Magic Circle: Cycles of Reincarnation
(The Great Circle That Governs Life)

A Magic Circle is an unfulfilled continuum. It is said that one day, when the twin species called Man has finished its growth, its end will be as pure as was its beginning. As Man was pure before it trapped itself in Illusion, it will again be pure at the end of its growth. When that time comes, the continuum of Man's growth will be fulfilled... and, the Magic Circle of man's growth will be complete.

The Magic Circle is never seen alone; it is always supported by The Broken Cross. Together, The Magic Circle and The Broken Cross are the duality which exists within the framework of creation (they are the first of the great pairings); thus, the pairing of the two sets of law goes a long way toward fulfilling the law which states:

That which exists within the Chi shall exist dual in its nature, but Triune in its effects.

Needless to say, there are many levels to The Magic Circle; and, each level has its own graphical representation within the Lemurian lexicon. However, regardless of the level in question, Unity, Duality, and Triunity will always be represented. There may be more, but never will there be fewer.

Unity is represented by the Circle, as a whole... in that Unity will be represented as the pairing of the two great forces of FabricTime and LinearTime with the two aspects of the mostly undefined medium we know as space called-- FabricSpace and LinearSpace.

Within Unity, especially when we are dealing with The Universal way of doing things (the level of the laws which govern the creation of the carbon Universe), there are very major Royal Steering Currents that govern the nature of creation. Very specifically, because of the pairing of the two laws that state:

  1. The creation of the one is, in and of itself, the implication of the creation of the other;
  2. That which exists within the Chi shall exist dual in its nature, but Triune in its effects,

LinearTime (often called the working time, because it does all the real work of ordering the different levels of reality within any given plane of existence), and, FabricTime (often called recursive time because of its recursive nature; it is the power that makes order possible and makes all the different creations work together without any two levels of experience being in contest with any other level of experience--it creates the fabric of time, itself, regardless of the level in question and regardless of the reality of the moment) have left the Magi with a very difficult task, if he is to truly understand the intricate workings of the specific limitations that the laws which govern the creation of any planes of experience, not to mention their accompanying alter-realities, imposed upon the would-be traveler.

Indeed, there seems to be a number of built-in contradictions at work... in that, it would seem that FabricTime just is, as FabricSpace just is. Also, it would seem that Fabric-space can only be governed by FabricTime... albeit, it is a type of time that, as far as the Magi can determine, governs its respective FabricSpace via its absence (It [the absence] is one of the twin paths taken during the process of creation--the other path is called the presence).

One of the seeming contradictions is that in FabricTime and in FabricSpace there is no past... there is no present... there is no future... there are no beginnings and, there are no ends; therefore, there are no moments that exist within time... nor are there points in between moments; as these conditions only occur in LinearSpace and in LinearTime... yet, both Linear and Fabric natures exist within any given moment of the undefined medium of space.

FabricTime does not flow in FabricSpace... yet FabricSpace can only be governed by FabricTime, because of the special interaction between the two. This is the point of another seeming contradiction. There is much going on within FabricSpace, but the goings on are outside of time as we know it; as such, any living beings who are fortunate enough to experience the goings on of FabricSpace will have no living memory of the experience. This is because of the nature of the creation of life-forms as we know them to be.

Man, being such a life-form, was created such that he lives in the past, only... albeit, it might be the very immediate past that Man calls the now or the present, yet it is still the past. At the cost of perhaps repeating the seeming contradiction at hand, how can any living being who lives in the past consistently have experiences in the undefined medium of space that has no past... that has no present... that has no future... that has only the now? That is why the ancient Magi determined that most of a living being's spiritual A Happenings took place in The Now Zone... in a space that existed outside of Time... in a space that was beyond the bounds of creation as they knew creation to be.

To understand how this is valid, consider the time that is required for Man's eyes to see... consider the time that is required for this vision to travel down the nerves to finally lodge someplace in the brain... consider the time that is required for the brain to compare this vision with a label of its language... consider the time it takes for Man to have recognition of the vision... indeed, regardless of the shortness of the time in question, the living of the moment, and thereby the recognition of the A Happening is still in the past. This is why the graphical image of cosmic Man is someone walking down the road, with his head on backward.

FabricSpace, for the most part, is experienced as non-space--The Now Zone. Within the nature of the weave of FabricSpace, because of the nature of all experiences within LinearSpace, wherein all experiences must be recorded with reference to the past, the relative present, and the future, all experiences that are to be experienced within LinearSpace are first experienced in the Now Zone.

All experiences that are in the Now Zone utilize FabricTime; in that, it is the time that creation takes to transform the future into the relative present... to transform the relative present into the immediate past, where Man can conceive of it with his recognition processes... to transform the immediate past into the relatively distant past, where Man places his experiences into short-term memory, wherein he will make the decision as how to feel about what is happening... to transform his immediate past into his distant past, wherein Man will continue to build upon past experiences... to transform his distant past into memories that will either give future pleasure, or elicit future's guilt (a most favorite game for Man), wherein there is no awareness of either flow, or growth.

