not go directly into the karmic Omission cycles. The related misdeed's commissions are next dealt with until they, too, are ready to enter the karmic Omission cycles of equalization of the Karma in question. The cycles of related misdeeds will continue bonding to the misdeed which is being worked on until they all are ready to enter their respective karmic Omission Cycles. Regardless of how many different misdeeds were committed during the murder (such as the misdeeds of commission-- the hitting, the punching, the kicking, the shooting, etc.; and, regardless of the number of misdeeds of omission such as failing to aid the victim when he calls for help, such as failing to stop when the victim cried out in pain, such as failing to get the victim the proper medical help when it was needed, etc..), each misdeed of commission and each misdeed of omission become a related misdeed that must, itself, be equalized before the original misdeed, the murder, or any part thereof, can be allowed to enter the Omission Cycle.

An example of related misdeeds might be the bad Karma of Murder, wherein there is an against-bond, a with-bond, and a for-bond which went into the situation which brought about the desire to commit the murder.

Once the individual who has committed the misdeed is in a state whereby he has all Omissions [all the related misdeed's commissions have also been dealt with], then the cycle will repeat itself again, giving him the opportunity to wipe away those Omissions one at a time.

Example for he who has committed a misdeed which has no related misdeed:

  1. Round 1: 3 Commissions
  2. Round 2: 1 Omission, 2 Commissions
  3. Round 3: 2 Omissions, 1 Commission
  4. Round 4: 3 Omissions
  5. Round 5: 2 Omissions
  6. Round 6: 1 Omission
  7. Round 7: 0 Omissions
  8. Round 8: Karma is equalized for the person who committed the act.

While the information up to this point is complicated, it is not complete. There is still another factor--time--which must be considered. Very specifically, the time factor enters by way of the Triunity factor of the misdeed--before the deed (B), during the deed (D), and, after the deed (A). It is this Triunity factor of B, D, and A which knits the entire situation (the situation that caused the desire for murder) together. Since the Triunity factor of B, D, and A were directly related to the commission of the misdeed in question, it must also be considered during the process of equalizing that misdeed. The graph of Fig. #1 will illustrate how each--B, D, and A-- are related.

In the diagram shown in Fig. #1, the zero symbolizes the presence of The Walk of Predestiny; as such, there is no free-will to change the bad Karma into good Karma. Again, in the diagram shown in Fig. #1, the number one symbolizes the presence of the continuum of The Walk of Freedom, which is controlled by The Law Of The Moment.

The Law Of The Moment states that each and every moment of every day that an individual experiences Life, each thought, each desire, or each deed [it matters not if the deed be one of commission or one of omission], shall have one and only one chance within relative time to exert control over the individual's unwritten future. Once the moment has passed, it shall never again have the chance to rule. However, each and every moment does do three things in the sameself moment of every happenstance--firstly, each moment shall ratify the needs of the past; secondly, each moment shall satisfy the needs of the present; and, thirdly, each moment shall write the script which will determine the individual's future.

Now, for the person who received the act. If he does not become emotionally involved, in any way, regardless of the reason or, regardless of the amount of time, and, if he stays only on the defensive, and does not go on the offensive, regardless of anything, then he has only to deal with an Omit.

In the next two turns of the cycle, if he remains un-involved, then Karma is equalized. If he does become emotionally involved, in either of the two opportunities, then his situation changes; he has Committed [even though his commission is not of murder--it is that of anger or hate, and it is still a commission]; as such, it follows the laws of Commission.

Let us, for a moment, go on an aside. One of the better ways of understanding the basic nature of commissions vs. omissions is to remember the intent of the following law:

One can use the greatness of one's heart to forgive the real and the imagined harm done to him by others; and, in so doing, they release themselves from the turn of the wheel--but, Karma forgives nothing.

Now that we understand the true nature of Understand, Forgive, and Love, in that by the act of understanding, forgiving, and loving others [love your enemies] who do you harm, you release yourself from bonding with the misdeed that is being committed against you, let us return to the original discussion.

From the information received before the aside, it can be noticed that it takes at least three Omissions to equalize one Commission. Thus, a one-time change in behavior is not enough to satisfy Karmic Law. A true change of heart is necessary to escape the web of Karma. Again, this is the universe's way of ensuring that the individual truly has learned. It also helps create stability within Automatic-Pilot.

