Lost Tribe: Destiny Rules
(Was It Really Lost?)

The Lost Tribe, the thirteenth tribe of the land of Hebren, is seed for the beginning of the twelve tribes of Juda. Often, Arkashea has reference to this Lost Tribe, or the lost thirteenth tribe. It is important for the reader to realize the validity of the term lost. There are two reasons why this term applies. First, and most important, the term lost has reference to the unfortunate circumstance wherein an entire tribe, specifically the thirteenth tribe of the land of Hebren, would never be reunited with Hebren's other twelve tribes. The nation of the Hokites consisted of thirteen tribes. They were ruled by the leader of its thirteenth tribe.

To understand the connection between the lost 13th tribe of Hebren and the 12 tribes of Juda, we must go as far back in history as Pharaoh Akhenaten (1354 B.C.). When Pharaoh Akhenaten was murdered, his followers went out of Egypt into the land of Hebren. Since that day, although it has been close to five-thousand years ago, the people of the 13th tribe of the land of Hebren [and, thus, the Nation of Hokites] have never accepted any King of Egypt other than Pharaoh Akhenaten; nor have they recognized Tutankhamen and his successors as truly being Pharaoh of the Double-lands.

It is rather easy to understand the why of this rejection: The right to rule by divine right is not overcome, nor is it canceled by the might of an army. Then, as now, the Hokites denied the pretenders to the throne of Egypt the right to wear the sacred blue and white double crown of regency. To the people of the nation Hokites, the only true Pharaoh which exists is the leader of its thirteenth tribe. Today, he is called Pharaoh of the Great White Brotherhood, as he was in Pharaoh Akhenaten's time.

The second reason has reference to two events. Firstly, this is the time of history when there is a change in the reference point with respect to the times and the events of history. On the one hand, the 13th tribe of the land of Hebren was the standard reference point for the history of the times. Secondly, it has reference to the fact that the people of the thirteenth tribe of the land of Hebren [the Hokites] were not the only tribal members of the land of Hebren to enter the land of Egypt. Among other tribes were a few members from the Danite tribe-specifically, the sons of Jacob.

When this union of men [consisting of people from many of the tribes of the land of Hebren] entered the land of Egypt, the event, in and of itself, set into motion the seed of change which would affect the history of the world's very future--the change in question was, of course, the changing of history's reference point from the 13th tribe of the land of Hebren to the new reference point of the sons of Jacob.

To further understand this change of historic reference point, it must be noticed that the nation of Hokites left Egypt before The House Of Egypt brought its wrath upon those who remained to continue building the cities of Egypt. The nation of Hokites left the land of Egypt during a time when the builders of Egypt's cities were still free.

Furthermore, when those who remained in Egypt forced Pharaoh to set taskmasters over them for the sake of poor workmanship, what little communication that still existed between the members of the original union that entered Egypt [consisting of the twelve tribes of Hebren and the ruling thirteenth tribe] stopped. Hence, to the twelve tribes of the land of Hebren that remained in the land of Egypt to continue building the cities of Egypt, the ruling tribe, the thirteenth tribe of the land of Hebren, was lost to them.