The Warning of the Magi:
(A note of caution is advised)

To venture on the Otherside of Life is not wise for the Magi that is ill prepared. This is a realm where the law of time itself is relative to such an extent that it is almost meaningless with its former reference points. It is a realm where any-- no matter how small--mistake condemns the actor to repetition until perfect is achieved--no matter what the cause or the cost. It is a realm where errors of thought, of deed, and of understand can not be forgiven... and, a realm where un-realized thoughts and acts are paid for by the Hell of Thoughts. It is a realm where time--as we know it--does not exist. It is a realm where States of Awareness--as we know it--does not exist. It is a realm where the very essence of beingness is such that no man of Earth may perceive and suffer to live the life of Matter.

Verily, Verily, I say unto you, Seeker beware! Before attempting to understand the Arcane Wisdoms, before attempting to train into the direction of the Forces of Reality, before attempting to control the State of Reality that exist within your mind, look deeply into your powers of reasoning, and deeper still into your motives! If you have not mastered the Great Fear, it would be far better for you to look elsewhere for information!.

Return to you life's experiences such as they are. Look no further into the Arcane Wisdom... for there, under your present condition of Fear, there is nothing but Death, and destruction for you!!!.

Behold, the powers involved in the understand of the Arcane Wisdoms are those that shape and create the very forces that makes it possible for your kind to have a mind. Once evoked, there can be no turning back to what you once war-ed upon, nor to return to the state of mind that once was.

Beware! The mind that wrenches the power must, for all eternity, struggle with the burden... the curse,... and, the gifts received from such power.

If the mind is unstable in its own security, it looses its ability to control the Forces it wrenched from nature. These forces, now without control, MUST return to its source of control-- the unstable mind-- and destroy it by entrapping it into the illusion it was created for. Only when the mind is destroyed, then and only then may for forces return under the control of the laws of nature.

Behold mortal! This is not the end. There is no escape! The unstable mind is trapped in a moment of time by the returning of the same force it evoked to do its bidding. There must the mind remain until it can once again free itself from the effects of the power of the force.

Behold! Once freed from the weakness that caused the loss of control, the same mind must again take control of the same force that it evoked, or be again trapped in the process.

Behold and beware mortal!!! Once a force--no matter what the strength of the force, nor the state of the force-- is evoked, the mind who committed the act may never be freed from that act's effect. Therefore, look long and deep into your Soul, into yourself before treading upon the Path of I Am!

It is with the wisdom of the ancient ones that we are taught the wisdom contained within the visions that lie beyond the Arcane Curtain. It is said that a seeker must look long and hard on each state of awareness before continuing to seek the Path To The Tree Of Life... whereby come the knowledge of all things.

It is said by the great sage of yore that if one is just another traveler along the path looking for help with the thoughts of having others give help, Visions are the most important mirror you shall ever look into. It is said that once you gaze into the Mirror of I Am, if you do not see yourself as you really are, as you really really are with all your motives about you, step no further into the realm of the Arcane Wisdoms of Truth. To do so will cause a complete loss of all reference points necessary for Life.

It is said by the great sage that just because an individual seeks the 'way', it does not mean that this individual will no longer be under the laws of his illusions. It is said by the great sage that if a man continue into the realm of the great truths without understand each concept, each individual thought, each individual behavior, and each implication, the man is a fool, as he begs for many many hardships.

It is said that if a man internalizes each new concept, each new thought with its implication and thereby completely changes his behavior accordingly, in its own sequence of time and experience, the mind will expand to such a degree that the entire individual's illusion will have changed.

As such, not only will the change in the individual--because of the change of the new behavior-- bring about the required changes in the behavior of the individuals about the beholder, each in its own time, the laws of creation will also change to allow this individual entrance into and beyond the Arcane Curtain's Ninth Gate.

If, however, the sequence is not internalized accordingly, most, if not all will be lost to the beholder. He will become just another of the many individuals who claim to be looking... but without seeking for truth... and his act of looking without finding truths will bring only empty gestures that seeks to control others for his own glorification.

It is said that while each concept, each new thought with its new awareness tries to enlighten the way, to make its own meaning known in all levels of communication, all levels of awareness the unknowing man will see only what his desires wish him to see. His own inequities shall force him to stumble. His own inequities shall be but a stumbling block along the way. The mind of the individual shall not become freed from the cycles of Matter. It shall become more trapped within the Hell of its own thoughts.