Needless to say, the undefined medium of space that we normally view in our every day... in our daily lives is not FabricSpace, as science would have us believe. It is really LinearSpace... it is a space that flows with activity... it is a space that moves with, and is therefore governed by LinearTime... it is a special relationship wherein LinearSpace and LinearTime are intertwined with each other... it is a special bubble of creation that exists within the greater bubble of the FabricTime/space continuum.

If an individual were to truly experience FabricSpace and/or FabricTime, the individual would have to journey to a point along continuum of undefined space... to a point where space, itself, folds back upon itself, thus allowing for a connecting point along the continuum that would do both, connect the two types of time/spaces together, and separate the two types of time/spaces from each other.

This is the point within creation that gives the traveling Magi the most trouble, with respect to understanding. Seemingly, it is a point that exists at, and as a part of, every other point along the continuum of the dual time/space continuum... seemingly, it is where a special creative condition exists, wherein differences can and do exist within sameness.

In other words, the paradox of the folding of time in upon itself (thus creating an eddy in the normal flow of LinearTime's ability to create; thus momentarily creating a unique bubble that is both within creation and outside of normal creation... a creation of a special situation can exist wherein two states of opposite creation can meet without destroying either), and the folding of the undefined medium of space in upon itself (wherein a door , a rend is opened between FabricSpace and LinearSpace, allowing for two distinct, and opposite natures to coexist without each eliminating the other. It is not unlike Matter and Antimatter existing side by side without canceling each other out) can allow one to experience two types of time sequences and two types of space sequences at the same moment. One type allows the free flowing of experiences to exist (wherein growth is experienced), while the other will not allow the sensation of flow, or the process of growth to exist.

The basic difference between the two types of existence medium is that all things connected with FabricTime/space would, in a flash become real, then unreal... What we of LinearSpace consider to be normal reality would have winked out for a moment, allowing a Fabric reality (a reality governed by FabricSpace and FabricTime) to occur. For an instant, a flash of time and a moment of space with no beginning, no end, no sequence, no steps, no points, nor nothing in between would occur; and then, just as quickly as it had occurred, it would be back again to normal reality. Needless to say, such an experience of having one's reference points shattered momentarily would unnerve any observer.

Indeed, this is the paradoxical nature of the creation of any given plane of experience that must be governed by the Royal Steering Currents that demand that all of its creations bend to both laws recursively, wherein the true nature of the FabricTime and FabricSpace relationship can coexist side by side, day by day, moment by moment with direct and indirect contact with and through the true nature of the LinearTime and LinearSpace relationship continuum. Again, the two laws in question are so important to the process of creation that we will take the chance of repetition. The two laws are:

  1. The creation of the one is, in and of itself, the implication of the creation of the other;
  2. That which exists within the Chi shall exist Dual in its nature, but Triune in its effects.

Duality (as seen in fig. #1) is represented by the spiraling inner circle, which is governed by the Linear-time/space continuum, and the outer circle, which is governed by the FabricTime/space continuum. Triunity is represented by the interaction of the inner circle's need to have a past, a present, and a future within which Man may live. Notice, it is the interaction between the inner circle and the outer circle, and not the presence nor the absence of the inner circle and the outer circle that holds the power to create the presence of the flow of time.

In any case, as stated earlier, there are many levels to the Magic Circle (see fig. #2). Regardless of which level of the Magic Circle is being discussed, Unity is always known as The Chi of the level at hand; Duality changes according to the level's demands; and, Triunity will depend upon The-Law-Of-The-moment's A Happenings.

As an example of the many levels of Duality within The Magic Circle, consider the following:

  1. The First Level--on the first level of the Magic Circle, Duality becomes the primary forces of The Presence (ruled over by Linear-time/space) and The Absence (ruled over by Fabric-time/space) of all things.
  2. The Second Level--Upon the second level of the Magic Circle, Duality becomes the limitations of Illusion and the limitations of that illusion's Reality.
  3. The Third Level--Upon the third level of the Magic Circle, Duality becomes the necessities of an individual's inner world, and, that same individual's outer world.
  4. The Fourth Level--Upon the fourth level of the Magic Circle, Duality becomes Logic and Emotions within an individual's inner world, within an individual's outer world, within an individual's illusions, and, within an individual's multiple states of Reality.
  5. The Fifth Level--Upon the fifth level of the Magic Circle, Duality becomes The Lower Gods (the lower gods are those things which cause the individual to descend deeper into his illusions) and The Higher Gods (the higher gods are those things which causes an individual to grow, such that they leave the more earthly pleasures behind as they pursue the more spiritual pleasures of life).
  6. The Sixth Level--Upon the sixth level of the Magic Circle, Duality becomes the games of the individual and the games of the world.
  7. The Seventh Level--Upon the seventh level of the Magic Circle, Duality becomes the individual's spirituality and the individual's mundaneness.
  8. The Eighth Level--Upon the eighth level of the Magic Circle, Duality becomes the individual's wants and the individual's shoulds.
  9. The Ninth Level--Upon the ninth level of the Magic Circle, Duality becomes the limits imposed on the individual by the individual's dreams and the limits imposed on the individual by the laws of the individual's realities.

