MindForce: The Ability To Think
(That Which Animates Matter)

It can be said that MindForce is that force that animates Matter, making it suitable for life, as we know it today. However, there is much contention among the ancient Lemurian Magi with respect to exactly the how or, just where the limitations are placed with respect to the unity-factor of MindForce.

There are some (specifically, the reigning spiritualists of ancient Lemuria) who believed that MindForce does not need lower, middle earth's physical-type Matter to exist upon the earth's astral plane of common reality. They believed that life continues after the death process. They believed that life's stay upon the astral plane of common reality is but one of many such experiences. They believed that the experience of astral travel during an individual's life was, itself, a type of proof of the existence of eternal life, via the way of reincarnation, regardless of the belief-system of the individual.

Still, there are some (specifically, the warring Scientists of ancient Lemuria) who believed that MindForce cannot be thought of as a single, independent unit, a unit that was the sole source for life upon lower, middle Earth, because they believed that it was the presence of LifeForce that was seed for the presence of MindForce... they believed that the two [MindForce and LifeForce] were ganged together; such that, one cannot exist without the other... they believed that the practice of astral travel during life was merely a function of life upon the lower levels of the Earth Experience... they believed that the death process was not just a process, it was a true ending.

It is easy to see why the debate still rages on between those who are truly spiritually minded and those who seek to avoid true spirituality, because it gets in the way of their political aspirations. It does not take too much imagination to see that the presence of MindForce is the next recursive step along the continuum of creation... being just below the creation of LifeForce that is, if we are to accept the unity of the first two laws of creation which state:

  1. he creation of the one is, in and of itself, the implication of the creation of the other.
  2. That which exists within the Chi, shall exist such that it is Dual in its nature, but Triune in its effects,

then, according to the above laws' implication, once LifeForce came into being, the creation of MindForce was not very far behind. We must remember that the creation of LifeForce is what made it possible for Matter to be created in the physical Universe. However, Matter is just Matter... it just is..., in that, it cannot do anything by itself. Therefore, the next normal step would be the infusion of something that would give the newly created Matter the ability to do something of its own volition. This was, of course, the creation of MindForce. In fact, it was the ganging of both, LifeForce with MindForce that made life possible upon Earth, as we know life to be that is, the MindForce is the seed of thought, as Man knows thinking to be.

The MindForce is also known, by many who still live today, as the Universal-Mind that which linked all thinking life-forms together and, within the recursive cycles of Creation, it was the MindForce that brought forth individuality... that brought forth individual Minds... and, it was thus that Man was born from the dust of the Earth; and it was thus that the claim to uniqueness arrived giving Man individuality.

From the average man's point of view, God is conceived to be the Supreme Being--the creator of all things. If we use this level of observation, then we can properly call the MindForce God, because without the ability to think, there is nothing.

In the course of events, as the forces that were brought into play took control over their creator, among the many diverse creations came awareness--a recursive offspring of the interaction between the LifeForce and the MindForce. This recursive interaction brought forth, among other things, man's reasoning ability.

However man chose to descend, descend he did; into a state whereby he could see, or perceive, no further than his own beingness. The ramifications of this trap, called The Grand Maya, made it all but impossible for man to realize his true origin; and, it made it absolutely impossible for man to see... to experience... to realize, via his own personal experience, anything beyond his creator--the MindForce.

The most controversial aspect of this realization must, by circumstance, bring man face to face with his own illusions... with his private conceptualizing... with the ever present question: "what is the meaning of God?" "What is the meaning of life, itself?"

Indeed, what is the true nature of proof? And, if that is not enough, how can that proof answer such ever-present questions? After all, when the last word is spoken, there are still some things which have no answer on this level of awareness.

If man is ever to understand such thinking processes... if man is ever to find the answer to the meaning of life, and/or to the meaning of God, he must come to terms with facts of creation which contradict the popular, but enslaving, dogmas of existing religions. It is difficult to accept that a God of Light would create such beauty as Life merely to exonerate His own brilliance by enslaving creation to Himself.

