Intro to Karma
(Predestiny vs. Free will)

Karma is another word that is used to imply absolute justice. Basically, it is a system of causes and their effects. The karmic debt that is incurred is multi-faceted, in that to equalize that karmic debt one must experience all the pain, the joys, the anguish, and the suffering that the deed in question caused.

For every action an individual takes, that action creates new Karma. The effects of Karma are sometimes experienced during the present lifetime. Sometimes the effects spill over to other lifetimes.

During any karmic cycle, every individual always have both limited free will and Predestiny. These are always interacting with one another. It is not the presence or the absence of free will or predestiny that determines the outcome. It is the interaction between the two, and how that interaction impacts on the scenario that is ongoing at that moment.

One of the best ways to understand the relationship between an individual's predestiny and his limited free will is by using the analogy of a blank canvas. When an individual makes the decision to come into the Earth Experience, he must place himself under the domain of The Alliance of the Rule. The process of doing this is not unlike the following: imagine if you will that you are an artist who is descending into the Earth Experience. As you descend, you will discover that the canvas painting has been partially filled in (partially painted in) by the Affinity Factor. This previously painted part of the canvas, which represents your life in Common Reality, we call Predestiny. The part of the canvas which is still unpainted (therefore you must paint yourself) we call the individual's free will. We must remember that we can paint anything we wish to experience unto our free will's canvas of life as long as we understand that whatever is painted must be paid for via some time of karmic debt.

Every action that an individual performs creates either more free will or more Predestiny. So, for every action the person becomes either more free, or more trapped because of the errant emotions that drive the deeds. If an individual wants to have more free will he should follow a simple axiom: never do anything you feel or think is wrong. Remember; as there is individual Karma, there is also collective Karma, group Karma, family Karma, country Karma, and planet Karma.

One of the threads that go into the weave that creates a karmic debt is the law that states, "You become the things that you hate and you walk toward the things that you fear." One must remember that no one lives in a vacuum. Everyone is a part of some type of family group... be that group blood relatives or merely an association wherein emotions are involved.

It is because each individual is a part of some type of family that creates the complications when trying to understand the equalization of a karmic debt. As an example, if the family is of blood, the emotions are stronger. If the family is simply an association, the emotions are not as strong, although they could be.

Let us, for the moment, assume that a karmic debt is that of murder. The emotions that are involved could range from hurt, anger, hatred, loss, sadness, guilt and pain. These are but a few of the possible emotions that the members of the murdered person's family could experience. The individual who committed the act of murder cannot satisfactorily equalize that karmic debt until he experiences first hand all the ensuing emotions. This could be an ongoing process that could take many lives. However, once having experienced all these negative emotions it is not sufficient for the karmic debt to be equalized. Since he did, indeed, commit murder he in turn must also be murdered... and the cycle begins all over again.

One of the most perplexing of the errant emotions is the need for revenge. This emotion will cause more damage, longer lasting damage than all the others put together. That is because he who has been murdered will seek vengeance on his murderer. And in so doing he will view himself, or he will align himself to a type of warrior cult... a warrior lifestyle. As he plays the role of his warrior lifestyle he will have a fascination with the weapons of the day and their usage against the so called "bad guys." Not until the murdered individual can set aside his lust for vengeance will he or she be able to free themselves from the murder karma.

It is important to realize that the laws of karma do not operate on specifics. The force behind karma lies in the attachment of patterns. In short, when the karmic debt is seeking equalization, that is, when it is time for the murderer to be murdered, the Affinity Factor will seek out the original individual who committed the deed. If however the specific individual is not available (he may be trapped in another cycle of deeds), then the Affinity Factor will seek out any individual who has the murder karma that most closely fit the specific circumstances of the original deed. This individual, via the Affinity Factor, will find himself involved in some type of scenario wherein he will have the opportunity to kill... to murder the original murdered.

There will come a time in some future life where nobody fits the pattern of the original scenario that caused the murder; when this occurs the original murderer must still be murdered and therefore he will murder himself... and be caught in the suicide loop. That is the last step in equalizing murder karma.

Example 2: Let us discuss a karmic debt of being homophobic. Because of the errant emotions that are expressed either internally or externally toward an individual who is gay or bisexual, the homophobic has made a reservation to become a gay or bisexual in a future life. There are a number of ways that the Affinity Factor can bring this about.

1. An individual is born either gay or bisexual;
2. An individual is introduced to the gay life style by another.

If an individual is born either gay or bisexual, it is possible that he or she will not understand his or her true nature and therefore will experience many tribulations. At some point in his or her life he will come to know that he is "different" but may not understand why. One thing is for certain he will not be able to control the forces that drive him. If it is a boy, at a very early age he will want to be among the girls and shuns the boys his own age. Rather than play sports as other heterosexual boys of his own age, he will seek to play with the girls... playing with dolls and playing dress up in women's clothing. If it is a girl, she will shun other girls her age and prefer to play boys games (not to be confused with being a tomboy).

As the child approaches puberty he or she will begin making sexual attachments (the boy with other boys and the girl with other girls). The karmic equalization process will require that the individual in question experience not only his or her own pain of confusion but also the pain and the rejection of his or her peers; Once the individual has accepted the fact that he or she is either gay or bisexual and puts all the wars to rest, than the karmic debt can be equalized.

If the karmic debt is that of war or any of its faces such as hate, maliciousness, or prejudice, the individual will find himself playing the game of "defending my country," "defending my family," or "defending myself." During any national conflicts, said individual will find a guerrilla-type war, such as being in "The Resistance" in Germany during the Nazi era. Again, not until the individual comes to realize that life is sacred will he be able to equalize his karma. All individuals must come to realize that they cannot use the emotions, the country's call to arms, or the deeds of another person to make valid their own bad behavior.

If the karmic debt is that of prejudice, the individual will find that his own rights will be denied to him as he has denied the rights of others. He will have to experience all the injustices that prejudice forces upon any individual or any group of individuals.

If the karmic debt is that of theft, the individual will experience the loss of what is important to him, as he stole what was important to his victim. Not until the individual truly realizes that what is not his is sacred to its owner will the karmic debt be equalized.

If the karmic debt is that of rejection, the individual will come to experience what it is like to be rejected by those whom he cares greatly. He will be forced to experience all of the errant emotions that come with the process of being rejected.

If the karmic debt is that of abortion, then the individual in a future life will also be aborted... and in a future life that same individual will wish to conceive a child but will find that she is barren. When the individual is aborted, the pain comes in two forms... one of which is not a true abortion:

1. The individual will be still born;
2. The individual will be abandoned via termination of pregnancy.

If the individual is still born, the Affinity Factor will give him or her the visions of the original abortion... the individual will come to know the law, "what is done to the least of you will be done to the most of you," and "when the final judgment comes it will not come against man the individual... it will come against man the species."

If the individual is abandoned, many emotions will ensued such as self worth, self hatred, and an ever present drive to discover their original parents.
One must wonder, with such trappings how can one ever leave the Earth Experience. Obviously, if the individual does not seek his spiritual nature and therefore allows himself to change, he will be condemned to live the life on the Earth Experience for many cycles. It is because one cannot teach oneself what one does not know that the only chance one has is to somehow find a teacher who will show them the way to spirituality.