Freedom: The Continuum Of Slavery
(Free-will vs. Predestiny)

All Freedoms are relative to their respective bonds. If the word relative is not attached to the concept of Freedoms, then the entire concept becomes naught but an illusion. This is so because, on the average, when people think of Freedoms they usually think that they are free to do what they want. This, obviously, is not the case. If a life-form is born as a bird, they are not free to become a rock. Likewise, a rock is not free to become a bird; hence, freedom is, indeed, relative to the individual, and relative to the moment to moment possibilities that are being limited by Karma.

However, entities that have the LifeForce/MindForce pairing do have freedom of choice under certain conditions. That condition, of course, is determined by an interaction between preferences, the needs of the situation, the psychological screens, and the interplay between Free-will and Destiny.

Freedoms are directly linked with Automatic Pilot. The very concept of freedom is, in and of itself, a continuum. Specifically, where the discussion is that of the mobility of change, it is the continuum of Automatic Pilot. This continuum--Automatic-Pilot--is one of the few continuums that are only dual in their natures. It is only dual because it is made up of only two conditions-- if-then conditions.

The first part of its nature, the if statements, are all causes which have their effects limited by the laws of the illusion which they govern. The second part of their nature, the then statements, are all effects. It is, indeed, interesting to note that each effect, in its turn, becomes the new cause at the next lower level of experience (when the same experience is, again, encountered). It could easily be said that at least ninety percent of the Continuum Of Freedoms is dedicated to Automatic Pilot.

Another reason why we call the continuum of Automatic-Pilot a dual continuum is because it governs another continuum--The Continuum of Awareness. Limited and modified by the Law of the Moment, most individuals are governed by the Triune law (the law of the moment is Triune in its nature).

More or less, the first part of the Law Of The Moment states that all who exist upon the Earth Experience, exist such that they can be aware of everything that is below them, their station, or their point along the Continuum Of Understanding; as such, they are capable of total realization and total empathy with all that goes on below them, even unto the trap of The Grand Maya, the cocoon of their residence--that which binds them to their graves.

The second part of the Law Of The Moment states: All who exist upon the Earth Experience, are modified by their respective Karma, are aware of very little (this is limited by the individual's Royal Continuum of Freedom) of that which is par to him, or his point along the continuum; as such, he has limited ability to understand, or to have empathy with that which is within the respective Circle of Awareness; up to and including the use of tools to extend the respective Circle of Awareness.

The third part of the Law Of The Moment states: Although he who resides upon the Earth Experience has limited ability to see, to perceive that which exists within the respective Circle of Awareness, he is not and cannot be aware, nor has he the ability to empathize and understand, much less control, anything that is above him, that is above his station, or that is above his point of reference along the Continuum Of Understanding.

This Triune factor of The Law Of The Moment crosses the Continuum of Freedom in more than one place. Indirectly, because of the many crossings, it [the Continuum Of Freedom] is the cause of many other causes--especially when in reference to the LifeForce/MindForce pairings. The Continuum Of Freedom is one of the prime controllers of the LifeForce, the MindForce, and the interaction between the two.

There is still another aspect to consider--The Fabric-of-Freedoms. The Fabric of Freedoms is often represented by an upside down letter Y and is often known as The Fork of Trade-offs.

Following one side of a fork's decision via the decisions which are made, will automatically cut off all the experience possibilities from the other side of the fork. Each fork in the path of life is a decision which will yield one of two conditions, more freedom (thus, more Free-will and less of Predestiny's interference), or less freedom (thus, less free-will and more of Predestiny's interference); thus, we are left with a greater propensity toward Predestiny. This is, indeed, the case wherein the smart become smarter, because they make better decisions, and the dumb get dumber, because they, more often than not, make bad decisions; and, with each bad decision they must suffer more pain without knowing where that pain comes from, or why it comes to them.

It is The Fabric nature of creation, of Karma (often called the web of Karma) that becomes the prime force which drives the Continuum of Freedom when the continuum interacts with a life-form. Specifically, it is the nonlinear nature of the causes becoming the effects, and the effects, in turn, becoming the new causes which then further change, recursively, the original cause and/or the original effect.

A good way of looking at it, for understanding's sake, is a circle whose points (however many there may be), are dominoes which have been set up such that, because of the recursive aspects of creation, each domino knocks down the next one that it contacts; but, it does so in such a way that after the event itself has passed, each domino (which are the points along the circle) resets itself upright so that it may be again utilized in the next cycle; thusly, the cycles repeat themselves in seemingly endless patterns.