These are but a few of the levels of the Magic Circle which directly affect the quality and the quantity of an individual's life, so long as that individual remains within the governing sphere of The Cocoon of Maya.

To aid the understanding of just what The Magic Circle is, let us summarize. The Subset of Recursive Dialusion called The Magic Circle consists of a set of laws which seems not unlike an ever changing... an ever downward spiraling band of frequencies that form, as it twists downward, a crude circle of changing necessities... a crude circle of changing levels of reality within which each is governed by the interaction of two bubbles of creation--the smaller bubble (linear-time/space) which is nested within the larger bubble (FabricTime/Space); a circle which although is ever changing, recursively interacts with both, the level above it and the level that is below it (Recursive Dialusion is the word that has reference to The Universal Set of The Laws of Creation).

An example of this circular nature of the law which governs the different levels of creation might be how the different life-forms survive by eating other life-forms, depending upon their place within what today's science calls the food chain; and, at the end of their life's cycle, they, in turn, are eaten by still other life-forms. The law which governs this action states: Life feeds upon life, and Death feeds upon The Oblivion [the oblivion, in this case, is the time it takes for one life-form to forget... it is also the separation of blasphemous individuals from the species, as a whole].

Another example of the circular nature of the law might be how, when a seemingly higher life-form, such as Man, eats; his body produces waste matter which is food for lower life-forms.

Still a third example might be how a higher life-form, such as Man, processes the food from which he gains nourishment. Few realize that most of the food which is eaten by Man is not directly consumed by Man.

While plants are rooted into the soil from which they obtain their nourishment (as a result of this, they have very little mobility in space, but are free to travel in time), the species Man carries his soil within him. It is within his internal soil that the life-forms (in the form of beneficial bacteria) which digest the food that Man eats, live. As it does so, it produces a waste product (the same as do the microbes which live in the external soil within which plants live). It is man's internal soil's accumulation of the beneficial bacteria's waste product upon which Man gains his nourishment--Man eats from his soil just as plants eat from their soil. In both cases, the life-form [both plants and Man] get their nourishment by absorbing the waste product of other life-forms. It is the law of Repeating Patterns at work.

Furthermore, very little of man's waste product is what remains of undigested food; in fact, the bulk of man's waste product is the remains of man's internal beneficial bacteria--the life-forms that live in the soil that Man carries inside of him. Still further, it is this waste product which Man expels that is broken down and re-consumed by still other [sometimes lower, but usually different] life-forms.

It is man's form to which we turn our attention next; but, first, let us go on another small aside, just to remind ourselves that the Magic Circle created and used different layers or different levels as a pattern to create man's very existence. This process of using different layers or different levels during the creation of The Maya is never more apparent as it is in The What If/But version of man's descent into The Grand Maya [The What If/But Manuscript tells one of the many versions of how the species Man came to be caught in the trap of Maya--how man was covered by his Coat-Of-Skin]. Perhaps, time might be set aside to reintroduce ourselves to this version of Man's descent before reading any further.

What If And But

In the continuum of the spell of life, all is accorded free-will to do as one pleases. This free-will was given to each by the Goddess Isis, through the power of the Ruby Of Life. The interaction of free-will within each individual's mind, in each plane of existence, and the implications that result from the exercise, are those things which keep diversity in a constant state of change.

Behold the journey of two Angels, as seen through the eyes of these two minds, as they come to experience this sometime gift, sometime curse called free-will. Behold their freedom to experience, in their own beginning, a possible way in which their universe has unfolded. We shall call them by their effectiveness of force: WHAT IF and its nemesis, BUT.

WHAT IF... each of us were given free-will by the eternal creator? WHAT IF we could use this free will to gain the illusion of leaving Primeval Force, called the Universal Nest?

BUT... the Universal Nest is everywhere. The creator is everywhere and in everything. It is impossible to leave Primeval Force.

WHAT IF... there were a way? A way to leave, yet truly not leave at all? WHAT IF... in our minds we could pretend we have left the nest?

BUT... how can we do this? We could pretend all we want but we will always know that we have not left the nest. Besides, why would we want to leave anyway?

WHAT IF... we pretend hard enough, think hard enough so as to fall asleep? To actually lose consciousness and dream about anything we desire.