In one sense, bad Karma can be thought of as emotionally evoking a negative attachment with respect to some other individual or situation (as we define it, a situation is the entire matrix within which a behavior occurs). In other words, to create a negative emotional bond with another being or situation. We are using the words bad and negative to mean anything that will condemn the individual to Predestiny--anything that will drive one deeper into Maya.

Understand, while good Karma also exists, it does not create Predestiny in the same sense as bad Karma. Good Karma gives the individual the opportunity to grow, to gain more freedom--to escape the trap of The Grand Maya with more wisdom than when he originally entered The Earth Experience. However, the individual retains Free-will to use or not use these opportunities.

Still, there is a paradox of sorts. While it is true that an individual who is always doing evil will find it difficult to do good, it also true that an individual who is always doing right will find it difficult to do evil. Perhaps it could be said that the only real freedom Man has, is who or what he is going to serve. Will man serve only himself, and thereby darkness, or will he serve the whole, and thereby light?

Returning to the subject at hand, there are at least three ways to emotionally evoke a negative attachment. They are:

  1. Against-bonds
  2. For-bonds
  3. With-bonds.

These can also be thought of as three different types of interaction in which Karma can be created. The Karmic bonds created in each type of interaction may be different.

The against-bonds interactions are the simplest. They are a clear case of one person or group being at war with another person or situation. A war, for our purposes, shall mean any situation whereby a degree of unpleasantness exists between one or more individuals, or one or more situations.

In this type of interaction, the bonds created are primarily between the inter-actors, and not between the individual and the situation. Thus, the individuals may be linked together in ways that bear little resemblance to the original situation that linked them. Still, within this linking of inter-actors, the original happening will probably repeat itself. Understand that an A Happening is not the same as an A Situation. A Situation as opposed to an A Happening, as stated before, is the entire matrix within which a behavior occurs. An A Happening, on the other hand, is limited to the immediate circumstance surrounding the behavior in question. An example will clarify this.

Person A, for whatever reason, starts a war with Person B by hitting him in some way. Previously, neither inter-actor knew each other. In the next cycle, Karma fulfills itself, via the Affinity Factor, by bringing the two together again. The two might be siblings, they might be married, they might be friends, they might be co-workers, or they might not know each other at all. The point here is that the inter-actors retain free-will to determine the situation in which they will work out the specific behavior that linked them together. Sometime during this cycle, the happening which linked the individuals together will probably reoccur. In this case, one of the individuals will have a plausible cause for, and the opportunity of hitting the other. The individuals will keep hitting one another until one, or both, learn better.

Going to war with another individual is inexcusable from karma's viewpoint. Regardless of the circumstances, reasons, or justifications for going to war, negative Karma will be accrued. It is for this reason that the against-bonds interactions, which are always war situations, will always create negative Karmic-bonds between all involved individuals.

The second way to create bonds are the for-bonds interactions. The for-bonds interactions include all interactions where someone Commits an action, not necessarily because they particularly want to, but more so because somebody else prompts them to, in one way or another. Hiring another to do something bad (again we use the word bad to mean any action which will drive one further into The Grand Maya) is an example. Coaxing another to Commit a behavior is another example.

For-bonds interactions do not automatically bring negative Karmic bonds. Let us say that someone wants you to do them a favor which you have no desire to do. They cajole you and finally you say to yourself: why not? You doing the favor does not necessarily create a negative bond. In fact, it is possible to create positive Karma through for-bonds interactions. Whether negative or positive Karma will be created depends on the nature of the behavior itself.

In the for-bonds interactions, the bonds created may be to the situation exclusively, to the other inter-actor(s) exclusively, to both equally, or any other combination. Understand that within the for-bonds interaction, it is possible to have more than one thing or circumstance going on at the same time. And, it is also possible that each of the happenings could be in contradiction to one another. As such, you could be dealing with a for-bonds, an against-bonds, and a with-bonds (discussed later) happening all at one time. The deciding factor in what type bonds will be created is how much of an against-bonds or a with-bonds interaction is present in the for-bonds interaction, and exactly where the coercion exists, to what degree, and against whom. It is a combination of the coercion and how much against-bonds and with-bonds there is, as well as the degree to which the purpose for the interaction is aimed against an individual or a circumstance.