This process continues on every level of creation, via the law which governs the force we know as The Royal Steering Current: Repeating Patterns. It is, itself, the mark of perfection when keeping an individual within the limits of his illusion, his games, his roles, and, especially, his traps.

One of the most powerful, if not the most ominous paradoxes of the Universe exists along the Continuum of Freedoms. Indeed, it can be said that even freedom is not free, especially if we consider: firstly, we assume we have the free-will to do anything that we wish; secondly, in this assumption, we decide what we want to do and initiate our decision; fourthly, once we have initiated our decision, we find that karmic law takes over. We discover that it is it [karmic law], and it alone, that determines the rules by which we play out our decision and its related actions. Furthermore, an additional discovery tells us that we are now bound by that decision, and its initiated actions, bound such that we now have little or no free-will regarding the decision and its related actions. In fact, we are now caught in a karmic loop, for better or for worse; and, we will not be able to exit from our newly chosen game until Karma presents an exit point of its own choosing, in its own time.

We further discover that it is Predestiny that rules the loop within the game's cycle, leaving us with little or no free-will, at best. At the appointed time, if we should decide to accept the exit when it is presented, assuming that Predestiny gives us the limited ability to accept, by accepting the exit, we will have used up what limited free-will we had (to enter into another Predestiny loop that has its own entrance and exit points, its own set of conditions, its own governing laws).

It is because we have a seeming continuity from one experience to another that we can never escape the construct of the loop. Remember, upon The Earth Experience's Astral Plane of Common Reality, all must play games.

It is well for us to understand that the very concept/construct of any game is a series of karmic loops, loops which are created from moment to moment [with every decision that is made] to satisfy the needs of the game, with respect toward balancing our karmic debts. Some loops are very benign, while others can become very serious. Needless to say, it all starts with each individual exercising the gift, the sometime curse called free-will (to determine if free-will is a gift or a curse will depend upon the specific point along the Continuum of Freedom that we are at, at the moment).

This is the ultimate trap of life. The Continuum of Freedom, the illusion of being separated from the all, was, and still is, the entry point of our descent from Deluge into The Grand Maya, the illusion of reality, as we crossed the Double-Gate called Isis/Anubis, and descended into the trap of self-created illusions, wherein we entered our first of many Predestiny loops called games.

It is unfortunate that we, via our acts of bemusement, erected veils of forgetfulness to hide from us the truth that it is the Continuum of Freedom that will be our deliverance as we seek our ascent back through the Double-Gate of Isis/Anubis, returning us to where it all began, hopefully, wiser than we were before the descent; if not wiser, at least more aware.

It is not unusual for the student of Creation to ask Why, then, can you not just use your free-will to ascend to the Double Gate now?... It is with sadness that the teacher must reply: The answer lies in the curse part of the gift of free-will. Your decision to use the gift of free-will, in order to enter into the loop of life, has forced the curse of Predestiny upon you. You have struck yourself down with your own hand. You may have created the rules by which you descended, but once entering the game, you now are bound by those rules, even unto your bemusement. Upon your knees, which you humbly bend, will you look toward the heavens. There you will find the opportunity to once again raise your hand. Thus, the Magic Circle is complete. What was, shall be again, but, in accordance within the Continuum of Freedom.

Be forewarned of the gift of free-will. Choose wisely what only the wise can choose. For in order to exit the foolishly chosen loop, each must strive to become a cup, empty of itself. It is here, in the cup of nothingness, that you will find the freedom you seek.

There is yet another paradox that is worth mentioning regarding the continuum of freedom. This paradox exists within the mind, wherein the steering currents of illusions transpose themselves into reality.

Bear in mind that whatever circumstance you find yourself in, you will never truly know if these A Happenings have been brought about because of free-will, or Predestiny. Therefore, the individual would be well to take notice--if the construct of Predestiny rules within your mind, you will be under Predestiny's influence, no matter how much free-will you may think you have for the moment at hand--responsibility rules the times. On the other hand, if you always accept the responsibility for what you do (regardless of the deeds of others), then, in your mind, in your illusions that govern the nature of the game's loops, the construct of the governing loops of Predestiny will always have some composition of free-will.

The important point to understand is that if you assume that everything you do, everything you say, everything you think, everything about you, and everything that surrounds you, is a direct result of your own choices, your own attitudes, your own free-will, then, regardless if it is true or not, the thought will provide a positive attitude towards your possible future. In addition, it also provides the positive level of thinking needed that will allow for change, a change which you control!