BUT... is that possible? This free-will that we possess... would it allow us to do all that? And if it did, if we could do that, what should we think about?

WHAT IF... we could think about a physical universe? A place where our thoughts are held prisoner in a grosser matter. A place where we could have our own energy to play with. An energy inside a physical vehicle that has the power of mobility. A universe where we would have total dominion over what we want to experience. Think of the possibilities. We could play the game of sick, the game of war, the game of death, the game of pain... a playground with infinite possibilities.

BUT... even if we do think about such a place, and even if we could fall asleep, it would just be an illusion. It wouldn't be real... only our imagination.

WHAT IF... we pretended hard enough? We could create a new thing called reality. A reality only true to us unless others decided to use their free will to dream our dream too. The Creator would only see us as being asleep. An awareness dreaming fantasies and living within them. Besides, our free-will would protect us from any outside interference by the Creator. After all, it was given to us as a gift to do with what we please. Think of the endless possibilities we could experience with our free-will.

BUT... what if the fact that while experiencing this so-called dream we could stop it at any given moment knowing full well we can return to the awareness of the universal nest. Where is the trueness of leaving the nest while knowing this.

WHAT IF... this free-will was so powerful that we could make up any rules and any laws that we wanted? We could decide ourselves, how things should work. We could even install veils to keep us from knowing about our true Godlike abilities. They would keep us from knowing how to do certain things and therefore keep us from knowing the truth. We could transfer our awareness into the illusion itself, you know, as a part of trapping our energy of thought into matter, and law could keep it there so it wouldn't fall out when we weren't looking. This way we could experience the full sensation of separation from the universal nest without actually leaving it.

BUT... if free-will is that powerful and it can prevent us from knowing how to return to the awareness of the nest, won't we become forever lost?

WHAT IF... we made sure there were at least some hidden windows scattered about? Windows that would show us the way home. And, just to make sure we could return, in case we could not find the windows, let's evoke a law that would automatically return us to the source of our behavior, if our thoughts consisted only of the love for the all. All of our thoughts and all of our behaviors along this vein would automatically guide us back. The source of all things would be revealed to our higher minds and to our hearts. And, with this greater wisdom, our Ba would soar ever upward, toward the awareness of home.

BUT... What--

WHAT IF... say no more, let us dream. Let us pretend.

Lo and behold they did. Like a child caught with their new toy, illusions were played upon and bandied about without care of their effects. Illusions became the focus of not one but of many. All seemed to experience the diversity of free-will. Reality had indeed become a prison of thoughts.

And likened unto a child, the games that were played, and the games that were dreamed of and fantasized soon became their new creation called reality. Rules were made without under standing that the very force used to place them there now was also the very force that kept them there.

Those who made up new games chose what would be experienced as they played, but as in all rules which originate from the mind of a child, some things were left out. Certain concepts were not realized or remained unthought of. Implications of interactions were not completely addressed or even ignored out of bemusement.

As a result, the experimenters of free-will fell deeper and deeper in sleep, into their dreams of reality. Veils of forgetfulness took their toll upon the descending Ka.

With universal laws eventually forgotten, set aside, or purposely misused, they found that they could not find any of their secret windows, nor could they remember their own rules. They were, indeed, trapped within the Hell of Their Own Thoughts. The new physical universe, the illusion of someone's desire to experience a grosser reality, turned into a place of separation and despair rather than a place of oneness and joy. The imagined playground had become a circus of horrors.

Unfortunately, those who perceived the reflections of others seemingly having much pleasure in their dreams, wondered about the pleasures and the reality of the dream. They, too, decided to dream the dream of a grosser reality. Of a reality whereby their thought energy was completely imprisoned in matter.

Behold, ye who sojourns unto the sacred Ruby of Life, opportunities will come once in the saga of Time. Eventually the universe will share that which is mine. Our hearts have a dream which has begun, to give sustenance to the old and to shelter the young. As all are diminished or all are enhanced, what happens to just one will determine the dance. Throughout the eons again it's revealed that by our deeds of today, our future we seal. With each step of kindness, of sharing our wealth, we increase our own glory by the sharing of ourself. Each step that we take is a step for the whole. No greater gift can be given than the gift of our soul. So give of your ear and help all things rhyme. The young and the old will be served in their time. It's true that the fates have a way to judge souls, for each, in due time, will play the same role.

The diagram of Fig. #1, Fig. #2, Fig. #3, Fig. #4, and Fig. #5 shows us but five of the different limitations The Magic Circle at the top entrance imposes upon the descending Ka (it is ever present throughout the cocoon of The Grand Maya, even if it cannot be seen); and, it shows us a pattern of different layers and different levels. In this illustration, only four layers are shown. The downward spiraling lines separate the different levels; and, represent The Presence and/or The Absence of Placental type barriers which separate the different levels along many different veins of creation.