The with-bonds interaction is the most complicated of the three. This is because all three interactions--for-bonds, against-bonds, and with-bonds--can be occurring simultaneously. Although this can also be said of the for-bonds interaction, it is evident to a higher degree in the with-bonds interactions.

In the with-bonds interaction, two or more individuals Commit some behavior together. By together we do not necessarily mean in the physical sense. All that is necessary to have a with-bonds interaction is to behave in a mutually agreed upon manner. It differs from an against-bonds interaction in that the inter-actors are cooperating in Committing a behavior. If the behavior is a negative one aimed at some individual or situation, then the against-bonds exist simultaneously with the with-bonds. It will lead to its own Karmic bonds. However, a with-bonds relationship could lead to good Karma.

In the with-bonds interaction, the Karmic bonds created are primarily to the situation, and not the individual. This is because all involved parties are Committing the behavior in question because they, themselves, want to; not because they are being prodded into it by someone else, as in the for-bonds interaction. Again, it is possible that a for-bonds relationship could exist side by side with a with-bonds. If this is so, then Karmic bonds to individuals may also be created.

A good example of a for-bonds within a with-bonds is this: Your friend wants to do something. You don't want to do it. You let him talk you into it, because of the relationship between you. This contains elements of both for-bonds and with-bonds. It is a with-bonds because you do, in fact, want to commit the behavior. Your reasons for wanting to may be different than your friend's, (in this case he wants to commit the behavior because he wants to reap the results of the action, and you want to Commit the behavior because you want to maintain the relationship in its present state) but, you still do the behavior because you want to. However, it is also a for-bonds because your friend did, in fact, have to talk you into it. Against-bonds may also come into it if the two of you go to war against another individual. At this point, there is no telling what kind of bonds are going to be created without going into specifics, and knowing specifics will only make it more complicated!

Thus, we see that there is a continuum along which Karmic bonds fall. On one side of the continuum are bonds to other beings, and on the other side are bonds to situations. Only if we know the specifics of a situation can we tell what bonds are going to be created. However, as general rules we can say the following:

  1. Against-bonds interactions usually cause bonds which fall on the beings side of the continuum. Needless to say, such bonds need not be limited to just a particular individual. They can also be against a group, such as a particular religion, a country, etc.. Recent history tells us that such bonds abound in today's world;
  2. For-bonds interactions cause bonds to both, beings and situations. There is no general rule. One must know the specifics involved. However, wherever there's a for-bond being acted on, there will usually be an against-bond, as well. In war, the people are fighting for their country, for their leaders; but, they are fighting against others of their own kind, regardless if they refuse to accept the enemy as being of Their own kind.;
  3. With-bonds interactions usually cause bonds on the situation end of the continuum, but there are also possibilities of bonds to beings (such as group Karma). Again, it is difficult to say anything concrete without knowing the specifics.

One thing more must be added. In the final analysis, all Karmic bonds are bonds that are attached to patterns and not to specific individuals, nor to specific situations, nor to specific A Happenings. Karma tallies patterns, not specifics. Thus, if a specific person or situation that one is bonded to is available, Karma, using the Affinity Factor, will cause you to be drawn to it. If, however, it is not available, anyone or anything that fits the pattern will be used to fulfill the needs of the situation.

Aside from helping the student to understand Karma itself, one of our prime purposes here is to show how all the facets, or threads of Karma interact to create a fabric. Since all of creation is a fabric unto itself, the fabric of Karma is a microcosm of the Universe. Understanding Karma will help the student to think in terms of a fabric, and to understand further lessons.

It is written that I am the only judge over my Destiny; yet, why am I forced into situations of my own creations? Where is the truth in that? It is said that the Truth lies within my illusion of individuality! It is written that it is I, myself, who created the path upon which I must now walk, for destiny's sake. Where it the truth in that? It is said that all my truth lies within my illusion of individuality! It is written that it is I, myself, who commanded that I should equalize my own karmic misdeeds upon destiny's walk, as I share myself with others of my kind. It is written that as I chose to descend upon The Grand Maya, I used the Force of my Free-Will to evoke the very illusions to which I am now bound, unto forever. Prey tell, where are the protections of the illusions of my individuality now, when I need protection against myself most? Woe unto me, for if truth would speak its name, again I should look within the illusions which bind me, the illusions of my individuality.