Example: if the definition of God is to be the creator of man and all that man surveys, then from Man's point of view God must, indeed, be the MindForce; a point which we are sure most dogmas of the world will quite loudly call heresy; since, if we are to believe that man is made in god's image, as do say so many of the existing religious dogmas, then the MindForce must be God, since by the Law of repeating patterns, the mind of man is the perfect image of the Laws of the MindForce.

Obviously, it matters little. The illusions of man cannot... will not change anything other than the illusions of man... whatever they might be. The laws of creation will not soon succumb to the beguiled ramblings of such a low species as Man... in the grand scheme of things, while man is important, he is not so important as to allow his feeble cry of illusion to change the order of creation. In fact, if the pattern continues as it presently does, man will most likely be extinct within a very short time--in all likelihood, he will kill himself off.

Let us summarize: If we accept the definition of God to be the creator of all that Man surveys, then the MindForce is undeniably God.

This is so because the MindForce did, indeed, create all that is. In addition, the MindForce is the highest Force which is endowed with what Man would call Consciousness. Every creation that came into being above the creation of MindForce (LifeForce and Primedial-Force, for example) acts only according to Law--there is no conscious volition the way Man conceives of it.

Man's individual mind is but a limited splinter... a rather limited reflection of that one Great MindForce. If one accepts that God is the supreme being... the all-knowing... the all-seeing... then, again, the MindForce is God. This is so because being and knowing are qualities that have their beginning in the awareness factor, which comes from MindForce. If one states that there are any human qualities at all in God, such as love, mercy, and understanding, then The MindForce is God. All these qualities have their source in the ability to recognize, which comes directly from MindForce. As a final qualification, the MindForce is the highest state that Man can aspire to. To become one with the MindForce, if for even an instant, is to achieve the level of awareness called Cosmic-consciousness... it is to know everything that there is to know... to be everything there is to be.

In terms of today's religions, the statement that the MindForce is God would be absolute heresy. One reason is that it is recognized that there are higher states than the MindForce, such as Primedial-Force. Another reason is that it is recognized that the MindForce and Man are one. To worship the MindForce as God is to worship man... or perhaps, it is to worship the higher aspects of Man, as God! Well, it is no secret that if you pronounced that Man was God that most religions would cry like a stuck pig! Still, it is true.

The problem is that most, if not all, religions are more interested in perpetuating their own dogma than they are in discovering the truths of the Universe.

Another problem is that most religions are so ignorant, for want of political power, that they constantly contradict themselves. For example, one popular religion says that Man was created in god's image... that God is the cause of all causes. Well, if Man is created in god's image... that God is a spiritual being, to worshipped as a spiritual being... then, the MindForce is God, since MindForce exists on the spiritual level.

But, if God is the first cause of all causes, then Primedial-Force is God... there is a contradiction with that thought... Man is not created in the image of Primedial-Force, according to the religions' dogma; Primedial-Force does not have the ability to think... nor does it have the ability to be aware... it cannot be God. So, in the final analysis, you can see that while there are grains of truth, true understanding is not present.

The real problem is one of communication. It is not that we are averse to calling Primedial-Force God. Each individual has the right to conceive of God in whatever manner he sees fit. The problem becomes when one defines God in contradictory ways. It usually leads only to confusion.

That is why the Magi of old rarely use the word God. It was... it still is too vague a concept to allow accurate solutions. It means too many different things to too many different people.

The ancient Magi tried to teach Universal Law... to map the fabric of the Universe... independently of the personal beliefs of Man. The Magi believed... the Magi of today still believe that it is up to each individual to decide who, what, when, and where to worship... and how, as long as life is held sacred.

If man was created in God's image, which image of Man is it? Is it the image of Man (the women image), or, is it the image of Man, (the Man image)? In other words, is the image of God male or female? Is God male or female?

Right here... at this juncture... before going any further, this question alone is a massive obstacle in the validation of the personification of God, i.e. we are his image. Which image?

Still, there is another stumbling block... If God is, then God must be independent of the creation of Man... since God was said to be the creator of Man. Wow, if God is above the creation of Man, what about the many other species of life that shares planet Earth... could it be that God created all them at the same time as he created Man? Really, which is really the image of God? Each of the other species of life also have a male and a female... each also have the ability to think... each can do everything that Man can do, in its own way.

Another obstacle, in reasonable thought, if we are created in the image of God..., if God took a human form to visit us, then how would we recognize God if we were to see him on Earth?... Would God not look like one of us? "He God" or "she God" would look the same to us as we would look to each other. Or, maybe God does not look like us... but looks like some humanoid form... maybe some alien being. If this is the case, how far removed from God are we?

Another case in point, being the image of God, as is speculated by religions, what does it say about God when God creates such frail, imperfect beings? In truth, we are extremely frail... in truth, we are very imperfect in countless ways. Why would God create a Man in his image which could not, at least, do what all other species on Earth could do... and then some.

After all, are we not supposed to be the culmination of all God's work?... why can we not fly, like the birds? Are the birds an inferior species... if not, why do they have seeming superior abilities?

Why can we not breathe under water? Are the fish an inferior species? Still, why can we not run as fast as the lower animals? Are the lower animals an inferior species?

For that matter, why can we not survive in outer space without aid? Space is so vast... so unbelievably huge, when compared to our little speck we live upon, how can God create us in his image in such a way as to prevent us from experiencing his whole universe..., save for the little speck of stone and clay called Earth? There must be a reason why we are the way we are.

Could it be that we are the way we are because it is we who have chosen to be this way, as opposed to god purposefully making us this way? After all, if you were god... if you wanted to construct creations, would you make your creations with such imperfections... such limitations... such ignorance... such emotions... such lack of communication... such feebleness, unless you, too were as imperfect?

How much logic does it take to think about the problem as it exists according to the mind of today's man... When today's Man builds something, does not Man, the creator of that something, build that something to the best level of perfection, at least, as best as the money, the tools and the materials will allow? Or, does Man, the creator, purposefully build with defective tools and flawed materials, using faulty logic. The Magi of old also went through this same thinking process... and, came upon the following questions, to guide their final solution.

  1. Did God not have, at his disposal, all the power that exists in creation to use as he wished;
  2. Did God not have the best tools that his own mind could make with which to bring his thoughts into reality;
  3. Did God not have the best materials that his mind could fashion for the creation of his thoughts?

If he did, as religions claim that S/he is all powerful, all perfect... why did he create such imperfect creations?

Perhaps it is because our conception of god... our abstract idea of god... God, itself, as we think to know him... her... it is not the god who created us at all! Maybe the God who created each of us in his own image, is, in fact, his own image. Perhaps the God we really seek is not really a god at all... perhaps the seeker is merely justifying the result of its own creation.

Behold, it is written: That which we seek as God, the venerated specter of apparitions, moves through us like light through a crystal. As light refracts the hidden components of itself through the lens of a prism, so, too, does the soul of Man refract the hidden components of itself through the lens of a mirror... Perhaps the creation itself, is the creator!

"It is Written that it is my desires... my unfettered emotions that guide the creation of what will finally become myself.

"It is Said that though I Am that what I wished to be, via the avenue of my thoughts, I shall create in the Now, but Weep in the Tomorrow, for my thoughtlessness.

"It is Written that I... even myself did strive to become... to fulfill the core of my inner desire's dreams, knowing beforehand future's cost.

"It is Said that though I gazed into the mirror of myself, I cry for fear that I shall, one day, meet my own creations.

"It is Written that the satisfaction of the self often becomes more important in the moment's heat than the wisdom that ever haunts the future.

"It is Said that one day, I shall meet myself... when that day comes, I shall Cry for want to be freed from my own desires... but, Today, I laugh.